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West with Giraffes | Lynda Rutledge
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#BookedInTime 1930s Dust bowl June 2024
@cuilin @dabbe

I love all the different covers I found for this book.
Based on true events...
1930s road trip with a couple of giraffes, a teenage boy (Woody) and a curmudgeon. (old man) I flew through this one.

Cuilin ✅🎉I wish I had a chosen that book. I DNF‘d mine I may try another. But yeah, definitely. #CoverLove. 2w
sblbooks @Cuilin you have plenty of time. 2w
dabbe On the spreadsheet! 🤩 2w
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The Four Winds | Kristin Hannah
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This book has grabbed me and I‘m reading it fast which is unusual for me. Getting cold on the east coast of 🇦🇺 much to my disgust. Here I am drinking my delicious weekend just gone margarita in the hammock with gloves, a blanket and a🧣on 😭. I was still 🥶! Reminiscing about the Australian dust storms last drought! My parents have retired and no longer live on a farm so no more dust storms for them or me! My parents once lost each other in 1.

Cuilin I like your style. It‘s forever summer if you have a hammock and a margarita. Keep warm. I hope to read this one too. 2w
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West with Giraffes | Lynda Rutledge
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Loved this! Beautiful story. 🦒🦒

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4 ⭐️ This was a #bookclub selection and a #reread in April. And I enjoyed it much more this time than I did the first time that I read it. I think it was because I could comprehend it better this time around than I did the first time. I liked the interspersing of newspaper columns with the story. Even though there are some dark themes in this book, I found it to be fairly easy to read. #2024 #bookreview #fiction #greatdepression

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West with Giraffes | Lynda Rutledge

A delightful story about 1930‘s America and a cross country trip with two giraffes. The vision of America in the 30‘s is quite depressing. But good story.

Out of the Dust | Karen Hesse
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IndoorDame 🩷🩷🩷 4w
TheBookHippie 🩷🩷🩷🩷 4w
dabbe @IndoorDame 🩷🤍🩷 4w
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dabbe @TheBookHippie 🩷🤍🩷 4w
Eggs Beautifully done 🍎💚🌳 4w
dabbe @Eggs 🩷🤍🩷 4w
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Voices of the Dust Bowl | Sherry Garland
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repost for @Cuilin

This is our 12th #BookedInTime prompt. It‘s been a whole year!!
What you are reading this month? Did you have a favorite era? Novel? As I plan the next few months, is there a specific time period you would like to see soon?

Reminder: We have an awesome spreadsheet with all the wonderful books everyone's been reading!
Here's the link: https://bit.ly/4bFAh8Q

Cuilin Thank you so much for the repost. 🙏 1mo
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The Four Winds | Kristin Hannah
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This is our 12th #BookedInTime prompt. It‘s been a whole year!!
What you are reading this month? Did you have a favorite era? Novel? As I plan the next few months, is there a specific time period you would like to see soon?

@dabbe @desha @rachel52 @rubyslippersreads @chaoticmissadventures @barkingmadread
@megnews @sblbooks
@thebookgeekfrau @bookwormjillk @deblovestoread @jenniferw88

Check out @dabbe comment re: book list.

sblbooks Time flies! I can't believe it's been a year already. I prefer recent history 1750 or after. 1mo
Bookwormjillk This makes me want to read The Grapes of Wrath again. 1mo
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AllDebooks @Bookwormjillk I've chosen The Grapes of Wrath. @Cuilin ❤️ that year has flown. I've enjoyed the mix you've selected over the year. I would like some Asian/African history x 1mo
Cuilin @AllDebooks great suggestions, thank you. 1mo
Cuilin @sblbooks 👍 more recent, got it! 1mo
Mollyanna It‘s been a fun year! If I had to choose maybe some ancient Egypt. I am looking forward to the Dust Bowl category and am reading 1mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Love these prompts! I agree with others on would like to read more Asian and African history, I also have on my shelves Camelot and set at the turn of the 20th Century. 1mo
Deblovestoread @mollyanna I‘ve had Death of a Rainmaker on my TBR since a friend recommended it pre-Covid. I was planning on this one but may try to read both 1mo
rubyslippersreads Ancient Egypt, the Wars of the Roses, the Edwardian era. 1mo
dabbe @Cuilin Would you mind re-tagging everyone in this group re: the following?

Reminder: We have an awesome spreadsheet with all the wonderful books everyone's been reading! If you'd like to update/change/give a rating on any book on this list, comment below, and tag me (@dabbe), and I'll fix it!
Here's the link: https://bit.ly/4bFAh8Q
dabbe I simply have to reread one of my top five favorite books (written all in poetry) entitled OUT OF THE DUST by Karen Hesse. 1mo
dabbe Thanks, m'dear! 💙🩵💙 1mo
rubyslippersreads @dabbe This is great! 1mo
dabbe @rubyslippersreads 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
TheBookgeekFrau Happy Birthday to us!!! 🎉🎊📚 1mo
Cuilin @TheBookgeekFrau yes!! Felicitations all around. 🎉 1mo
julieclair A year already! This is definitely one of my favorite groups on Litsy. For the Dust Bowl, I will be reading 1mo
julieclair Italian Renaissance, Golden Age of Piracy, Colonial Caribbean, American Revolution, War of the Roses, 19th Century Hawaii 1mo
Itchyfeetreader For this month I am reading 1mo
Itchyfeetreader Some other ideas of periods - Victorian England, Indian independence, Spanish civil war, napoleonic wars, Arab spring, Shang dynasty, restoration England, pre unification Italy, 1mo
thegreensofa Is the Australian convict times an era? For the Dust bowl I am reading 1mo
kspenmoll I saw that Woodie Guthrie w rote a little known book about this era. Trying to see if library system has it 1mo
Cuilin @julieclair thank you for the compliment and for sharing some great ideas. 💗 1mo
Cuilin @Itchyfeetreader I‘m so glad you said Indian independence. 😉 love all your ideas thank you. (edited) 1mo
Cuilin @kspenmoll I hope you can find it 1mo
Cuilin @thegreensofa yes it is. On the list. Thank you. 1mo
ncsufoxes I have Four Winds sitting on my TBR but sadly it has been packed up. 1mo
Cuilin @ncsufoxes my husband just informed me that he have our copy to his mom. 🤦‍♀️ 1mo
SpellboundReader Congrats on a whole year @Cuilin and @dabbe.
As per my usual, I'm joining in at the end of a challenge and plan to read The Dust Bowl: An Illustrated History. Are nonfiction history books acceptable, in addition to historical fiction?
As for suggestions, I shouldn't have any input here but would mention 19th Century Medical History (think Florence Nightingale). The other HF books I have on my kindle are in the overdone WWl & WWll categories.
Cuilin @SpellboundReader thank you. Nonfiction are absolutely acceptable and I love your suggestions. I added you to the tag list. Welcome. 1mo
SpellboundReader Thank you. 🤗 1mo
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Echo Mountain | Lauren Wolk
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#summersouls #mountains @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Loved this middle grade historical fiction about a girl adjusting to a completely new way of life after her family loses their home due to the 1929 stock market crash.

Eggs Sounds good 👌🏼👏🏻 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️ ⛰️ 👍🏻 1mo
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