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This year I‘ll be reading! I was just mentioning to the BF that I usually have a tracker and updates on for the Super Bowl, but not this year. I just really really don‘t like these two teams. So, I‘ll be reading to my hearts content this evening, with a little Trollope and Williams‘, STONER. Both, are excellent thus far.

Trashcanman Assaignation of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford. 7y
catebutler @Trashcan.man Your book sounds fabulous! I‘ve always loved reading about the West. I‘m currently reading Lonesome Dove, which has been epic so far! 7y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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My husband and I met at a Super Bowl party seventeen years ago. Neither of us are football fans, so we sat in the kitchen and talked all night. In honor of our meeting, every year we have the game on in the background. Tonight, only Anya is really watching. He‘s drawing, and I‘m reading. #bookbowl

TheLibrarian 😂 you‘re dog 7y
Kmmsellers @TheLibrarian I know 😂 She likes soccer too. I think it‘s the balls being thrown and all the running. 😂 7y
Johanna414 That‘s fantastic! Does she ever watch hockey? We have a cat that loves watching hockey- I think the white background with dark specks moving around... 7y
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BookMaven407 😂 that's awesome. 7y
Reviewsbylola That‘s so perfect. ♥️ 7y
Kmmsellers @Johanna414 We haven‘t tried hockey yet. 😊 @Reviewsbylola @BookMaven407 ❤️❤️ 7y
Purrfectpages I ❤️ this! 7y
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Book...this is Litsy not sportsy! 😉

I caught-up on my section of #LOTRChapterADay, before the pre-show was even over, started Golden Son, and now I think I‘m going to flip through the Black Panther Volume One that I got from Hoopla.

So apparently my reading is all about revolt, revolution, and bucking the crushing status quo.✊ maybe that means a Bowl upset....🤷‍♀️


Jess7 Both (sort of) ... Super Bowl is playing in the background while I read and my husband watches it. I did stop reading long enough to watch Justin Timberlake, but that‘s about it. Trying to stay awake to watch This is Us after the SB 7y
Gezemice I ended up reading on the couch and looking up every time my husband got excited about something. I occasionally do watch football but an entire game is way too long for me. 7y
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Watching a bit because I have stupid white floaters in my eye. I really want to go back to my book.

Stillhouse Lake | Rachel Caine
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What is everyone up to today? I don‘t really care about the Super Bowl, but... #compromise 🤨Husband is happy; I am happy. And we have yummy snacks, so that‘s fun. #queso #dip #bbqpork #bookbowl #stillhouselake #thriller

ReviewsbytheMrs Queso makes everything better 😊💜 7y
mrozzz Snacks are the only reason I “enjoy” Super Bowl day. 😏 7y
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#bookbowl @Librarianaut

I'll take my Kindle to my uncle's Superbowl party but there's seven small children in my family right now. I can't imagine having any focus. 😂 I don't think that Superbowl wins by default though; I'll probably be playing with all the kids. 😄

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#bookbowl @Librarianaut If the games real good I'll stick with it but if i get bored I'll be reading & tuining in to commercials. Thank goodness for #serialreader stopped at my in-laws we decide to stay to watch game here w\o a book handy so it will be coming through for me incase i get bored with the game. How funny is this JT superbowl meme? Hubby who's a sports fanatic even found it funny said it was made for sports fans like me 😉

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Both! My husband and son will be all 🏈🏈🏈 but since we‘re not going to a party this year I‘ll be finishing one of the books above! #bookbowl

Hoopiefoot Both! I love to read while watching sports 😄 7y
CoffeeK8 @Hoopiefoot when my husband I were first dating he‘d watch baseball and I‘d read a book and it worked out perfectly, the tradition continues every year, for all sports 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Neither it was my son‘s birthday today. We watched the recorded game after our kids went to bed. Lol 😂 7y
CoffeeK8 @ForeverNerdy sounds efficient & fun! 7y
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Today we will host the monthly Writers Coffehouse gathering in-store, led by local author Scott Sigler. The meeting wraps at 3:00, so plenty of time for both (unless one is engaged in party prep). #BookBowl @Librarianaut