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Greatest Inspirational Quotes: 365 Days to More Happiness, Success, and Motivation | Joe Tichio
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Dr. Joe Tichio, creator of Greatest-Inpsirational-Quotes.com, shares an extraordinary collection of his favorite and most inspirational quotes from around the world and throughout history. The wisdom on these pages will empower and encourage you to live your life to the fullest. Start each day with a powerful dose of wisdom and inspiration as you are guided to take action, overcome fear, boost your self-esteem, create success, enjoy life, claim your inner strength, and make your dreams come true. Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for. -Socrates
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I feel like Litsy is the right place to search for that extra boost of motivation and inspiration today. Drop those quotes below, Littens!

Annie1215 I don‘t have any saved, but my go to is “if it doesn‘t challenge you it doesn‘t change you” the hard times are so important and developmental! 4y
Chelseabillups30 @Annie1215, you are so right! That‘s a great one. Thank you for sharing it with me! 4y
Jovy The latest I‘ve saved, and so apt in today‘s world... “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” 4y
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Burn the mid night, you can achieve success .

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Going through a personal struggle right now.

Six years ago, I was diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis and while I have been in remission for over five years, this past month, I experienced a very difficult relapse.

I was hospitalized two separate times, and am still waiting approval for my treatment.

What inspirational quotes could you share?

Thanks in advance - words mean a lot to me, and this could be very helpful.

wanderinglynn 💚 I hope your recovery is quick. I love quotes. Here‘s one of my faves from Winnie-the-Pooh: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. 5y
jewright I‘m sorry you are going through a difficult medical time. I am sending you warm wishes and a hug. I find the words of the 23rd Psalm comforting. 5y
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wanderinglynn I also like this quote: Mosaics are made from broken pieces but they are still works of art. And so are you. (Unknown) 5y
Chrissyreadit I will make a post for you with my two favorites and tag you- they seem trite but become my mantra 5y
jenniferw88 My personal mantra when I'm in hospital/doing hospital-related things: I can do this, I can cope, I am brave. 5y
SW-T “What we do see depends mainly on what we look for. ... In the same field the farmer will notice the crop, the geologists the fossils, botanists the flowers, artists the colouring, sportmen the cover for the game. Though we may all look at the same things, it does not all follow that we should see them.” ~ John Lubbock. I hope the quote helps you in some small way. 5y
CatAndKindle My doctors‘ surgery used to have a poster on the wall that said “a person can go a long way when they‘re tired. Don‘t give up” it‘s carried me through some tough times. Hope you feel better soon xxx 5y
ljuliel Take one day at a time. If one day seems too much, take one hour. Don‘t try to look at the big picture because it can be overwhelming. You‘ll get through this. You are strong and to deal with chronic illnesses, you need to remind yourself of that. 5y
KristenDuck @ljuliel love that. I am probably at the one hour part right now. 5y
ljuliel Kristen, my favorite Dr told me that about ten years ago. I was feeling very overwhelmed with dealing with multiple chronic illnesses , specialists and tests. It‘s frightening , isn‘t it ? It helps if you have a trustworthy Dr , who will explain Only what you are ready to hear . Tell them you‘re scared and you need time to process things a step at a time. Also, don‘t be afraid to change specialists. The right one makes a world of difference. 💕💕 5y
KristenDuck @ljuliel great words of advice. That really meant a lot to me to hear you say all that. 5y
Butterfinger I'm not good with quotes, but the song Lean on Me popped in my head. Litsy will be here for you. I'd like to send you a care package. My email is tammydayton75@gmail.com. Prayers. 5y
ljuliel Tag me if you ever want to talk. I‘m in here every single day. You can do this. Don‘t give up. ❤️ 5y
Megabooks Sending a lot of love. 💕💕💖💖 I‘ve had chronic health issues for over 20 years. Lately I‘ve liked, “The comeback is always greater than the setback.” And I always think this going into surgery, “I am a big brave dog.” From Rugrats of all places! I sincerely hope your treatment gets approved!! 💙💙 5y
Karkar This one is my favorite. We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. Abraham Lincoln 5y
DieAReader “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it” John 1:5 NLT. I have this tattooed on my left inner forearm. Words I live by daily. @ljuliel @KristenDuck I take a minute @ a time & often I‘m balancing on the wire second by second. You got this girl! Feel free to tag me @KristenDuck anytime if you wanna/need to talk. I‘m here everyday also. 💖💖💖 5y
sprainedbrain I hope your recovery is quick, and I‘m so sorry you‘re going through this rough time. I like this one: "Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising up every time we fail" – Ralph Waldo Emerson 5y
Redwritinghood Sorry to hear this. Here‘s one I liked: “A woman is like a tea bag: You never know how strong it is until it's in hot water.” I‘m sure you‘ll find that you are very strong. 💪🏻💪🏻 5y
KristenDuck @Redwritinghood I‘m trying my hardest. 5y
Jas16 Sending you so much love and support. 5y
KristenDuck Thank you @Jas16 5y
plemmdog Sorry to hear this. I hope you have people with compassion taking care of you. Chronic diseases suck. I‘m not a happy quote person, what usually helps is for someone to tell me I‘m not alone. It‘s hard to keep perspective when you‘re ill. 5y
Unabashedly_Reading :( So very sorry to hear this, sending hugs! Here is a quote I love: “Sometimes, when something terrible is happening, I try my damnedest to concentrate on the most inconsequential, unrelated detail readily available to me. A detail that, in the grand scheme of things, has nothing to do with the situation at hand.” - Bright Side 5y
BookwormM Sorry to hear this I am another Spoonie diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis 2 years ago I have a great rheumatologist and I am on the best meds‘ I always tell myself I was lucky to get this now when treatment is so good not years ago like my Nan who has joint deformities now. You are stronger than you think because you still keep going! Hugs from me to you. 5y
KristenDuck @BookwormM you sound strong yourself :) thank you 5y
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MoonWitch94 So very true. 5y
TheSpineView @MoonWitch94 😕 yes we do! 5y
Dyslexicon13 I don‘t. I never have and I never will. You will not meet anyone else like me. 5y
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So true 💙

JoScho 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 6y
TCLinrow Yes! 🙌🧡 6y
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What inspires us? What makes want to do more, be better? #inspiration #Quotsy #QuotsyJan18 #LitsyQuoteChallenge

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http://inspirobot.me is my new favorite website. It tries to autogenerate inspirational posters but usually gets them completely wrong. Here is one of my faves that I got! 😂 I bet someone will make a collection of these and sell it as a book.

DGRachel Is that supposed to be as super creepy as it seems to me? 😱 7y
mcipher These are insane!! I just had so much fun letting it give me weird inspiration. 😂😂 7y
Jess7 Lmao - the subtext of this text is #BecomeAStalker 😱😂🤣😳 #creepybuthilarious 7y
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Jess7 I just tried it and here are my first three: (1) When we can unmask numbers we can spy on our orgasms; (2) History is to surrender; and (3) After the murder comes the day. #WTF #creepyinspiration from #InspiroBot 😬😳🤣 (edited) 7y
bookandcat @DGRachel the bot can't figure out the difference between creepy and not 😂😂 7y
bookandcat @mcipher @Jess7 they're so creepy and hilarious. Jess the third one you got is hysterical! 7y
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Day 25: So many great Neil Gaiman-isms ... hard to choose a #favoritequote ! This is from one of his recent New Year's messages he posts on his blog. I got fancy and tried my hand at Typorama...kinda cool, but I don't think I have the patience to get it "just so." #riotgrams #iheartneilgaiman