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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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The Prince of No Value~Brishen Khaskem, prince of the Kai, has lived content as the nonessential spare heir to a throne secured many times over. A trade and political alliance between the human kingdom of Gaur and the Kai kingdom of Bast-Haradis requires that he marry a Gauri woman to seal the treaty. Always a dutiful son, Brishen agrees to the marriage and discovers his bride is as ugly as he expected and more beautiful than he could have imagined.~The Noblewoman of No Importance~Ildiko, niece of the Gauri king, has always known her only worth to the royal family lay in a strategic marriage. Resigned to her fate, she is horrified to learn that her intended groom isn't just a foreign aristocrat but the younger prince of a people neither familiar nor human. Bound to her new husband, Ildiko will leave behind all she's known to embrace a man shrouded in darkness but with a soul forged by light.Two people brought together by the trappings of duty and politics will discover they are destined for each other, even as the powers of a hostile kingdom scheme to tear them apart.
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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3.5 stars. I really enjoyed how original this felt. I think some things could have been fleshed out more, but overall a solid read. I did wish I had a map to help me picture the world a bit more.

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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High middling. Legit loved the interactions between the main pair and the slow growth of their relationship, and super enthralled by the author's descriptive writing -- she did a fantastic job of writing both human and non-human as the 'other' in each other's eyes.

Did not like the plot turn to high angst, which was perhaps inevitable in what amounts to a prologue novella but angst isn't generally to my taste.

esurient Did also not like the building of the main antagonist character from a relatively nuanced and interesting introduction to a hard hammer of EVIL, all caps. 2y
esurient Several novels and a number of short stories follow this. I may pick them up, eventually. 2y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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This book is outside my usual reading scope, but the meet-cute of a human and a non-human romantic pair, both believing the other is the most hideous thing they've ever seen, is legitimately charming.

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven

A quick read and a sweet message about the power of love to help you see the person underneath the physical. The leads were maybe a little too sweet and perfect for each other to be believable but still a nice read .

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven

This was a quick read. I liked it. Story was good, characters were good. The slow burn romance was also good. I wouldn't say this fantasy was very memorable but it sure was a quick, easy read & I needed that to beat the horrible reading slump that I am in.

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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🤣 That quote pretty much says it all about this book. There is not insta-luv here, they can't even find each other esthetically pleasingly to the eye! Their banter is down right hilarious. The pace of the book is a little slow, but it was worth it to me. Both MCs have great qualities. Grace Draven always makes wonderful characters that grow to love each other-- claws and all!

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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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This was incredibly immersive and character driven. It's set up as a dual POV vignette-style sorta thing revolving around the two main characters getting to know and becoming closer to each other. The end sets up an interesting sounding sequel.

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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven

This was so addicting I kind of want to read it all over again. It was an emotional journey! This book just made me feel good! And I can‘t get over it. I‘m watching YouTube videos about it, lurking the authors page on goodreads, trying to see if there‘s other books in the series.... I don‘t get this obsessed with a book unless I really love it! I wish she‘d make a new cover though. And can we have a hardcover edition please #gracedraven ?

OnlyYoo I loved it too! From what I understand it‘s supposed to be a trilogy but idk when the third book is coming out 5y
vumblereads @onlyyoo Have you read 5y
OnlyYoo Not yet, but I plan to very soon! 5y
vumblereads @OnlyYoo Same here! I‘m currently in line on the Libby app 5y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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This is just what I needed, a mind candy romance. I was worried I was going to hate it because I think werewolf (really any paranormal) romance is pretty cringe. But I loved this. I loved the main character‘s relationship and their communication skills (I hate miscommunication in romance novels). I‘ll definitely be picking up the next one soon! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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I actually bought this book a while ago to read but never did. Has anyone else read it? It sounds good!

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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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A wonderful fantasy about finding love across cultures and in the face o prejudice. #romantsy

JSW Yes! I love this one. There‘s a second, as well. 5y
CoffeeK8 @JSW yes! I can‘t wait to read it 5y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Favorite character dialogue from this (last) month‘s reads:
There‘s lots from Kings of the Wyld, but what stands out to me most is Ildiko and Brishen‘s banter in Radiance. Goodness, I absolutely LOVED Radiance 😍. It deserves infinitely more recognition.

Lauren_reading I‘m so glad a friend recommended it to me! It was awesome. 5y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Loved this! My first book by this author and it was so good! #romance #romantsy

BethM I love the cover! 5y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Radiance by Grace Draven
Henry Rollins
Rescue Me
Rare steak

#manicmonday #letterr @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing. Rescue Me was such a good show! 6y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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I read in a day. Enjoyed. Shows how love can go beyond appearance.

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Where the 1st book had little action. This book had a lot. Moreover, magic! I wish they had delved more into the queen‘s mind. I am looking forward to the 3rd installment which is supposed to be published sometime this winter, no exact date yet.

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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This was ok. It was what I needed at that specific moment — something light, simple, a sort of fluffy fantasy romance (though I honestly think it could have been a bit more salacious) — but the writing is really blah, which is a pity because the world building has some interesting elements. In more skilled hands, this could be as big as ACOTAR.

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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After being on the road all day yesterday and running errands half the day today, I am exhausted and though I just unpacked a bunch of bookish goodies, I need a light, guilty-pleasure read. This seemed like it would fit the bill.

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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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I thought it was okay but I really don't think I would recommend this book to anyone, except if you like cheesy romance and add another book to your reading challenge.
I enjoyed a cheesy romance from time to time. They made me laughed and I thought they were good for one an other but don't expect to explore a world or to see world building. The story felt flat.

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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💜💜💜💜 Forced marriage of convenience between different species. The relationship development is lovely & there are some great secondary characters. I liked the fantasy elements as well. The ending was pretty abrupt & I would have liked it better if the ending had been better handled. #romantsy

MarriedtoMrT There‘s a sequel, though I haven‘t read it yet. I‘ve really enjoyed most of Grace Draven‘s work. Have you read 6y
Christy2318 @MarriedtoMrT This is the only Grace Draven I‘ve read. I‘m primarily a library reader & this is the only book by her available through my various library sources. I‘ll read more if at the library but I probably won‘t buy. 6y
MarriedtoMrT @Christy2318 I understand. I do a lot of borrowing, too, but have a Kindle one-click problem for romance. 6y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Chandler‘s first romantasy! Or romance in general. I maintain that if I couldn‘t also call it fantasy that I‘d never have read it. I was worried about the romance requirement for Read Harder, but I think I‘ll be okay now.

GirlChandler Don‘t judge me, btw. 6y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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"Woman of day, you waited for me"
"Prince of night, you've come back to me-your head intact"
"I promised I'd try"
This book is a hidden gem, and still my favorite read of 2017.
A strong, fierce and respectful female lead, & a compassionate, well grounded and respectful male lead, well, this book warmed my heart.
Their friendship/relationship, although arranged & bizarre, with both their witty/playful banter, it flourished in such a beautiful way

infinitbr I love when books have witty banter! *cough* acomaf *cough* 7y
Beaulitful Sophia you need to read this book 😭😭 @infinitbr 7y
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Grownwomanreadya Hmm is this the one your obsessed with 😂 Sounds amazing 😏 7y
Beaulitful Yes it is 😂😂 @Grownwomanreadya 7y
bribookishconfessions So pretty! 7y
Grownwomanreadya @Beaulitful I knew it! 😂😏 I definitely want to read it 🙌🏻 7y
Weavingfiction Oh my I need to read this 🙈🙈🙈 7y
Beaulitful Yes please do!! @Weavingfiction 7y
Beaulitful @Weavingfiction Add it to your stack! 7y
Weavingfiction @Beaulitful I may have, brought the Ebook after reading a sample of it and am already 50% through and in love 🙈🙈🙈 7y
Beaulitful YES YES YESSSSSS @Weavingfiction 7y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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She is human and b/c she has whites around her eyes he says she looks like a horse- with how the eyes roll about. He is gray-skinned, eyes that glow (w/o rolling about), claws, sharp teeth and can see better in the dark aka a "wolf."
What they both are, however, are big ole marshmallows.

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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This was a Goodreads rec by an author I like so I took a shot on it. I honestly can't remember if it's YA or not, but it def fantasy! 🦄 Basically a political marriage between two adorable people from different species and how they adjust to the physical oddness of the other. That being said that is their only major hurtle to cross in terms of conflict with each other. It's just shy on 300 pages, so it's quite short. But a fairly solid 1st book.

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Enjoyed this one, moving on to the second and final book. #romantsy #osrbc

EloisaJames I thought she was incredibly ballsy with the physical details and eating habits--she didn't just make the clash between them, "oh woe is me, he has lavender skin." 8y
robinb Definitely! I loved that they had that spark from the very beginning of their first meeting...especially since they were not even of the same species. Also loved that they found commonality in being the "unwanted" in their respective worlds, yet grew to be desperately needed by each other. ❤️ 8y
Nutmegnc I loved this one! Book 2 is even better!!! Grace Draven is a new fav!!! 8y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Saw this fantasy/romance on sale for Kindle with lots of 4 and 5 star reviews....giving it a try. So far, so good. New author for me.
#romantsy #osrbc

Chachic Master of Crows from the same author is pretty good too! 8y
robinb Thanks, I'll have to check it out! 8y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven

I re-read this book today because I am waiting for a hold at the virtual library. I really like this book because of the well drawn out characters and the submersion into another world. I will be reading the sequel next again as I continue to wait for the next Jojo Mayes book from the library.

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven

I loved the premise of the story. Two totally opposite people see past their physical and cultural differences and find love. The story is slow building with a cliffhanger at the end but I would read the next book in the series just to see what happens. Dravens' world building is very detailed and provides a great backdrop for this Beauty and the Beast-esque story

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Had this in my TBR list for a while. I've heard a lot of positive things about Grace Draven but this is the first book I've read by her. Let's see if she lives up to the hype 🤓

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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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An obscure jewel find. That type of book that you read slowly, not wanting to finish it immediately, savoring each scene to the last page, and makes you long for more. 🤓

JulieAnn Thanks for this rec! I've just started this and already hooked! I had to download the ebook though because my library didn't have a print copy or Overdrive copy. It was only $3.99 though! 8y
andrelei @JulieAnn 3.99?! Oh my. 😕 just finished re-reading it last night also.. 😅 talk about addiction. Finishing re-reading the 2nd book, Eidolon. 🤓 8y
JulieAnn @andrelei I finished Radiance last night! What a way to end it! I think the second one is also $3.99 so I'm going to go ahead and buy it too! Another late night for me I'm sure! 8y
andrelei @JulieAnn 🤘🏼👍🏼😁🤓 8y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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Engrossed. ❤️😳😍🤓

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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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I couldn't resist starting this one. Enjoyable so far. Effectively makes me find human eyeballs weird.

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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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I found a new author to follow! I loved, loved, loved this book. I can't wait to read the rest of her books.

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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven
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I am a huge fan of Grace Draven's work. Radiance is my favorite book she has written , so far. It's a Beauty and the Beast Retelling. The story has adventure, love, humor and wholehearted friendship.

ReadingOver50 Sounds interesting. I had not heard of this book. 8y
WolfeWillRead @ReadingOver50 She is a Indie author. I just happened to stumble upon on this on Goodreads. I was looking at a list of the best Beauty the Beast retellings and it was #1. The sequel to this book just came out last month. 8y
Johanna414 I love her!! 8y
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Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven

Read this for Felicia Day's Vaginal Fantasy online book club. I was surprised that I loved it. Audio version was great too. Book 2 just came out - it was an auto buy for me!

Radiance: A Novel | Grace Draven

I adored this book and the second in The Wraith Kings series, Eidolon, is achingly delicious!

AshShea I love Grace Draven! 8y
Soodle Did you love her steampunk story, Gaslight Hades? I loved that novella! Grace is amazing and I adore her writing!! 8y
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