1. I ❤️ having a group of kindred spirits to discuss books with. We may not all like the same books, but the important thing is that we all ❤️ books.
2. I‘m interested in most things, although I haven‘t done any swaps in awhile. And I love how Litsy has expanded my TBR. Also #catsoflitsy 😸
3. I wish there were a way to organize our followerers/followees. I have so many in my feed, I feel like I‘m sometimes missing things. #litsyquestionnaire ⬇️
5. I love readalongs/buddy reads, especially when they make me read a book I‘ve had on my TBR for ages. I like some of the questionnaires, but haven‘t done any readathons.
6. Make the app stop crashing after a new post in iOS. ⬇️ (edited) 5y