Another Page habit giveaway!! Check it out: http://vy.tc/eDJlc26
Finally, a few minutes to relax with my book. And... it's updating. Yep, definitely prefer paper books. 😄
Love Avon romance? Applications are open for the Avon Addicts program! (Free books and swag! 😍)
I just moved across the country and not 3 days later this magically appeared on my doorstep. (Yes, the package was actually addresses to me.) How? Why? Forget it... Thank you, mysterious benefactor! 😊
People kept recommending this book to me- they were not wrong. It was excellent! 😍
Library book sale! I have been dying to read all of these and I even found some goosebumps for my kiddo.
Oh man, this book was good! Easily one of my favorite books this year!
Just got these books from Goodreads giveaways! It's been a lucky year for me on goodreads 😊
The hero in this book was completely unlikable (to put it mildly) earlier in the series and I wondered how she would get the reader on his side for this story. If anyone can do it, it's Sarah MacLean! She absolutely delivered! 💖
My first time doing the GR reading challenge. I finished it and it was sort of anticlimactic. I thought there would be a pop up saying congrats or something. Anyway... maybe I'll raise it and go again.
I have mixed feelings about this one. It's a thriller but it didn't feel like it for about 70% of the book. It's a very interesting idea and in the end I did like it. I just wish I felt the danger earlier on.
Why do stories about dogs always make me cry?! Ahhh... such a good book!
Stopped at the library so my son could get his prize for finishing the summer reading program. He got to choose a free book. I also had a coupon for a free book off the sales rack. I think we both did pretty well. 😊
I picked this book up because I like the author. I didn't even read the description, I just grabbed it and started reading. It was different from his other stuff and honestly, if I had read the synopsis I probably wouldn't have read it. I'm glad I did. I can't find the exact words to explain how I feel about this book-- it was exactly right.
Bookmail!! I won this from Penguin's FB page! Can't wait to read it! 😄
My favorite random gift is a metal Batman symbol. My (then) 7 year old son took his allowance money to the Farmer's market (with dad) and convinced the artist to sell it to him for the little bit of money he had. He said "I didn't have enough money but I asked really nicely and I told him 'my mom loves Batman' and he gave me a deal". ? Also, you can kinda see my DC coloring book which is my fav! #debsstack @DebinHawaii
The kindle version of this book is on sale right now for $2.99! Everyone I know is obsessed with this book so I can't pass that deal up. 😊
As a thriller this was incredibly disappointing. It was pretty slow but there was just enough to keep me hanging on to the end. The ending was boring (lame) and I feel duped by the marketing. It felt more like women's fiction with elements of suspense thrown in just to appeal to a wider audience. I wish I could get back my wasted time.
I had a lot of anxiety last time trying to decide if this was for me. I had such a difficult time trying to make up my mind that I totally missed it! I'm glad I got in on round 2. #litsypenpals
This book was just what I needed this summer. So good!
I've been counting down til the release of this one. It looks amazing!
@booksandcooks Congratulations on reaching 6666! I like paperbacks the best but I love how easy my paperwhite makes my life! #6666giveaway
I enjoyed this book far more than I expected. It was really fascinating.
This book was awesome! Absolutely fascinating! I was obsessed with The Princess Bride (both the movie and the book) when I was a teenager so this really brought back some memories for me. The story just holds a special place in my heart.
One good thing about packing up my house- I finally got to finish this audiobook. It was sooo good! I enjoyed both the story and the narration. 💜
I just got this in the mail from the publisher. I have no idea why. It's addressed to me so I assume I won a contest or something, but there's no note. 😄
My husband gave me this book for our anniversary. I have no idea how he came across it but the man totally gets me!
Oh so good! Once I got into it I couldn't stop. I don't have the next book in the series yet and I have to read other books before I can get to it anyway. 😣 Nooo... I want more right now!
I won a surprise bundle of books from Romance Junkies on Mother's Day and it just got here!
I kept hearing how surprising the ending is in this book. So I took that as a challenge because I'm never surprised. Like a smug fool I thought I had it figured out, but nope, she got me. I did not see that coming. Lol!
Ugh. The premise of this book had me so excited, but it was pretty slow. Only the last 40-50 pages were interesting. Here's my real problem with it- there were a few times the characters did things that made no sense. The author should give the reader a reason why the characters can't do the thing any reasonable person would do. It's annoying.
Is it ok that I want to automatically knock a star off the review just because this line is in it? Horrible, I know, but I'm so, so sick of this line. Why does everyone in YA have so much trouble breathing? Argh!
Ok. Finally finished one of my books. It was good. Sometimes the dialogue seemed odd to me- particularly the curse words. I have no problems with swearing, but the actual words used didn't seem to fit in with way the characters spoke the rest of the time. Maybe it's jist me but I found it distracting. I am curious to see how the overall storyline of this series will work out. I'll read the next one for sure.
2 free audiobooks offered every week starting thus week!!