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“Hate is loud, but I think you‘ll learn it‘s because it‘s only a few people shouting, desperate to be heard.
#TJKlune #TheHouseInTheCeruleanSea #magic #hate #lovetrumpshate

Red: A History of the Redhead | Jacky Colliss Harvey
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And yet it happens all the time. For all the clearly wrong prejudices that have been brought back since 2016, I‘m still waiting for the day it‘s okay again to openly do and say horrible things to gingers. I‘ve heard a few terms in my day that I‘m really hoping to never hear again.
#JackyCollissHarvey #Red #Ginger #redhead #prejudice #hate #anger #rage #trumpsamerica

GingerAntics In the Litsy reviews for this book, someone claimed that Harvey equated ginger hate to Black Lives Matter. If this is the section that person was talking about, no she did not. She didn‘t even come remotely close to that. I‘ve got one chapter left (Redhead Days) and I‘ve yet to find any mention of (let alone any equating to) Black Lives Matter. 5y
julesG I think the only time I truly detested having dyed my hair from its then still natural blonde to red was overhearing my father saying "If the roof's rusting, then the cellar's moist." ?? 5y
GingerAntics @julesG WOW!!! Your father said that about his daughter. That‘s just...WOW!!! Yeah, there was a whole chapter on that, how redheads are supposed to be more sexual than other people...at least red headed women. (edited) 5y
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julesG It was an offhand remark about redheads in general and he was talking to my mother, but still. 🤮 5y
GingerAntics @julesG by still... wow. Thanks dad. 5y
Izai.Amorim And after that they‘ll come for the left handed people. 5y
GingerAntics @Izai.Amorim oh god I‘m one of those, too!!! CRAP!!! 5y
Izai.Amorim Oh!!!! 😱😱 Red head and left handed! In the middle ages they would have burned you as a witch! The word for left in Italian is sinistra, deriving from il sinistro, the devil. The left hand is the evil hand... And in Africa they kill the albinos. Welcome to the human race: If it's different, we kill it! 5y
GingerAntics @Izai.Amorim exactly!!! I grew up Catholic which is still mildly Middle Ages. lol some of my earliest memories are of my grandmother ripping crayons and forks out of my left hand and shoving them in my right hand. I‘m forced ambidextrous now, but I far prefer my left over my right for writing and drawing. 5y
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#ARC #NetGalley This was an interesting read. Informative and insightful, Chris Picciolini takes readers through the “potholes” of youth that can derail and alter an ordinary individual to become a vessel of hate and intolerance. The stories are frightening and how quickly hate rises to the surface is terrifying. If you think anti-semitism is only a fringe subculture you need to read this book to discover how real a threat the alt right truly is.

BarbaraBB This sounds harsh indeed. 5y
Suet624 I have no doubts at all that the alt right is a terrifying group of folks. It bothers me so much that people revel in hatred rather than doing the work of leaning into love. 5y
Itchyfeetreader This looks both interesting and horrifying 5y
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It‘s amazing what atrocities are possible when individuals resign their own individual thoughts and surrender to mob mentality. Centuries of violent anti-semitism turn into the Holocaust, unrest turns into the murder of the Tzar and his innocent children and the rise of communism, racism turns into a wholly unqualified bigot moving into the White House. THINK FOR YOURSELVES PEOPLE!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!
#MariettaMcCarty #littlebigminds #philosophy

GingerAntics #Kierkegaard #mobmentality #bigotry #antisemitism #racism #hate It‘s amazing what hate and anger can do. 5y
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The Cruel Prince | Holly Black
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - see full review on my blog!

QOTD: Have you read The Cruel Prince? If yes, did you enjoy? If not, why haven't you read it?

I am in love with this book, and this story. I love this Faerie world that Holly Black created.

I love how fierceless Jude is, and how she fights for what she believes in.

I love Cardan too, for all the wrong reasons.

And I can't wait to read The Wicked King!

#litsy #uk #thecruelprince #princecardan #love #hate

Well-ReadNeck Sold. Stacked! 6y
diaryofdifference @Well-ReadNeck I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did! x 6y
Cailey_Mac Honestly when I read it, it wasn‘t what I was expecting, but it was still amazing! I love how Jude always shows her claws (even if inside she is shaking) and just the story! I‘m both curious and terrified to see what‘s in store for The Wicked King 6y
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diaryofdifference @Cailey_Mac yes, I feel the same way for the Wicked King! But I bet it will be amazing! 6y
tracey38 I can't wait for The Wicked King either! 6y
diaryofdifference @tracey38 ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Cailey_Mac @innah96 Right! It‘s so close now! 6y
KatieCarpenter Tbh I feel like my expectations were really high and I was a tiny bit disappointed. But the second half was better than the first for me. (edited) 6y
diaryofdifference @KatieCarpenter Fair enough, I can see why you felt like that. But I do agree that the second half was better, once things started to escalate :) 6y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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knittedgnome Excellent quote!! 6y
AmyG A favorite quote of mine. 6y
TrishB I need to take note of this.... 6y
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Lucas | Kevin Brooks
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According to my reading log spreadsheet, I read a bunch of Kevin Brooks novels in my early high school years, but didn't seem to like any of them. So I ask you, why in the world did I continue to check them out from the library?! #TBTReads

Strange the Dreamer | Laini Taylor
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Il rumore dei tuoi passi | Valentina D'Urbano
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"Volevamo ammazzarci. Io non avevo mai odiato nessuno come odiavo lui in quel momento. E non avevo mai amato nessuno come sentivo di amare lui in quell‘istante."
“Il rumore dei tuoi passi, il tuo calore che svanisce sul cuscino, la luce del giorno in cui mi hai lasciato da sola.” #book #books #reading #love #hate #drugs

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚👍😀Hope you enjoy it here! 7y
RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon P.S. A bunch of us posted tips for Litsy a couple days back. Scroll about 7-ish posts back on my page to find them. :) 7y
Giadaaa @DebinHawaii Thank you so much ☺️☺️ 7y
Giadaaa @RaimeyGallant Thank you! I'll do it ☺️ 7y
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