Compelling, heartbreaking, and very impactful. I did not see that end coming! Betrayal, double crossing, and deep rooted mistrust. Such a fantastic book. Book #97 in 2024
Compelling, heartbreaking, and very impactful. I did not see that end coming! Betrayal, double crossing, and deep rooted mistrust. Such a fantastic book. Book #97 in 2024
22 #97 I really enjoy Sarah Sundin‘s books. Clean. Well written. Maybe a little romancy but no sex scenes so I can deal.
This was an unexpected delight. At first, I wasn‘t sure about it, but once it got going, it was great. A short, funny read. Don‘t underestimate little old ladies!! #97 #BookSpin #BFC22 #TrappedOnAnIsland #Scarathlon2022 #Spookoween2022 #31by31 #Pointsathon #LittenListens #Autumnbingo2022 #bodycountbingo #AutumnAtoZ
21 #97 As I said I am not into witches and such. But I kinda liked the first book in this series. This one was much more witchy and weird. And worse …a bad romance. Every encounter with the love interest said “heat pooled in my abdomen.” So bad. Won‘t be continuing with this one.
It‘s too small to read but I‘ve set my list for #Roll100 in 2022. Realistically, I‘m hoping for at least a 50% completion rate since I know there will be other books, both old and new, to tempt me in the New Year!
This book is from our local library and it was a wonderful read about Martha Washington‘s life. It portrayed her as a strong woman, very empathetic and a fierce protector of her family and especially George. The inclusion of many things about their daily lives were very interesting and made me feel I could understand her better. She loved being a mother. #100YEARS100BOOKS #97 #BookSpinBingo #12 (Bingo!) #TAILSandTALESforADULTS #24 #FIRSTLADIES
#97 of 2020. This book started out a little slow but definitely reeled me in as the story progressed. Lots of twists and turns with a surprising conclusion. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#kimberlymccreight #thriller