Pippin‘s looking at me like I‘m Actaeon. #pippin #dogsoflitsy
Pippin‘s looking at me like I‘m Actaeon. #pippin #dogsoflitsy
My #20in4 #Readathon went well! I finished 2 audiobooks, started listening to The Weight of Ink in addition to reading it in print, and read a few pages of A Psalm for the Wild-Built with #Pippin at my side on my one day off. I haven't had much energy or time for reading in print, but my commute gives me 3 hours of reading time a day! I got 10 hours in this readathon. 😊 #20in4Readathon @Andrew65 #DogsOfLitsy #BostonTerriersOfLitsy
Morning #audiowalk on the beach with #Pippin! 🐾 Can you spot the three deer in the bottom right picture? 👀 Pippin couldn't! 😂 Due to various health reasons, I haven't been able to be very active this month, and it's especially disappointing while at the beach with my family. After this short walk, I've been laid up with pain. At least this audiobook can continue to whisk me away while walking and while resting! #AuthorAMonth
#BookReport @Cinfhen
Finished two books this week! 😊 The Ballad was a fun return to the Hunger Games world, and Anarchism was an interesting mix of relevant/outdated and progressive/elitist.
I'm hoping to finish Stamped and Fruit, both of which I'm LOVING, this week. And of course planning on more hours of bookish snuggles with #Pippin. 🥰 #dogsoflitsy #bostonterriersoflitsy
The warm pupper needed his head uncovered for some cool air, so I am following up my reading of Dog Songs with holding this precious head and murmuring about how much I love this sweetheart. #Pippin #dogsoflitsy #bostonterriersoflitsy
Got some good reading in on the porch today thanks to our fire keeping us warm! #Pippin enjoyed some serious lap snuggles. ? Book was okay - very authentically teenagery, cute Christmas/winter vibes and cliché teen love, fun fluff for the week before Christmas/week after finals. ? Saw the movie earlier this week and it's more "loosely inspired by" than "based on" the book, but also cutely cliché. #dogsoflitsy
After storms yesterday, it's much cooler today and was only 65°F when I ran! 😍 I ran with #Pippin for the first 1.5 miles, and he discovered a turtle and made friends. 🐶🐢 He loved gently sniffing the turtle, who didn't put his head in his shell. Started a new audiobook since Rich People Problems returned yesterday, unfinished. 😭 #BFC #BFCr2 #BookFitnessChallenge #BookNerdHerd #audiorun #dogsoflitsy #bostonterriersoflitsy @wanderinglynn
Got in a morning run (with a couple walk and potty breaks) before this cutie headed to the vet! He's there now, and hopefully being chill. 80s°F and humid and sunny, so we were glad to get in the air conditioning and drink water afterwards! 30 min 2.2 miles #audiorun. He was so sweet - happily looking up at me while we ran with his tongue hanging out. 😍❤️ #dogsoflitsy #bostonterriersoflitsy #Pippin #BFC #BFCr2 #BookFitnessChallenge #BookNerdHerd
WHAT A DAY. 3 mile #audiorun at 5:30 AM, then close to 12 hours of Vacation Bible School-related madness, ending with a fibromyalgia flare-up, 2 hot Epsom salt baths, and some dog snuggling in between the baths. Going to sleep now to do it all again tomorrow! 🤪 #BookFitnessChallenge #BFC #BFCr2 #BookNerdHerd @wanderinglynn #bostonterriersoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #Pippin