It wasn't nearly as enjoyable the second time around.
The heroine of our story, a shy poor young girl, falls in love with Maxim de Winter, a rich widower double her age. They marry shortly after and return to his mansion, Manderley. There, the presence of his late wife, Rebecca, is ever felt and still influences everything and everyone. Little by little we learn the details of her life and mysterious death.
This was amazing,the writing is so immersive,the atmosphere so dark that even when there's ⬇️
Daphne Du Maurier‘s “Rebecca” is a spiralling story of angst, jealousy, love, hate, and is shrouded in mystery till the very end. The protagonist‘s ever-spiralling anxiety and insecurity with the plot twist that comes in 3/4th of the way makes for a suffocating, thrilling and all-consuming read. Exceptionally atmospheric with gothic undertones.
Just realized that I never posted my review of Rebecca! I enjoyed this so much! It was the first time I have read this classic. Thanks to @BarkingMadRead and all who contributed to the group read last month!
I kinda lost interest in Rebecca about ⅓ in, probably my scattergun neurodivergent brain as the writing is excellent, but it's long and I have so many other books to read!
Anyway, I picked it up again this morning and read the chapter about the broken Cupid ornament. A significant theme of the book is the English class system, and this chapter seems to emphasize the way the "lower" class defers to the "higher", how we're complicit in our own ⬇️
Talked the fam into the Netflix version of Rebecca tonight. This is the type of messed up situation they will love, plus it has an evil housekeeper. Usually I have to watch my #hashtagbrigade movies alone so this is a big night.
Ch 27: and they all lived…… #timetogohome #maxisworriedaboutmanderley #danverspackedupandleft #jandreamsmanderleyisgone #andsoitis #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Couldn‘t resist had to finish tonight. Good pick #hashtagbrigade
I‘ve read this before, but reading it a chapter a day made it feel more menacing.
Ch 26: did not see that coming #butfirst #separatebeds ⁉️ #anyway #thedocsavesmax #shewasNOTpregnant #shewasdying #whatanevilbitch #karma #isaidwhatisaid #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 25: short and sweet #roadtrippingtolondon #gottaseetheladydoc #whatcouldgowrong #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 24: is Ben a witness? #whatashitshow #benisterrified #thatendedwellformax #soletscalldanvers #yikesthatalsoendwewellformax #ordidit #whoisthisbaker #didsheseeadoc #docbaker #wastherereallyababy #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
I've been meaning to reread this for ages, so I'm glad that the #pemberlittens #hashtagparade finally motivated to do so. It certainly hits differently as a adult than it did when I was a high schooler. 😅
Interesting to see what I'd forgotten (what a timid wet noodle our narrator is for so much of the book; how much she lives in her head; how many problems would've been avoided with some good old communication) and what stuck. Still loved it!
Ch 23: Jack is back #hedoesntbelievetheverdict #suicide #hesayshehasproof #blackmailtime #butwillanyonebelieveadrunklunatic #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens 📷 Colonel J
Ch 22: the Inquest #darnboatmakerruinedeverything #janshouldhavestayedoutside #jackanddanversarecreepers #thiscantendwell #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Book 4 finished today 🤣 now I‘m airport reading, and soon I‘ll be airplane reading 🤣
busted… or is he? #theyknowitsrebecca #theydontsuspectathing #exceptmaybefrank #butletsnotsleeponsassyjan #putdanversinherplace #soproud #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 20: whoa, that escalated so quickly!
#maxneverlovedrebecca #rebeccawasawildwoman #thebabyplantookittoofar #whatamonster #anddanversknewall #somaxisamurderer #willhegetawaywithit #timewilltell #howdoistopreadingnow #impossibletoputdown #booknerdproblems #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
chapter 19: a sunken ship ruins everything! #whatabombshell #ididntseethatcoming #whatwilljando #runjanrun #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 18: Jan grows a pair #soproud #standuptoDanvers #danversloseshermind #sheletsitallout #horrifying #shealmostconvincesJantojump 😳 #noJanno #thatrocketsavedherlife #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 17: poor Jan, what a disaster #beatriceisagoodfriend #maxisanass #asifjanwoulddothatonpurpose #frankisadarling #hetriessohard #firstandlastballatmanderley #foreshadowing #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 16: that escalated quickly #mrsdanverssetherup #didrebeccadresslikethis #thatssomessedup #poorjan #marshamarshamarsha #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 15: Jan meets grandmother…. #iadorebeatrice #thatvisittookanuglyturn #homewego #maximishome #butwait #heischewingoutdanvers #sheisnothappy #thatcantendwell #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 14: Jan gets caught In Rebecca‘s room #danversisapsycho #nowweknowallthegorydetails #thatbitaboutebeccawatching 👀 #totalcrazypants #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Chapter 13: Jan has an adventure #Benhadsomeinterstinggossip #soundslikerebeccawasabully #whatwasshehidinginthatcabin #backtothehousewego #Dannyiscreepingaroundinthewestwing #danny 🤣 #whatanicknameforanoldgrouch #thisfavellguyisuptonogood #seemslikeoldmaxshouldstayhome #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 12: Jan gets a present #shebreaksacupid #soobviouslyshemusthidethepieces #thatendswell #danversmakesmencry #poorrobert #janconfesses #sheactuallystandsupforherselfforlikefiveseconds #thisalsoendswell 🙄 #maxisnthappy #doesheevenloveher #dontgetmestartedonfrith #marshamarshamarsha #atleastjanhasjasper #tiger 🤣 #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 11: Jan learns more about Rebecca #thosenosyneighborsthough #franktotherescue #welearnaboutrebaccasdeath #morequestionsthananswersthough #intriguing #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #marshamarshamarsha
Went out for a bike ride this morning and visited a bookshop downtown. I found this gem in the Mystery section. :)
Ch 10: Jan and Max take Jasper for a walk #happyvalley 😍 #creepybeachdude #whydoesjasperlovethatcove #randomfurnishedcabin #intrigued #maxbeingweird #JAN #dontbeggirl #maxdropsthatbombshell #ihavesomanyquestions #andletsendthechapterwithamysterioushanky #obviouslyrebeccas #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 8: day 1 at Manderley #janneedsaspine #waytoohardonherself #thatphonecallthough #danversisapieceofwork #lunchshouldbeinteresting #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit, @AllDebooks
Getting ready to savor REBECCA for #hyggehour by reading in bed when this goofball is already there. Oh, and not on the bed but on the PILLOWS! #hernameiskate #yessheisaprincess 💚🩷💚
Ch 7: the honeymoon is over #danversiscreepy #passiveaggressivevibes #maderleysoundsamazing #anoceanviewwouldhavebeennicethough 🤷🏻♀️ #jansdreamssoundsonice #willrealitymatchup #somehowidoubtit #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Mr Grumps! Also love the “you fool” in the proposal! (My husband proposed to me by making me stand outside in the snow on a balcony in the middle of taking off my scrubs and told me I looked “funny” in my thermals I wore under the scrubs before asking me to marry him). #awkwardMen
#HashtagBrigade @BarkingMadRead
Ch 6: Jan has to go to NY #shedoesntwanttogo #shesaysgoodbyetomax #soobviouslyheproposes #Hoppydoesnttakeitwell #nastywitch #but #doesmaxlovejan #ordoeshemissmarsha #imeanrebecca 🤷🏻♀️ #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 5: poor Jan #sheisinlovewithMaxim #sheisalsojealousofRebecca #buthowdoesMaxfeel #marshamarshamarsha #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 4: and now we know what happened to Rebecca #butfirst #hoppyissick #ummmmmm #whatdowecallthenarrator #suggestionsplease #asiwassaying #narratorisfreefortheday #awkardlunchwithmax #awkwardcarridewithmax #almostsuicidewithmax⁉️ #yikes #howhetalksaboutmanderleythough #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 3: we meet Max DeWinter #sassmaster #hoppyisclueless #andsosomuch #heputHoppyrightinherplace #thatnoteattheendthough #ilovehim #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 2: we meet the characters #mrsvanhopperseemsdelightful #poorlittlenarrator #oursecondglimpseatmax #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Ch 1: #shortchapter #notmuchelsetosay #whatadrearymanderley #foreshadowing #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
I hope I can keep up. I didn't even add #BookedinTime because I haven't even finished March's read yet. But of course I found time to make this l'il collage. 😅
Thanks for the tag, @read4life
Frank Sinatra, “It Was a Very Good Year“ :)
Just the first couple chapters in, but the main character is very nostalgic.
#booknotes @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
#Treasure (BM)
My choice is a bit out there, but ... the lyrics state “I know that you don't know it
but you're fine“--just like the narrator thinks of herself in REBECCA. And Maxim de Winter finally tells her “Treasure, that is what you are; honey, you're my golden star,“ in so many words. So, hence my choice. 😍
It had an extremely slow start and the slow pace carried through the book. The novel has a lovely writing style with lush long descriptions and an intriguing plot told by an unnamed narrator. I loved the suspense and mystery, though a main thing was predictable, the reasoning and events weren't. I really enjoyed the way this novel played out, though at times I found all characters to be unlikeable, it was a good story with a sudden dramatic ending
I am super excited about these #roll100 choices! I almost picked up Rebecca last week, and the other two print choices are very tempting, too. 😎 Fear and Loathing would tick the box of classics I‘m trying to read. Looking forward to March! Plus it‘s my birthday month. 🎉🥳
📚 Rebecca- One of the best books of my life lol 😆 ✍️ Taylor Jenkins Reid
🎥 Rush Hour
👩🎤 Rihanna
🎵 Rock with you-Michael Jackson
#ManicMonday #LetterR @CBee
Well that was GREAT! Eerie is the best word for it; I feel like I've felt so many emotions reading this, especially because of all the twists that I just wasn't expecting! I'm still on the edge of my seat and I've finished it, crikey
I was so invested in the heroine too and I loved how it got me thinking about themes like perception, time etc
#WinterCosy @PuddleJumper #NYWD22 @dariazeoli @monalyisha #BFC2022 @wanderinglynn
It's my birthday! Check out this entirely yellow outfit I bought for myself!😂💛
Thought I'd do a little update (#BFC2022 #WinterCosy #NYWD22 @wanderinglynn @PuddleJumper @dariazeoli @monalyisha):
- To get back on track with Blogilates, I plan on doing it most days for the rest of Jan👌
- A for H - Have done most of that calendar so far!
- Yoga has also been a consistent practice - including 2 yoga classes!
- And I plan to v soon finish Rebecca!
What a WEEK! I thought I might have Covid so trekked 2 hours for a pcr test...turns out I do not have Covid but the whole shebang has left me v v tired😂 Anywho this weekend I shall be getting to page 200 of Rebecca, watch this space
#WinterCosy #NYWD22