Ii am officially obsessed! I have the movie Rocketman, its soundtrack and now the book. I am EXCITED!
Ii am officially obsessed! I have the movie Rocketman, its soundtrack and now the book. I am EXCITED!
This cover is ugly as sin but hey, it was a free book of OG sci-fi. I will manage somehow ;)
I love Wal-Mart.
I love everybody in this bar, y‘all. Would protect them all at great risk to my personal being
At this rate, I will never freaking finish this book because i keep having to pause to squeal over it. GAH SO CUTE!!!!!!
My bday book haul! Once again, thank you for everyone who wished me a good one! ❤️💋
So much bday litsy love! Thank you for making me feel special! I will try to park my butt and reply soon! 💋❤️
Hortense is helping me pack for a trip. We aren‘t sure what books we‘re taking yet tbh but we‘ll figure it out!
I got the CUTEST early birthday card and a nifty little book mark! Thank you so much @BookwormAHN #litsylove
I will never freaking get why people want to talk to me when I have a book in my hands and am reading.
Stop the madnesssss!!!!!!
My next reads. Jackaby was fun! Can‘t wait to read book two!
I am really enjoying this book so far! Enough to read the other three books in the series!
I am loving these short little reads from my library so far.
Birthday book!!!!!!
I might already be in love with Brid. Nbd
Not sure how I ended up with so many anthologies!!! (Most of them are sci-fi and no one is shocked). At some point I think I will do a mini anthology read a thon and focus on them but May ((my birth month)) will be devoted to a Lunar Chronicles reread!
My ultimate fav. I just finished the second graphic novel and I‘m thinking maybe its time for a complete reread??? May is my birthday month so I might treat myself 🤗😍❤️
I am so bad about posting here. Yikes...
But my current read promises to be a nail biter.
So far this is HILARIOUSLY GOOD!
Oh Jamie, you cute jealous boy. ❤️😍❤️😍