This #PictureBook has a great message—never give up and anyone can succeed, no matter size or strength. Cena adds humor to the speech bubbles of the various trucks. I was actually surprised by how much I liked this one. #BBRC #LetterE
This #PictureBook has a great message—never give up and anyone can succeed, no matter size or strength. Cena adds humor to the speech bubbles of the various trucks. I was actually surprised by how much I liked this one. #BBRC #LetterE
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1. I have read books by celebrities so why not read what they recommend. Of course it depends on the celebrity. Here's something I love https://youtu.be/vfGhXTpcaRw
2. My students, their parents, my friends and family, goodreads, litsy - I follow authors on Instagram and Twitter. My Facebook feed is also full of bookish interests.
I have completely lost track of what day it is #teacherlife #summerbreak
My teenage daughter has been trying to convince me to read this for ages. I finally picked it up recently and I couldn't put it down.
A girl with an unnamed identity, referred to as Jane Doe is in a secret base and who hasn't spoken a word for 2 and a half years.
I found this story had great pacing and enough intrigue for me to not want to put this book down. ⬇️
"I am nothing more then a glass pawn in a black-and-white chess set: out of place and utterly breakable."
"I feel just like the orbiting second hand of the clock on the wall. No matter how many times it moves forward, ultimately it will end up back where it started. Sixty seconds, and all that work was for nothing."
Enjoyed this one. Looking forward to reading the next book this weekend.
4 🌟
I was not expecting much out of wrestling powerhouse John Cena, but I have been greatly surprised by how much I like this book. And I can see why more are on the way. Elbo Grease is a truck with gumption. Yeah he plugs in, and yeah he is different, but never give up, and never quit.
#BBRC #AtoZofpicturebooks
John Cena wrote a picture book, so I put it on hold without knowing anything about it except that. Turns out it is a fun story about grit and gumption and demolition derbies, so my 6-year old was all about that. Fun, bright illustrations.
Rome, Lex and Mercy are girls from Cottonwood and they were either born with wonderful gifts or horrible curses depending on who you‘re talking to. The loyalty these girls show each other is beautiful. They are so tight but at the same time, they‘re so far away, each of them holding on to secrets so big they can‘t tell even each other. #magic