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So I am still playing catch-up on letters...I appreciate that y‘all are waiting!!!! #iamsorry #sobehind #litsylovf#e

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Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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I‘m waiting for the postman to bring me my copy!

Image: Waterstones

Laru79 Yay! I have to wait until Thursday to go and collect mine but then I can binge over the weekend!! 5y
SoManyBooksNotEnoughTime haa this is awesome! 5y
eri.reads Eek! I have to get to reading The Handmaid's Tale. Right.Now. #sobehind 😔 5y
marleed I love this pic. My physical book is awaiting my arrival home. And somehow the gods smiled on me and I‘m #1 on the audio download from the library. So tonight I‘ll be having a buddy read/listen with myself as I feel I must return this audio soonest! 5y
Come-read-with-me @Mitch Fantastic picture! I can hardly wait to start reading when I get home from work!!! 5y
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Wizard and Glass | Stephen King
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Picking this one back up for #24B4Monday! It's really 11:34pm on the 22nd still so will start the clock at midnight!

No picture to post so here's a picture of #Shadow playing with the wool toys @hgrimes sent 💙 He absolutely loves them! I wake up to him running around the house in the middle of the night playing with them. 😻 Thank You!

#katet #TheDarkTower #SoBehind! #EpicBuddyRead #EpicKaTetRead #StephenKing

MinDea @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid I have never attempted a #readathon before. I'm typically terrible at things like this so let's see how it goes. I probabaly won't get close to 24, but I'll see how much I can get in this weekend 🤞🤞 Thanks for hosting! 6y
Andrew65 @MinDea Great to have you with us, doesn‘t matter whether you get to 24 hours or not. The thing is to enjoy some reading time and enjoy posting about your books. Any total is good and with it being your first whatever total you get to will be a record! Win-win! Good luck. 👍😊😍 6y
MinDea Thanks @Andrew65. Glad it is no pressure to hit 24! 6y
Dragon 😻 6y
Zelma Eeee, what a cute photo! 😍 6y
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Chainbreaker | Tara Sim
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I am so behind on my reading!!! Between band camp and classes starting back just the beginning of senior year, and work I've had no time to read anything. I'm hoping week to will settle down and let me focus but for now I took this quiz and I'm unsurprised by the results. #school #quiz #wishiwasreading #sobehind

Ddzmini “That one time in band camp” 🤣🤣🤣 6y
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I'm having a serious case of the Sunday scaries.

Partly over things I can't control and partly because after spending 4.5 hours at work today I left knowing I needed to spend another 4 hours there to have a good day tomorrow.


Trying out a new book with some sleepy time tea and my snuggle partner.

DGRachel Dogs make everything better. 😍🐶😍 I hope you have a better day tomorrow! 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto @DGRachel Dogs do make all things better. If I can just make it through tomorrow the rest of the week will fly by. 🤞🏼🤞🏼 6y
AmyG May tomorrow go smoothly and just fly by! 6y
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Ashley_Nicoletto @AmyG Thank youuuu! Some days you just have to keep swimming. 🤣 6y
AmyG Yep. Ride the wave...that‘s what I say. 6y
LiteraryinPA 💜💜💜 You‘ve got this! 6y
Branwen You got this, hang in there, friend! *hugs* You will make it through tommorrow! 😃🐶 6y
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My goal is to catch up for Saturday's #EpicBuddyRead discussion. I read week 3's chapters last night. I am currently reading week 4's chapters tonight. Week 5 chapters tomorrow and week 6 chapters Wednesday and Thursday is a catchup day for whatever I don't get done 😆😆😆

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this!!!! Please send positive thoughts! 🤞🤞🤞😆

#SoBehind #ReadingGoal #PleaseSendHelp

MinDea #Chloe wants to play but I don't have time tonight!! 😹 @mcipher 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai You can do it! 🙌👌👍🙌 7y
MinDea Thanks @GrilledCheeseSamurai ! I was able to read what I wanted to get through tonight. Hope I can keep it up! 7y
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kspenmoll Yes you can! Read on! 7y
daena You‘ve got this!! 7y
AmyG Oh, you can. I did this wih The Luminaries. If you put your mind to it...you will do it.👍🏻 7y
KimM They read fast 👍🏻 7y
tonyahoswalt I caught up yesterday, then did my ya buddy read reading. I'm finishing that book today, then I think I'm going to read ahead in The Name of the Wind. 7y
MinDea @KimM they really do read fast! The story is so goodA 7y
MinDea @tonyahoswalt I wish I could read ahead. I'll barely catch up before Saturday! 7y
jfalkens You got this!! 7y
mcipher You can do it! Chloe can play later. 😉 My Chloe (and Edie) are playing with their rainbow toy from your Christmas box right now. Taking turns, it‘s so cute! 7y
MinDea That wand is my Chloe's hands down favorite toy. She goes beserk for that thing! @mcipher So glad they both like it! 7y
TricksyTails 😹 Chloe just eyeballing you! Let‘s play! I have full faith in you!! You can do it!! 🙌 7y
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Picked up 2 more books to add to my stack. I didn't realize the 3rd book is coming out for Libba Bray's latest series. Also I was told I need to read #beautyqueens. #sobehind #tbr #bookstack

AndreaReads Oh man! I better get on Lair of Dreams! I really enjoyed The Diviners! 7y
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