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Columbus Market paid dividends again with this memorable 💎 of a statue I had to have. So of course I had to get the books again for a fond re-read. This beautiful copy came on my radar. #currentlyreading #afondreread #lovethisseries #teamdrowelf 💙🥹

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Absolutely devoured #TheShapeofNight

After a long day off taking my two year old to the farm for a play date, use decided to sit down and reread an oldie but goodie #comfortreading #comfortbooks #lovethisseries ❣❣

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Kindle readers!! Heads up!! A fantastic purchase for your kindle! The first two books of A Court of Thorn and Roses Series is at a great price right now! #lovethisseries #acotar

Ingerella I bought both on your recommendation, and I'm not a fantasy reader. I'm willing to give them a try. I hope I like them! 6y
Madamereginald @Ingerella if you don‘t like them, I‘m not sure we can be sisters anymore...🤞🏼😉 6y
Morr_Books Thanks for the heads up. I'm gonna try them. 6y
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Doing some preparation reading in anticipation of May 1st!

🎉 #GirlShriek #LoveThisSeries #ATB #ATB24in48 🎉

JaclynW Gorgeous photo! 6y
Nute OMG! Love this photo! 6y
annahenke I can't wait! 6y
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Jess_Read_This @JaclynW @Nute Thank you!!! The teapot and ironstone pitcher were $1 finds at an estate sale. (My ocd streak is screaming at me that I didn‘t put the books in the correct order though.. lol) (edited) 6y
Jess_Read_This @annahenke Me too!! It takes a special series to get me to abandon all other reading to reread the books in preparation for it. 6y
Seesydneyread I‘ve always heard wonderful things about this series but have never read them! May need to go get them ☺️ 6y
398.2 I can‘t wait!!!!!!! I got a friend at work hooked to so we can talk about it lol 6y
KarouBlue Hey! Me too! I just love a book you can‘t put down! 6y
JaclynW @Jess_Read_This Great finds for a great price! My OCD would be having the same issue. 😉😄 6y
elkeOriginal Are you rereading all three?! 😱👏🏻 6y
Jess_Read_This @Sydneyreads You picked the best time to read the series! You won‘t have to wait for the next ones to come out... especially with the endings in the first two! 6y
Jess_Read_This @398.2 I raced through these last weekend and now am anxiously waiting for May 1st! 6y
Jess_Read_This @elkeo I did! I didn‘t leave the house all of last weekend. 6y
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Hell's Teeth | James Fahy
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A re read of this series is in order for when the third one comes out next month! Have you read this? If you love your vampire novels, then I highly recommend it. this is not your typical vampire novel, no insta love here just a kickass protagonist and a brilliant plot. 😈
#bibliophile #bookworm #vampirebook #bookgeek #booknerd #bookseries #bookcollection #vampire #gothicreads #lovethisseries

Jamesfahyauthor Yay! Lovely to hear you enjoyed 😈 7y
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A Conjuring of Light | Victoria Schwab
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"I have never known what to make of you. Not since the day we met. And it terrifies me. You terrify me. And the idea of you walking away again, vanishing from my life, that terrifies me most of all." ❤️

Yes... I feel the same way about this series. The #BookHangover is going to be in epic proportions. ?

#VESchwab #ACOL #LoveThisSeries #IHeartKell

Redy2trvl I feel your pain! I crushed book 1 and have been putting off book 2 so the series can linger as long as possible. 7y
Jess_Read_This @Redy2trvl Do you have Book 3 on standby?! If not, get it. It was a solid piece of advice those that have gone before us in this series gave me. 😉Seriously, you will want it when you crush Book 2. 7y
alisiakae I agree, you will want to go right to Book 3! 7y
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Lizpixie I've just finished Nevernight and have picked up this series as my book hangover cure. I can't wait for Godsgrave to be released but hopefully this makes the waiting a bit easier! 7y
Jess_Read_This @Lizpixie Oh! You might have just suggested a series for my hangover cure as well! Nevernight looks pretty good. 7y
Redy2trvl @Jess_Read_This Yes, I bought book 3 prior to 2. I found it for 50% off in my B&N. Book 2 ended up being part of my first #bookoutlet order. Double win there. I'm trying to hold off until Labor Day on book 2. We shall see how that goes!!!! 7y
Jess_Read_This @Redy2trvl That was most excellent planning! I had to hastily thank the Amazon Prime book fairies for my Book 3. 😂 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto I've never read these. Thinking it's going to need to happen soon. Ive seen a lot of positive lately. 7y
Jess_Read_This @Ashley_Nicoletto I've been really enjoying the series. Her world building is so vivid and I love the characters. 7y
actualdisneyprincess 😍😍😍😍😍😍 7y
Schlinkles @Jess_Read_This Excellent taste in bookmarks and bookstores! 7y
Jess_Read_This @Schlinkles ❤️❤️❤️I have kept that bookmark from my first visit to E Shaver and use it constantly! I can't wait for my return trip down to Savannah in a few weeks! One of my favorite bookstores! 7y
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🤔Is it ever a good idea to start the last 1/4 of what is supposed to be a cliffhanger ending before book 3, which sits at home, on lunch break?

#LunchAndABook #Cliffhanger #LoveThisSeries #VESchwab

Cathythoughts Good question! 🤔😮 7y
aeeklund The cliffhangerest of cliffhangers!! 7y
elkeOriginal I told you to keep book 3 close! 7y
Jess_Read_This @aeeklund @elkeo It was!! I waited to finish it when I got home from work. Aaaaand promptly jumped into the next so I could briefly sigh with relief. 7y
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You know that feeling when the library sends you an email to let you know the ebook you had on hold is in and has automatically been checked out to you? Yeah, I'm totally basking in that feeling. 😍

#heroesofolympus #rickriordan #librariesrock #lovethisseries

Heart on the Line | Karen Witemeyer
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I named my post-it bear Completely normal, right? #lovethisseries #urbanfantasy

readinginthedark I support this. Owen is a solid name. 😉 8y
OrangeMooseReads Completely. 8y
Sarah83 Of course. 😃 8y
CrowCAH Adorable! 8y
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