The kindergartners drew heart maps after reading What do you do with a problem.
The kindergartners drew heart maps after reading What do you do with a problem.
This RF focuses on a young boy who begins to have a problem. Not knowing what to do, who to turn to, and how to handle it- the problem begins to grow to a hindering size. Will the boys be brave and face his fears? Or will he continue ignoring it, only making it more unbearable?
Domestic Violence is a serious issue that needs to be brought out into the light. Please READ AND SHARE to help mankind.
“Domestic Violence Victims, Speak Out!” by Kintsugi Ethos https://link.medium.com/iHdqPbbeJ6
#domesticviolence #violence #trauma #family #abuse #fatherissues #forgiving #fear #feminism #courage #scared #depression #sad #ptsd #pain #problem #healing #memories #childhood #crazy #speaking #mentaldisorder #mentalhealth #scar #help
• Anyone else notice #cloudLibrary isn't working? I haven't been able to use it in over a day. It suddenly stopped loading my loaned books and I've tried everything I can think of to diagnose and fix the problem. There's been a recent update and I think they've mucked it up. Can't access two separate cloudLibrary accounts ☹️ Any techies out there with advice? Thanks!! •
#cloudLibrary #apps #problem #help #tech #friends #error #pleaseandthankyou
So I have a party tonight, and only a few chapters left of Hush Hush... is it bad if I take my book and finish it at the party?! 😂
#Introvert #Problem #BookDragon #TeenageLifeIsHard
I won this series on Instagram from Compendium. I really like all three books. They are beautifully drawn and I love the messages of the stories. #kidlit #picturebooks
Hopefully it‘s just because I‘m debating ale or lager with my burger later 🤔
#beer #beerandabook #beerandbook #beerandbooks #beerdrinking #problem
#BlackCatChallenge Day 4: In this story, a child is plagued by troubles and difficulties and is #Afraid. Besom has successfully layered the narrative with visual metaphors, adding a different texture to what may actually be perceived as a borderline-prescriptive narrative. The advice is to face problems head-on, get to its very core, and maybe one could find something surprising right there at the very centre of it all. https://wp.me/pDlzr-dyr
Hey guys if I am not following back or responding to a conversation it is because my notifications show that I have x amount of notifications, but under activities and conversations it shows nothing. I reported it to Litsy already.
#problem #bookstagram #littens #litsy