What do you wear on National Book Lover‘s Day?
Bookish clothes and accessories, of course!
#bookloversday #bookish #bookclothes #bookjewelry #booksocks #booklover #booknerd #librarian
What do you wear on National Book Lover‘s Day?
Bookish clothes and accessories, of course!
#bookloversday #bookish #bookclothes #bookjewelry #booksocks #booklover #booknerd #librarian
Waaah! Look what just arrived! 📓
Stacey, am I right in presuming I owe you this???
I absolutely adore it! What a wonderful surprise!!!
You are just... 😙 Of course I felt compelled to check out the Etsy shop after receiving this gorgeous necklace!
Thank youuu!!! 🖤 @StaceGhost
#Frankenstein #gothic #bookjewelry #etsy #classics #Halloween #surprises #bookishitems #kindness
For my father and my mother,
You will have come for me this morning, expecting to find a bride.🌹
#RomeoAndJuliet #WilliamShakeapeare #firstline #openingline #funko #funkopop #popvinyl #FreddyFunko #MrsPotts #book #books #bookhoarder #bookhoarders #bookhaul #bookhauler #bookholic #bookholics #bookjunkie #bookjunkies #bookjunky #bookjacket #bookjackets #bookjacketdesign #bookjacketdesigner #bookjewelry #ReadForSchool #Literature #HighSchool 💜💜💜
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
-Albert Einstein
Do you have any book jewelry? I love it. Already have five neckleases and two braclets. But they are only for my collection I don't wear them.
#februarycratephotochallenge A charmed life!
#litjoycrate #sharethelitjoy
#bookjewelry #openbook #bookishand #bookandhand #goodreads #bookworm #booklover #litsylove
I got #bookmail today from G. Bailey. It is her new release and signed😍😍 with bookmarks, book jewelry and keychain. I love everything. 💙💙💙
Love the Sea is the second book in Saved by Pirates series and is fantasy pirates novel. Can't wait to read it. The cover is so magical. 😍
#lovethesea #savedbypirates #gbailey #fantasy #pirates #paperback #signedbooks #bookmarks #bookswag #bookjewelry #keychain #goodreads #bookworm #booklover #litsylove
Frankenstein #Frankenstein #MaryShelley #book #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookstack #stack #bookshop #bookshopping #bookstore #bookdesign #bookdragon #bookdragons #bookfeatures #bookfair #bookfun #bookfeature #bookgeek #bookgang #bookgram #bookgiveaway #bookhoarder #bookhaul #bookholic #bookholics #bookjunkie #bookjacket #bookjewelry #bookjunkies #bookloot #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookzesty #bookzilla 💓
I'm kind of in love with this book ring I found on Etsy! 😍😍😍 Etsy http://etsy.me/2oJjDxc #Bookish #BookJewelry #SoCute