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You know how you plan to buy one book and come out with many? I only wanted Titan's Day, then I saw the Palahniuk book and it sounded interesting, then the book by Jeff Vandermeer (who I've never read but wanted to try), then the new fantasy series by Van Loan sounded very intriguing, so I left with 5 instead of 1. But for only $6.69!! Who can blame me?!
#nevertoomanybooks #neverenoughshelves

Ruthiella Can‘t beat that price though! Nice haul. 👍 2mo
AnnCrystal 📚👏😂👍🥳. 2mo
Bookwomble No judgements here! Entirely defensible 😄 2mo
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I forgot to post my #bookhaul from Friday's visit to the used book store. Good picks for under 20 bucks.
#nevertoomanybooks #neverenoughshelves

KathyWheeler I really need to read Robogenesis. I like Robopocalypse. 2mo
Ruthiella Have you read the Magician‘s series yet? Or are you currently just collecting? 2mo
RamsFan1963 @Ruthiella I've had the first two books for awhile, but they're both in hardback, and I haven't been able to find the 3rd book that wasn't more than I wanted to pay. I saw this one trade paperback and decided to go ahead and get it while I can. 2mo
AnnCrystal 🛒📚🤩👍. 2mo
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Friday was turning out to be a crappy day, but when I got home I had #bookmail, and that made everything alright (at least until tomorrow).
#nevertoomanybooks #neverenoughshelves

Leftcoastzen Bookmail definitely makes the day end better! Hope tomorrow is better! 5mo
Ruthiella Yay for retail therapy! 5mo
Bookwomble I hope tomorrow's ok, too (or is already being ok, depending on your time zone 🙂) 5mo
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The first book haul of 2024. I was especially happy to find Fuzzy Nation, the only book by Scalzi I haven't read, and Robots Versus Slime Monsters, a short story collection by A. Lee Martinez, another favorite author.
#nevertoomanybooks #neverenoughshelves

audraelizabeth Those look like they are older scifi books, am i right? 8mo
RamsFan1963 @audraelizabeth Fuzzy Nation & Robots vs Slime Monsters are fairly recent, 2011 & 2013, but the other four books are much older, from the 70s & early 80s. 8mo
Ruthiella Fuzzy Nation was a lot of fun. I think you‘ll like it! 8mo
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audraelizabeth Nice, i dont know that ive read any scifi of that age. 8mo
RamsFan1963 @audraelizabeth The best thing about older sci-fi is it's usually one and done, you don't have to read a series of books to get the whole story. It's getting harder and harder to find genre books that aren't either the start of a new series or part of an existing series. I read plenty of series, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it's nice to get the whole story laid out in 175-200 pages. 8mo
audraelizabeth I understand, im bad about not finishing series. I would think it would be interesting to read how they thought life in current times would be. 8mo
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I got a good #bookhaul from the used bookstore. I've been wanting to try the Thursday Next series, so I was thrilled to see they had The Eyre Affair (and the rest if I want to continue the series). I remember Urshurak from when I was like 15, but it looked too much like a LOTR ripoff so I skipped it. I'll read anything by John Scalzi & Mike Resnick.
#nevertoomanybooks #neverenoughshelves

Bookwomble I had the exact same experience with Urshurak when I was a teen - it looked fantastic, the Hildebrand artwork lush, but the story looked too derivative of JRRT, so I never actually read it. 11mo
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After a quick trip to the used book store to drop off a load of books, I decided to treat myself. I was already getting the Star Wars book, but I'm excited to read the book about 80s action stars. The author wrote a very good book, Wild & Crazy Guys, about 80s comedy stars.
#nevertoomanybooks #neverenoughshelves

TieDyeDude All three of those books sound interesting. I picked up From a Certain Point of View a couple weeks ago, but I still have to read the Empire one. 11mo
RamsFan1963 @TieDyeDude While I think Empire is the superior film to A New Hope, I thought the first FACPOV book was better than the sequel. 11mo
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What's the best way to deal with Litsy's current condition? Buy more books of course!! For those who can't see, I got The Cradle of Ice by James Rollins and Into The Light by David Weber & Chris Kennedy. The Rollins' book just came out earlier this year and I already found a copy in the bargain section of BAM! Score!!
#nevertoomanybooks #neverenoughshelves

BethM I miss having BAM. 13mo
Ruthiella Way to make lemonade out of lemons 🍋! 👍😂 13mo
RamsFan1963 @Ruthiella Yes you really have to twist my arm to get me to buy another book 😂😂 13mo
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I might have gotten a little carried away at today's bookstore visit, but it's been awhile since I splurged. 4 of these books were on my wishlist to read. The Dan Jones book I'd been eager to read after reading his excellent book on the Dark Ages, Powers and Thrones. The Lore book was just a whim, it sounded interesting.
#bookhaul #nevertoomanybooks #neverenoughshelves

CBee I really liked the Stuart Turton book! 1y
AmyG Ha @CBee….I will have to read that one. I have it somewhere….. 1y
CBee @AmyG it was on a few of your #bookspin lists a while back 😂😘 1y
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RaeLovesToRead The devil and the dark water 💙💚 1y
AmyG Hahahaha was it? So it‘s there somewhere! @CBee 1y
CBee @AmyG yep 😂😂 1y
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My first #bookhaul for 2023. #BlameLitsy for my purchase of Legends & Lattes, I've seen it get lots of love here. I really enjoyed World War Z, so I'm looking forward to Devolution.
#nevertoomanybooks #neverenoughshelves

Johanna414 I loved both of those! 2y
Reggie I loved Devolution. 2y
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Nothing better, after a long day at work where everyone called off and I had to work alone, to come home to some book mail.
#nevertoomanybooks #neverenoughshelves

The_Book_Ninja They look damn sexy! 2y
RamsFan1963 @The_Book_Ninja I like my old school science-fiction, short and I don't have to read 5 books to get the whole story. Stand alone sci-fi has just about become a thing of the past, like fantasy has been for many years. 2y
The_Book_Ninja Where do you buy them? 2nd hand books are so expensive nowadays. They used to be pennies 2y
RamsFan1963 @The_Book_Ninja Usually off ebay or the local used book store, also any library sales I can catch. You're right though, even used, older paperbacks aren't cheap. These three ran me about 15, which is much less than a hardback book but still not as inexpensive as they used to be. 2y
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