An excellent, timely read about individual and generational trauma which is often inseparable. Also, it‘s a story of hope. Wilkerson is very good at storytelling.
Seren and I had a cozy evening with this memoir. Reached about the halfway mark, but now I need to get some sleep!
It took me a little bit to settle into this, which very much could have been me and not the book, but once I did, I really liked it. Then main focus is on Ebony in 2019, but we get to know her family and a very special family heirloom. So many black American families don‘t know their history, and I felt like this helped seize history back. And the reader is very good, but I‘m perplexed by the choice to have a white woman read this.
Such a raw, emotional and heartbreaking novel based on true events😥
I had high hopes for this as I loved Black Cake, but I was kind of frustrated with it and coincidences that kept happening.
It‘s not really my kind of book, I prefer heavier literary fiction and science fiction over historical fiction and romantic storylines, but I did enjoy the historical parts more than the modern day parts.
The book is about a jar made by an enslaved potter, a murder, and a wedding that doesn‘t go to plan.
Starting this today for a book club hosted by our local indie bookstore! #bookspinbingo
Wilerson has joined my list of ‘auto-read‘ authors. I loved Black Cake, and while this was not quite as spectacular a read for me, I was sucked in from the beginning and didn‘t want to part from the family when it was over!
She excels at creating characters and family dynamics that draw you in and tug at your heart.
Historical fiction, mystery, generational family drama.
My only gripe: wth is with the cover art? 🙄
⭐️Captivating! ⭐️
⭐️Part historical fiction, murder mystery and Family drama