My goal this year was to read more nonfiction and this was the perfect book to start. A not morbid book about death? Hell yes!
My goal this year was to read more nonfiction and this was the perfect book to start. A not morbid book about death? Hell yes!
I really loved the idea of this book, but I wasn‘t a fan of the execution. The info dump at the end fell flat to me. The ending left it open for a sequel, but I felt like that ending is when the book was going to start to pick up.
I love Neil Gaiman and this illustrated edition is amazing. Red, white, and blue for today.
Ravenclaw Pride! Also, don‘t forget your towel.
This is my July TBR. I‘m a bit of a mood reader so I say these are the books I want to read in July, but I‘ll probably end up reading something else.
Purple books and tiny succulents! Next on my list to read is Brazen. Give me all the strong women to read about. #downphoto
Do you have a favorite classic? One of my top 3 is Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier.
I love Broad City so I had to pick this up. I mostly enjoyed the read. I liked that I was able to relate to her in certain aspects of her life. I felt her on the anxiety and overthinking bit. The art was really cool. I felt like her tangents went a little too far at times.
Current read! #HPbuddyread
This is my second Blind Date with a Book I love getting these.
Harry Potter and Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be my first reads of this year. One of my reading goals is to reread the entire Harry Potter series. I just finished Buffy too!
I went on a Victorian ladies kick a little bit a go. This book illustrated the crazy reasons women were put into an asylum back in that era. Your husband is tired of you? Asylum. You want to be a doctor? Asylum. Women were not expected to be anything more than wife and mother. One issue: the flashbacks. They were not very smooth until the past caught up with the present. There was a mystery element which was good. I still enjoyed it.
I used to love choose-your-own adventure books when I was a kid. A choose-your-own adventure book based on Shakespeare‘s Hamlet where you can change the whole story? SIGN ME UP! I‘m not even sure I can say I finished this book because there are so many different ways each character can go. You can even play as Ghost Dad! I laughed so hard with this book. You can tell North is familiar with the work and has no problem poking fun at it. #shakespeare
This is one of the comics I started reading this year and I love it so much that I subscribe to it now. Giant Days is about 3 girls living in England, trying to get through college, life, and everything that gets thrown at the them. It‘s hilarious, the characters are witty, and the art is amazing. Pick this one up if you‘re into comics! #comicbooks
Pick this book up! Sarah Waters is a great writer. She knows how to put you right into the setting and keep you interested in the plot. I thought the book was a little too long, but this has been one of the best books I‘ve read in awhile.
So this is a review of the entire series. I love it! Yes this is geared to a younger audience but I‘m all about a comic that‘s about acceptance and friendship. A group of girls at camp keep running into odd (often supernatural) situations and they rely on each other to help come out of it. Give it a go!
I started reading this years ago and I think life just got in the way and I never finished it. I saw it on the shelf a few days ago and holy crap I wish I had finished reading it when I first started it. I like Strike as a character and I really hope to see more of Robin in the next book. This was a great addition to the series and I‘m probably going to grab the third novel soon.
This was a fast and incredibly entertaining read. I actually found myself not able to put it down. As I was nearing the end of the book I kept thinking that there were not enough pages left to solve the mystery, but I was wrong! Hercule Poirot is an amazing character. I like seeing how he gets to the bottom of the mystery.
Book mail! I ordered this from Amazon when they were having that huge sale for less than $6! I'm glad this came in the mail. It helped alleviate the disappointment of the new Firefly Cargo Crate.
This book is my favorite book I read this year. It was such a great mystery and Horowitz did an amazing job capturing the feel of Sherlock. I'll definitively be picking up more books written by Horowitz.
Paper Girls is second on my list of top 10 books (or graphic novels read) this year. I was not expecting to like this as much as I did, but as the story goes on and timelines start going crazy, I want more and more to know what the hell is going on!
Coming in at number 3 of my top 10 books read this year is the Saga series. I've heard a lot about this series in the last year and I finally cracked down and started reading it. I have every intention of catching up with this series this year. I'm also really looking forward to the Saga pops coming out soon. I'm getting myself a Lying Cat!
A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab is number 4 on my list of top 10 books I read this year. The world building in this book was amazing. There was so much imagery too. Finishing this series is definitely something I want to do in the coming year.
Number 5 on my list of top 10 books this year is Nimona. I left a review about this book a little further down, so scroll a bit for a longer one, but this graphic novel is the one that made me start reading more graphic novels.
Percy Jackson is number 6 on my top 10 books read this year. I've read the first 2 in this series already and I'm definitely going to finish it off this year. I love the adventure and Percy Jackson is actually quite snarky.
Wonder Woman is in there because she's awesome.
Number 7 is Six of Crows. I actually found this book a bit difficult to get into in the beginning because of all the characters and the names of the different locations, but as I pushed through, the story became very entertaining. I enjoyed most of the characters and how they each had their own flaws. They felt very fleshed out. I'll definitely be reading the second one this year.
Number 8 on my top 10 books read this year is the graphic novel The Wicked + the Divine. I think the only reason this is on my list is because the artwork is amazing. I like the idea behind the story, but I feel like the execution is lacking. I'll continue to read it to see if any questions are answered, but I won't be picking it up too soon. The art though!
Coming in at number 9 for top read book of the year is Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher. I enjoyed this one more than the Princess Diarist. She was such a witty and intelligent woman. You can tell she took everything life threw at her with a great sense of humor. My only complaint was that a lot of it seemed like a stream of consciousness almost rambling way of writing.
I‘m counting down my top 10 books read this year and coming in at number 10 is Death Comes to Pemberley. I know I've reviewed this book in a previous post, but to briefly sum up, the mystery was great! It just took way too long to get there and the ending seemed to drag. I am watching the show on Netflix and it's quite good!
Hello all! I know it's been forever since I posted but the school year just started and I'm getting the hang of a new school. Paper Girls is definitely my new favorite graphic novel. I'm currently barricaded in my mothers house as our house was a mandatory evacuation zone (I live in south Florida), so I'm hoping for no book damage once the storm clears. To any Florida people, be safe.
I'm looking for some great mystery novels. I also don't mind a little historical fiction thrown in. Any suggestions? #mystery #sherlockholmes
It's here! The 20th anniversary Ravenclaw edition!
So on the list of Jane Austen novels, does this one rank towards the top or the bottom? I'm thinking of grabbing it next.
I loved this! I read the synopsis but it went way beyond what I expected this to be. I loved the characters of the story. The art was so different and amazing.
The writing was funny and actually full of emotion. I haven't read many comics/graphic novels, but I will say that out of all the ones I have read, this one actually made me care for the characters more so than any other.
It was just not what I thought it was be in the greatest sense.
I went through ups and downs with this book. At the beginning I liked Eliza. I did feel like she did not give her parents enough credit or at least didn't help them understand her. Then when I really thought about it, I realized she was just being a normal teenager while experiencing some social anxiety. I do feel like this book will hit home for a lot of people in this generation.
I kind of really want to read Monstrous Sea now.
I wasn't too sure about this book in the beginning, but there was enough of a twist to keep the book going at a time I thought it had sort of got a little stagnant. I do like Alosa as a character. She is headstong and confident. She knows what she wants and does what she has to do to get it. My only gripe was that I felt the romance started a bit too early on in the book and it was a bit unlikely in my eyes. Quick, easy, entertaining. #pirates
I'd give this one 3.5 stars. It took a little bit to capture my attention in the beginning, but the novel really picked up once the mystery kicked in. I love Pride and Prejudice so to be back in that world was nice and comfy. PD James did a great job with the language and the setting. I do feel as though the ending ran a little too long. A lot was explained and I feel some of it was a bit redundant. Worth the read if you miss Elizabeth and Darcy.
This novel just got interesting! I hope the mystery continues to hold my attention.
I love anything to do with Greek mythology, so this book was definitely something I should have picked up awhile ago. Lots of action, friendship, and obviously full of mythological awesomeness. The idea of the Greek gods still existing in modern civilization and still controlling the balance of the world is interesting and refreshing. Percy as a character is likable. He's sassy and a bit reckless. I'll be continuing with this series for sure.
At first I wasn't sure I liked Cath as a character. I found her to be a bit naive and I felt like she was not this strong, brave person all the other characters said she was. Then I realized her naivety, in part, helped her become this ruthless queen we all know. Her downfall into what she eventually becomes was so tragic and inevitable. I felt for her at the end. Meyer did an amazing job with the aspects of Wonderland. Fate wins in the end.
“One of the most troublesome things in life is that what you do or do not want has very little to do with what does or does not happen.”
― Lemony Snicket
This is a great addition to the Sherlock Holmes saga. It was not written by Doyle, but Horowitz did such an amazing job that the Conan Doyle Estate gave it a seal of approval. The writing was beautiful. The story flowed and kept me gripped the entire time. He captured the characters perfectly. One of the best stories I have read in awhile. If you like mystery, crime, and Sherlock Holmes, definitely pick this up! #sherlockholmes
I'm currently reading the first book in this series and I'm really digging Percy's sass! #percyjackson #sassmaster
I don't read biographies very often, but after the sad passing of Carrie Fisher, I really wanted to read more about her life. She made quite a few references to how things would be after she died so the book almost felt like it was foreshadowing her life. It was a very interesting read as she did not hold back any of her thoughts about filming Star Wars and how it affected her life forever. Very good read. #biography
I love romances that start off as hate or dislike and then leads to love. Mare and Deena were more of an indifference to respect to love. The romance was the only part that I thought was interesting. My complaint about the book is the lack of world building. Nothing was explained about magic or why it was hated and no clues about the religion. Also, why was every adult a complete idiot? It did get me out of my reading slump though so kudos there.
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