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Pickles would like you all to know that she is still cute.

#picklescat #catsoflitsy

Bookwomble Thank you, Pickles. Duly noted, and objectively true. 😸 10h
Graywacke Crazy cute! 10h
Bklover She most definitely is cute!!❤️❤️ 10h
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Roary47 Whew! I‘m so glad. Keep that cuteness coming Pickles! 🥒 She even has her own emoji now! 😱🤯🥰💛 10h
IndoorDame Yes you are Pickles! 🥒🐾😽 10h
dabbe I'll even add a “the“ because there is only ONE Pickles. #picklesthecat 🖤🐾🖤 10h
JenReadsAlot Yes she is! 9h
Soubhiville Well hi there Pickles! 9h
Branwen She is the MOST cute! 🤭😻😻😻 9h
Meshell1313 The cutest! 😻😻😻😻 7h
Leftcoastzen Yay Pickles!😻 5h
Ruthiella We never doubted it! 😻😻😻 5h
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May's Illumicrate arrived finally! See inboxing vid above 💃💃💃💃

Pickles is loving the warmer weather.


Leftcoastzen 👏😻 4d
Jari-chan 😻😻😻 4d
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4d
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No kitties to see here... only pile of logs...

(Seriously though, that can't be comfortable...)

#picklescat #catsoflitsy

Jari-chan Cats do have a weird idea of what's comfortable 😹 2mo
Crazeedi Cutie! My kittie lays on wood by our wood stove!! 2mo
julesG 🤣🤣 Cats! 2mo
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JenReadsAlot Omg Pickles!! Lol 2mo
IndoorDame Don‘t you wish you could sleep anywhere? #catshavemagicpowers 😹😹😹 2mo
DaveGreen7777 Why does Pickles sleep on logs? 🪵 Because no one will dare tell her not to! 😹 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m so jealous of how cats can sleep anywhere and how many naps they get! 😻 2mo
AmyG Cats will sleep on anything! 2mo
Susanita @IndoorDame Right?? 2mo
dabbe 🤩🐾🤩 2mo
RaeLovesToRead @willaful That is so adorable! 2mo
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Pickles: "you spent HOW MUCH on macarons???!"

#catsoflitsy #picklescat

Unclear whether she missed me or not...

Jari-chan How could you spend money on macarons, but not bring cat treats? 🙀 2mo
JenReadsAlot Awww 2mo
Leftcoastzen I‘m sure she missed you ! Kitties always play hard to get.😹 2mo
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julesG No idea, open a shop that sells cat treat macarons. Maybe next to the gelateria. Maybe name it Pickled Treats? 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 #preciouspickles 2mo
RaeLovesToRead @Jari-chan I know. Terrible hooman! 😅 2mo
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Hmm... I'm not sure if this idea is ridiculous or genius 2mo
julesG Btw, it was supposed to be "new idea" - autocorrect was drunk yesterday 2mo
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Haha, I thought you meant you had no idea whether she missed me... she wanted to dry off her wet floofs on me again today so she missed me as a towel if not as a person 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
julesG That's cats. I was loved like a long lost lover just now - her feline highness slept on the balcony, I didn't see her and pushed the door too about an hour ago. She meowed, I let her in, she complained and then basically kissed me and fell asleep on me. 2mo
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Give Ghost an extra snuggle from me! 😊 2mo
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Someone is enjoying the sunbeams this morning #catsoflitsy #picklescat

Jari-chan 😻😻😻 2mo
slategreyskies Hi Pickles! 😻🥰 2mo
Sace Pickles is such a cutie!🥰 2mo
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IndoorDame Pickles!!!😍😍😍😍 2mo
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 2mo
Kitta I wish I was lying in a sunbeam 😹 2mo
ravenlee Pickles! Make sure to fully charge your solar-powered cat regularly. 2mo
BookmarkTavern Pickles has got the right idea! ☀️ 2mo
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Gahhhh, she's so soggy!!!!

@Soubhiville You mentioned following Pickles' adventures yesterday, but the adventures at the moment consist mainly of complaining about the menu and (presently) drying off her wet floofs on me 🙈🙈🙈

#picklescat #catsoflitsy

dabbe P.I.C.K.L.E.S. !!! 🖤🐾🖤 (edited) 3mo
JenReadsAlot Oh Pickles! 💕 3mo
Ruthiella You live to serve her! 😹😻 3mo
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AmyG She is truly a cutie! 3mo
Soubhiville And staring into your very soul! 🩷 3mo
batsy 😍 3mo
Gissy 😻❤️❤️👌 3mo
Branwen Soggy Pickles! 🤭 2mo
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Considering that she's been getting premium DELUXE CUDDLES, you'd think Pickles would be looking less unimpressed 🤣🤣

#picklescat #catsoflitsy

Karisa 😂😂😂 3mo
Ruthiella It‘s never enough! 😻😹 3mo
JenReadsAlot That face! 3mo
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dabbe #photocontestwinner 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
Darklunarose Cays are always judging and deeming us lacking! 3mo
Texreader Awww 3mo
batsy 😹😹 3mo
RebeccaRoo7 "Premium deluxe cuddles"??? 3mo
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When your Illumicrate gets requisitioned...

#catsoflitsy #picklescat

Leftcoastzen Cat and box ! 📦😹 3mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
Ruthiella Those cardboard corners are purrrrfect! 😻 3mo
Caroline2 Ha!! 😂 🐾 3mo
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The Story of Art | E. H. Gombrich
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Educating ourselves on the history of art.

Pickles says that whilst appreciating the vitality of Rubens' work, she finds it a bit grainy and aesthetically prefers the softness in the portraiture of Raphael...

Just kidding. She's a philistine.

#picklescat #catsoflitsy

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hey Pickles 🐾😽 3mo
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The Story of Art | E. H. Gombrich
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Trying to read about the history of art when a wild Circlefloof appeared 😐

#picklescat #catsoflitsy

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww sweet Pickles 🐾❤️ 4mo
Jari-chan 😻😻😻 4mo
Soubhiville Pickles! 🥒💚 4mo
Ruthiella Pickles recommends you take a nap instead. 😻 4mo
dabbe Pickles: “Mom, see my arse? Means I want the book gone and attention paid to moi!“ #preciouspickles 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
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