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celebration of 70 women, girls, gender nonbinary people who have changed and are still changing the world, Civil Rights Movement, Stonewall riots, Black Lives Matter. With a radical and inclusive history, Modern HERstory celebrates seventy women and nonbinary champions of progressive social change in a bold, colorful. Despite making huge contributions to the liberation movements of the last century and today.


kaysworld1 these trailblazers come from backgrounds and communities that are traditionally overlooked and under-celebrated: not just women, but people of color, queer people, trans people, disabled people, young people, and people of faith. Authored by rising star activist Blair Imani, Modern HERstory tells the important stories of the leaders and movements that are changing the world right here and right now--and will inspire you to do the same. 5d
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Next book for #thebigjunereadathon
A History of The World in 21 Woman by Jenni Murray
#readathon #prideofwoman #reading #worldhistory #worldofwoman #femalepower #audiobook

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Every spring I buy a new gnome to hide in my parents garden, it took my Dad 6 weeks to find the last one...I wonder how long till he finds this one. Trainwreck is really good so far, another great insightful book from Doyle...Feminism done right

#SpringSunshine #SpringReads #Gardens #FindTheGnome #SadyDoyle #BookWorm #BookLover #InkDrinker #LibraryMouse #BookWitch #BookNerd #FemalePower #Feminism #Patriarch #Trainwreck #ReadThisBook #Women

Crazeedi Such a cool game with your dad!! ❤❤ 3y
UwannaPublishme Adorable gnome! 😍 3y
JaneyWaneyB @Crazeedi it is so funny as he is oblivious and Mum moves it around the garden 🤣 makes us laugh 💖 3y
JaneyWaneyB @UwannaPublishme matches my Dad who loves to mow the grass 💕 3y
Crazeedi @JaneyWaneyB that's hilarious! Your card is on the way my friend, a bit late!! 3y
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Doyle has given us an important book that looks at the violence & fear patriarchy has inflicted & continues to inflict on women & girls. Using books, TV, film, media, news, current affairs & history, Doyle illustrates the power & reach of the Patriarch that is still very evident to this day. Doyle doesn't preach, she merely shows you a hidden truth. "Imagine what we can do if we recognise our collective power".
#FemalePower #Patriarch #Truth

JaneyWaneyB This book was eye opening and made me realise as a woman how much I have been lied to, put in my box and silenced. I recognise how the TV shows & films I watch, the books I read and news stories continue to diminish female power. One of Doyle's final lines resonates, "It requires daring. But when we've found our monstrosity, our daring cannot be far behind." I'm off to find my daring, my power and the fire, I'm ready to step forward. 3y
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#femalepower #USWomensHockey #GirlsLikeLions

This small but powerful poetry book came to mind last night while attending the US v Canada hockey game. In rows in front of us were families with teens & younger girls, cheering,waving flags,dancing-high energy everywhere.An energetic, confident girl of about 6 had a sign reading”Next US hockey player”with an arrow towards herself.My ancient self was awed at the role models she had before her on ice.

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Kingdom of Ash | Sarah J. Maas
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What an excellent finale to what has been an overall very good series. This is definitely not a standalone so you would start with Throne of Glass if you want to check out this epic YA fantasy series. #ya #fantasy #femalepower #glorytotheguild

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Look Who's Coming to Dinner! | Capstone Classroom
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I wanted another dinner date! Can u blame me? The previous dinner date had a lot of testosterone, this one is estrogen-amplified! Plus I got tagged 2x-thx for the tag @Simona. My #5fordinner 2.0 are Angie Thomas, Renee Watson, Stephanie Meyer, J.K. Rowling, and the late Octavia Butler, who I met as a child and was simply a wonderful human being! #femalepower

Tag! You're it! @Smrloomis @RestlessFickleBookSlut @steverogers @julesG @beachbookworm7

Wbabdullah Man! I'm thinking I'd really like to have these women over for dinner...like NOW. I bet it could happen! Game Plan: 1. Become author 2. Invite them over 3. It won't be so weird cuz we'd all be on the same author circuit 7y
Centique Great choices! 😍 7y
Wbabdullah Thanks @Centique! @EchoLogical I haven't heard from you in a while sis! You're tagged!! 7y
EchoLogical @Wbabdullah You met Octavia Butler?! I'm freaking out! You're so lucky! 7y
Wbabdullah @EchoLogical I know, right? I gotta see if I have a photo around somewhere. If not, it really lasted in my memory. I'm so happy my mom loved to meet authors and get her books signed. Turned me into a book monster! 7y
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The Secret Life of Bees | Sue Monk Kidd
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ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT! This book is just wonderful so far. This should be passed from woman to woman. It is so beautiful and timeless and there are so many themes and truths. #bees #summer #honey #women #femalepower

austenitesunite 🐝🐝🐝 7y
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Imagine if Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, had been a hard-core birth-control advocate and lesbian... (This is the intro to the life of Marie Equi). #NetGalley #diversereads #femalepower

Seshat Shutuoandtakemymoney . Jpg 8y
Kirstin I would totally watch that show! 😂 8y
audiothing That first paragraph makes her sound like a thug who regularly engaged in street brawls. Shame about that 8y
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BookishMarginalia @audiothing I see your point. I can reassure you that in context the essay is balanced and written in an engaging conversational style. The women are portrayed as full human beings with strengths and weaknesses. 8y
hlgreenfield Just from that excerpt I really wanna check out this book! 8y
Qemorio Yes! 8y
sj_connor SOLD 8y
audiothing Thanks @BookishMarginalia the story behind the whip incident makes her seem less of a street fighting thug, Happy to have read your comment 8y
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Amen! Wonder Women: 25 Innovators, Inventors, and Trailblazers Who Changed History is now available from @QuirkBooks and it's amazing! #diversereads #femalepower #NetGalley

melbeautyandbooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️❤️ 8y
Magpiegem Yes. Yes it is. (I say this as a house wife who's given birth to two "dudes" but I have hope for the rest of my sex!) 8y
audiothing Who actually thinks this? 8y
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UwannaPublishme 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
Gleefulreader I had he privilege of attending a dinner the other day where I sat behind the prime minister's mother. Someone actually came up to her and thanked her for having him. Not for her own accomplishments (and reason she was at the dinner) but for who she gave birth to. 😳 8y
EricaReads Yes it really is amazing! I have it from Netgalley too but I want a physical copy for my classroom and Amazon.cn doesn't have it (yet).😭 An essential book for any teacher! 8y
BookishMarginalia @EricaReads I'm getting a physical copy too! 👍🏼 8y
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