Once again, before we had Trump, we had Reagan. #ronaldreagan #themanwhoranwashington #jamesbaker #susanglasser #ushistory #history #donaldtrump #makeamericangreatagain #peterbaker #maga #letsmakeamericagreatagain #peterbaker
Once again, before we had Trump, we had Reagan. #ronaldreagan #themanwhoranwashington #jamesbaker #susanglasser #ushistory #history #donaldtrump #makeamericangreatagain #peterbaker #maga #letsmakeamericagreatagain #peterbaker
The tragic paradox of the electoral route to authoritarianism is that democracy‘s assassins use the very institutions of democracy-gradually, subtly, and even legally-to kill it.
#americawasgreat #maga #bygettingridoftrump
#BringYourOwnBook #BYOB challenge. Grab whatever you are reading and find a line, phrase, or word that fits the prompt. Post it in the comments. Have a good laugh, too! 😂