Bailing as this is definitely not what I was expecting. It is not about running. It is not a memoir. It is a non-fiction introduction to mental health (mainly anxiety) full of a lot of facts and references. Useful if that‘s what you‘re after!
Bailing as this is definitely not what I was expecting. It is not about running. It is not a memoir. It is a non-fiction introduction to mental health (mainly anxiety) full of a lot of facts and references. Useful if that‘s what you‘re after!
2019 started off with a promise to read more. But it spiralled into a case of #Tsundoku. I realised part of my temptation grew from Litsy - too many fabulous books and too little time! So I stayed away till I sliced through my TBR. ☝🏽though was an impulsive buy. Came via #FleasBookClub. Being a hardcore #RHCP fan, I just had to get it. I didn‘t read it in time for the chat but no regrets. It‘s turning out to be a great read! #NoGuilt #GimmeMore
I HATE to bail on this one because I KNOW is spectacularly written. The plot just didn‘t hold my interest. There is no doubt that McCarthy is a brilliant author who can make you feel everything he‘s conveying...but this western type storyline just wasn‘t for me. #guiltybail
I‘m trying to fight through this awful cold with reading. But this book is totally not doing it for me. I left it, came back to it, I gave it 150 pages. But it‘s just not keeping my attention. It seems well written but very detailed, unnecessarily so. Also- does anyone else struggle with #BookGuilt when you rate a book badly? I feel badly when I say all these negative things. . . but I also feel the need to be honest. 🤷🏻♀️
Picked up a couple of holds that I'm excited about! 👏🏽 #libraryhaul
(Also returned two unread. Felt a smidge guilty about that but I figured I can always check them out again later!)
I spent my morning getting my run in before I read the rest of the day. #noguilt #Friyayintro @jess.how
I probably bought more I just remember buying these in May!! #Maybookpurchses
FINALLY I finished this week's paper and can concentrate on reading again! 📝I'm feeling like I might have to bail on this one though--I really want to like it, but the main character is pretty unpleasant and I've always struggled with unlikable protagonists. 😆
🙀 I know.. I know.. I'm in the minority of the Litsy reviewers. I just couldn't get into it. I thought it too juvenile and all over the place. Maybe just not my cup of tea at this tea party. #ontothenext #ya #unbirthday #wonderland #didnotfinish #noguilt #audiobookfail
Got to about half way and just couldn't finish. I expected a gothic horror and it definitely wasn't!