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On the eighth day of Christmas…

I originally read this to fill a prompt for #ReadingTheAmericas23 but ended up listening to the whole thing in one day. It was my birthday and just kept puttering in my yard so I could listen to more. I love the memory almost as much as the book. #12booksof2023

Happy New Year 🎆

Ruthiella Happy New Year to you! 🥳 7mo
UwannaPublishme Happy New Year! 🤗🎉🥂 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent choice. Happy New Year. 7mo
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With thanks to @ju.ca.no who gifted me this which took me one step closer to #readingtheamericas23 it‘s a short story collection and as ever some are stronger than others. All are dark, some exceedingly so and the writing is sparse and kind of beautiful even when subject matter is macabre@and deeply disturbing . Not something I would have bought myself but a pick

ju.ca.no Glad it ended up being a pick! 8mo
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Kurt‘s family has brought Rachel along on their trip to #Aruba, when the teen group seems something mysterious come from the sky. When they go to investigate, Kurt vanishes. They spend the rest of the book trying to figure out how to get him back. This is self-published and it shows, but I was entertained by this little sci-fi YA. A low pick (for books 1&2).


Librarybelle Hooray!! 8mo
squirrelbrain Are you nearly there with #readingtheamericas23? 8mo
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain Seven to go! I have 2 I need to get from the library but have the rest at hand. I should be able to make it happen. 8mo
BarbaraBB Only seven! You got this 🙌🏽 8mo
squirrelbrain Hooray! Fingers crossed you can do it! 🤞 8mo
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Zoo Quest in Paraguay | David Attenborough
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Final book for #readingtheamericas23!

I borrowed the book from my Mum, which includes Zoo Quests in Indonesia and #guyana too, but #paraguay is also available in a stand-alone book, tagged.

I loved this book, which is David mostly looking for armadillos in 1958.

In fact I‘ve loved this whole challenge - thank you Barbara and Jess for hosting! I cheated a little bit this year, and two books did a lot of the heavy lifting, covering a number ⬇️

squirrelbrain …of countries each. Those books are tagged below, and were amongst my favourites of the challenge. Also, two fiction books were my top and bottom. The Violin Conspiracy was my favourite, and I hated Really Good, Actually. Weirdly, I read both right at the start of the challenge in January / February. 9mo
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Librarybelle Yay!! Congratulations on completing! Thank you for joining us!! 9mo
Amiable Nice job! 9mo
BarbaraBB So very good Helen! You‘re the first to finish, congratulations 🎉. I think you‘ve read almost all countries in the world now! 9mo
squirrelbrain Woohoo, am I the first?! @BarbaraBB 🎉 9mo
Megabooks Congratulations!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 9mo
Hooked_on_books David Attenborough is such a treasure! What a great guy to end your challenge with. Congrats! 🍾 9mo
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Deadly Deceit | Jean Harrod
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I wasn‘t hugely looking forward to this; it was just to tick a box for #turksandcaicos for #readingtheamericas23. And then, when it arrived, it was the second in a series. 🙄

However, it was really quite good. Jess works for the UK Diplomatic Service (it helps that the author did too, I think) and arrives on the islands to find that the Governor has been in a serious car crash, then there is a murder and no-one is who they seem.

BarbaraBB That does sound good indeed! 9mo
Librarybelle Sounds interesting! 9mo
Megabooks Sounds interesting! 9mo
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I finished #52bookclub23 with these books for each prompt. Most of them I liked, some of them I just read to get rid of the prompt but in general it‘s been fun again and I enjoyed sharing suggestions with you and be inspired by your reviews. Here‘s to #52bookclub24!

rmaclean4 Fantastic!! 9mo
Librarybelle Hooray!!! 9mo
Lindy 🏆 9mo
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Deblovestoread Well done! 🎉🙌🏼 9mo
AmyG Wow! 🙌🏻 9mo
IndoorDame 👏🙌👏 9mo
Ruthiella Well done! 👏👏👏 9mo
Simona Congrats 🍾🥂 9mo
squirrelbrain Hooray! 🎉🎉🎉 I just finished too, and #pop23. I have two books to read on #ReadingtheAmericas23 and then I‘m done with challenges for the year. Although…when do we expect the ToB longlist?! 🤔 9mo
Read4life Fantastic 🎉 9mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Second half of November! Can‘t wait! 9mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain And so good that you‘re finishing all the challenges! I finished #pop23 already but won‘t finish #ReadingTheAmericas23, too many islands! 9mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
squirrelbrain This one ticked off a lot of islands! 9mo
squirrelbrain I‘ve signed up for email notification for ToB - I‘m very much looking forward to it, although often the books are hard to get hold of. 9mo
Suet624 Congratulations. Great accomplishment. 9mo
sarahbarnes Congrats! 🍾 9mo
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This book is in two parts; the first tells the story of the 1972 Andean plane crash, which the author survived and then trekked across the mountains for help.

The second part is about how the doctor used his experience, alongside pioneering discoveries, to treat unborn and very young babies with heart conditions.

I‘m using this for #Uruguay for #readingtheamericas23, as that is where the doctor is from; it would work for #Argentina too.

BarbaraBB Uruguay! A difficult country to find books from 9mo
Librarybelle I bet this was a tough read! 9mo
squirrelbrain It was tough but in a different way to what I expected @Librarybelle. Parts of the story were told by Canessa‘s parents and girlfriend, with the second half including testimonies from the parents of the children he treated, so all quite emotional. 9mo
squirrelbrain It is a difficult country to find books from @BarbaraBB - luckily I borrowed this from my Mum! 9mo
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#WeeklyForecast 44/23

I am to finish Acorns, which I am loving! Next will be the tagged. Both others are for wrapping up some challenges. I started We Were Liars already and it is way too YA for me. We Came We Saw We Left is for #ReadingTheAmericas23.

Librarybelle Oh! We Came, We Saw, We Left looks interesting…hope it‘s a good one! 9mo
squirrelbrain I‘ve not heard of Acorns before and it sounds great. I too am in that ‘wrapping up challenges‘ kind of mood. 😃 9mo
youneverarrived Tagged book is a good one 👍 9mo
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BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain That is encouraging, thanks!! 9mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain It was a rec by @Megabooks and it‘s so good. Now I want to read more by this author 9mo
LeahBergen I need to get to the tagged book! I‘ve read very good reviews of it. 9mo
BarbaraBB @LeahBergen I bought it because I read them too here on Litsy, now I‘ve finally picked it up! 9mo
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This was a fascinating true crime read, about the murders exactly 5 years apart, of Natalee Holloway, who many will have heard of, and Stephany Flores, who I had not heard of.

This guy truly is a monster.

I‘m using this for #aruba for #readingtheamericas23, but it would also work for #peru and #chile.


BarbaraBB He is Dutch and continuously talking to Dutch journalists. He‘s crazy as hell. And stupid. He just confessed the murder of Natalee but his story seems a lie once again 9mo
squirrelbrain I read all about that recent ‘confession‘ @BarbaraBB - but I don‘t think he can be trusted at all. 9mo
Librarybelle @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB This whole case has been bizarre and such a long struggle for justice. I‘m kind of curious to read it, only because of reading the story for so long. 9mo
robinb I can remember so vividly where I was when I first saw the news about Natalee‘s disappearance. I was out eating dinner with my family. It was big news nationally but even more so here in Alabama where she lived. It‘s been heartbreaking to see what her family has had to go through over the years. 😔 9mo
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