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Joined March 2018

We lose ourselves in books. We find ourselves there too.

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When we start any habit initially we fill energetic and motivated but with passage of time at some point we face boredom. This is due to repeating same activity each and everyday.

This is here the difference arise between best and worst. The best didn't give up even having boredom.

#listy #book # atomichabit #jamesclear #selfhelp

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The most general and important question - "How to stick with good habits every day"

Simple answer is by - " HABIT TRACKING "
This has helped Benjamin Franklin and even comedian Jerry Seinfeld.

Benefits of habit tracking are -
1. it create visual cue that remind you to act.
2. it motivates as you see progress
3. it feel satisfying

#listy #selfhelp #book #jamesclear #atomichabit

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We all want immediate results. But this book elobrately discussed that the more immediate pleasure you get from an action, there is probability that end consequence is disastrous.

So, we should focus on long term pleasure rather then immediate one.

#listy #books #atomichabit #jamesclear #selfhelp

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We do we repeat any habit or behavior?

The answer is "satisfaction". We tend to repeat those behavior when the experience is satisfying. Conversely, if such experience is not satisfying then we have little reason to repeat.

This pleasure and satisfaction tecahe our brains that the behavior is worth remembering and repeating.

#listy #book #jamesclear #selfhelp #atomichabit

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James Clear has mentioned about "four laws of behaviour change" -
- make it obvious
- make it attractive
- make it easy
- make it satisfying

These four laws are apt to inculcate new habit.

#listy #books #selfhelp #jamesclear #atomichabit

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Story of Victor Hugo, when he has to finish a book in less than a year. How did he plan to beat his procrastination?

"Commitment device" is the answer to all, who is struggling to follow through on desired plan.
It is choice that a person make in present that control his action inthe future.
#listy #book #selfhelp #jamesclear #atomichabit

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We often find it hard to get rid of bad habits or inculcate new good habit. It is because that bad habit has been
- embedded with us from so long time
- getting rid requires lot of effort and motivation.
Same works with good habit. New good habit required lot of motivation and efforts.
Most effecive way-
Reducing friction and making the habit easier and simple. Fit the habit into flow of your life.
#listy #book #selfhelp #jamesclear #atomichabit

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We want outcome not the habit!

In reality, we don't want any habit rather we want outcome from that habit. We develop habit as a way to fulfill outcome.

For example, we want to meditate in order to improve focus and to stay calm. Here, we want the outcome from mediation i.e. improve focus and stay calm.
#listy #listybook #atomichabit #jamesclear #selfhelp #books

DogMomIrene 🖊 I took a ton of notes, and highlighted a lot in this one. 3y
iamChandra @DogMomIrene i also while reading, making notes and highlighting. This book is gem. It is simple and lucid. 3y
DogMomIrene @iamChandra Agree, and I‘ve been implementing several of the strategies and they‘re working for me, especially when I use several together to develop a positive new habit. 3y
iamChandra @DogMomIrene That nice! Hope all strategy work for you and you inculcate new habit. 3y
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It requires less or minimum of effort and energy to watching movie, scrolling social network sites but at same time studying books, exercising or meditating daily required lot of energy and motivation.

In both cases "energy" similar. One requires less energy, on other hand other require more energy.

Therefore, we as human follow, the Law of Least Effort i.e. people will do work which requires least amount of work.

#listy #selfhelp #atomichabit

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Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.


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This diary has left lasting impression. This diary of Anne Frank, a girl who was mature than her age had penned down most tragic 2 years(1942-44). In her diary, she elobrately talked about the pathetic suffering of jews, living in hideaway, relationship between her and parent and other topics like family,friend,love,politics, religion. Anyone will be amazed to know all these topics had been written by girl only of 13-15 years old. Must read book !

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A Thousand Splendid Suns | Khaled Hosseini
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This book is tour to Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini beautifully narrated the story of two central characters Mariam and Laila. The way he presented whole story, left me with impression that all events are going infornt of my eye.
This book is tragedy about suffering of two ladies due to conventional and evil forces present in society. Mariam's suffering and her sacrifice left helpless and heartbroken.
I recommend this book to you all!


thevagabondlawyer 👏👏👏 4y
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A Thousand Splendid Suns | Khaled Hosseini
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"One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roof,
or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her wall."
What a suggestive quote this is ! Whenever anyone is in confusion regarding his or her decisions then this quote must be followed as Laila did!

#listy #listybook #newbook #athousnadsplendidsuns #book

A Thousand Splendid Suns | Khaled Hosseini
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"Laila is happy here in Murree. But it is not an easy happiness. It is not a happiness without cost."

Indeed, everything has a cost. Laila has given a sacrifice of her beloved friend and hamshira Mariam. She lost her cruel husband, although i don't count it as loss.
#listybook #listy

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A Thousand Splendid Suns | Khaled Hosseini
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This was legitimate end to a life of illegitimate beginning!
What a heartbreaking moment! This book compel to cry and mourn on the conditions of women!

BridgetteM I read this book years ago and this scene has stuck with me through the years. 4y
iamChandra @BridgetteM Even the previous part where Mariam kill her husband and she said she ended only thing she has! 4y
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This book is about Japanese people. How the people in that country live so long, about their diet, exercise and some of japenese concepts.

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The Spy | Paulo Coelho
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This book is one time read.Paulo has framed the actual story of Mata Hari in nice way.The Plot of story is on world war. Paulo has written in simple way. It can be read in 5 hours.

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And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie

The name of book itself suggest that it is full of mystry and suspense. Agatha Christie as she is known as "queen of crime" had prefectly in this book written in such as manner as her title. Best part of this book is that till last, suspense and thrill remain.#mystry#agathachristie

The Alchemist | P Coelho, International Editions

Simply the best

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New day new book!!!!!
Started reading this book!!!!
Having good vibes!!!!


This book is about motivation for not dying, about struggle with death and about understanding life in most difficult and harsh situation. The author himself narrates whole story as he is protagonist. When anyone read this book then understand there must be a reason to live. First part of book is about harsh life in concentration camp but second part dealt with psychology and life. At last book become difficult to understand. Enjoy reading!

iamChandra Please share your thoughts on this comment and on book. 6y
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This is the most simple and basic component of life: our struggles determine our successes.

iamChandra Share your thoughts in comment box on this box. 6y
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Man's Search for Meaning | Viktor E Frankl
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Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure or quest for power but a quest for meaning.😊🔝👍👍
Have anyone read this book? What's your view on this book?

britt_brooke I haven‘t read this, but will be curious to see what you think. 6y
iamChandra @britt_brooke I am going through this book it seem so meaningful and inspiring. Hope you will read in future. 6y
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The Catcher in the Rye | Jerome Salinger
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Can you tell me which book do you like most?

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One Hundred Years of Solitude | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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I started reading this book and while reading I felt that I am in new world made by Gabriel Garcia.😊 Enjoying Reading

The Catcher in the Rye | J. D. Salinger

The book is about a boy who left his school and started living in hotel without knowledge of his parents. He used to have opinion for all those people he met and one who he knows. He loves his younger sister and she is the reason he went back to home.

The Google Story | David A. Vise, Mark Malseed

I have read this magnificent book about one of most magnificent Company. Must read book!!!
It's about how the google evolve from Standford University and today become one of most valuable company.

Think and Grow Rich | Napoleon Hill

What a magnificent and inspiring book!! The dedication of author for 25 years regading writting this book has benefited the readers. Must read book.

Jess7 Welcome!! 6y
iamChandra @Jess7 thanks... I am much more happy if you suggest me more regarding books. 6y
Jess7 I‘m happy to suggest books for you to read. What genres do you like and dislike? 6y
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iamChandra @Jess7 Business personlity biographies or autobiographies and books which teaches about life. 6y
Jess7 I don‘t read a lot of business-type books. I do read a lot of memoirs and some nonfiction (inspirational-type books). I‘ll tag a few in the comments I really enjoyed 6y
Jess7 5/5 Stars - highly recommend. This book has everything. It‘s funny, it‘s tragic, it‘s beautiful. 6y
Jess7 Fiction book, but inspirational: 6y
Jess7 Funny and insightful about her life and Scientology: 6y
iamChandra @Jess7 thanks alot. It is so kind of you that you have given me time and suggest such good books. I will read all those recommendations. If you read any new book keep suggesting me. 😊 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy! 6y
iamChandra @Wife thanks 6y
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Think and Grow Rich | Napoleon Hill

What a magnificent and inspiring book!! The dedication of author for 25 years regading writting this book has benefited the readers. Must read book.

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This is amazing book written for an extraordinary man and one who has shown the world that he defeated the failure. How this Alibaba grown and now dominating around whole world in each sectors. @britt_brooke take a look on this.

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The Catcher in the Rye | J. D. Salinger
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A new beginning!!!! @britt_brooke How is this book and suggest me some more book written by this author

britt_brooke Hope you love this! 🤗 This is his only novel, but he published a few short stories and novellas (many are about the fictional Glass family). (edited) 6y
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iamChandra @britt_brooke for your valuable suggestions regarding his writings. I hope you would help me to suggest more if I ask as I am new to this platform.😊 6y
britt_brooke @iamdarthvader Absolutely! I hope you‘re enjoying Litsy so far. It‘s such a nice community of readers. 6y
iamChandra @britt_brooke yea I started having little bit interest in this platform. Thanks for responding each time😊 If anything more you would think important then suggest me. 6y
britt_brooke @iamdarthvader Happy to! I‘m going to tag a few people who run the #LitsyWelcomeWagon and have them include you in their next “Welcome to Litsy” post. This is a good way to find people to follow plus there are some links to helpful tips. @Jess7 @Chelleo @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @BookaholicNatty @LitsyWelcomeWagon - Can you all please add @iamdarthvader to your next post? Thanks! 💚 (edited) 6y
iamChandra @britt_brooke thanks a lot 😊 I am grateful to you. 6y
britt_brooke @iamdarthvader You‘re so welcome! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy 🎊🎉🙌🏻📚😘 6y
iamChandra @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks alot. Keep suggesting me about book and List😊 6y
iamChandra @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks I will do the same what you have mentioned. 6y
Chelleo Welcome! 6y
iamChandra @Chelleo thanks 😊 and keep suggesting me. 6y
AmyG Welcome! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 6y
iamChandra @AmyG thanks 😊😍 6y
Kaye Welcome ✨✨✨ 6y
SilversReviews Thanks. 6y
Jas16 Welcome to Litsy @iamdarthvader Thank you for the tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 6y
iamChandra @Kaye thanks 😊 6y
iamChandra @Jas16 thanks 😊 6y
revenge4porgy Not one of my favorites by Salinger, but definitely worth reading 6y
TheBookgeekFrau Welcome! And I have to say-Love the name!!! I‘m rather partial to Lord Vader myself 😊 6y
iamChandra @C.Perone thanks 😊. Do you like Darthvader in Star War 6y
MrBook Thank you for the tag, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ☺️🤗🤗🤗! 6y
MrBook Welcome to the #LitsyFamily, @iamdarthvader ! 😁👍🏻👍🏻 6y
iamChandra @MrBook thanks 😊 6y
Mdargusch Hi! 👋🏼 welcome! And thanks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😁 6y
LeahBergen Hello! 👋🏻 Thanks for the tag, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ! 😘 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @iamdarthvader I like him a lot💜 6y
iamChandra @C.Perone it means we are darthvader fan 😊😄💥🙌🎉 feel free to share anything regarding Darthvader 6y
iamChandra @LeahBergen thanks 😊 6y
iamChandra @Mdargusch thanks 😊 6y
BookaholicNatty I haven‘t read this but have it on my shelf and can‘t wait to read it!!!! Welcome to Litsy friend!!! 📚 6y
TheBookgeekFrau @iamdarthvader Yes we are🎉🎉 Scroll through my page - I think you‘ll like my Easter post😊 6y
iamChandra @BookaholicNatty thanks for welcoming my friends😊. I am enjoying this book. Hope you read this book and share your thoughts about this book. 6y
iamChandra @C.Perone OK 😎. Can we make page on darthvader or can we do anything like making meme or something. 6y
TheBookgeekFrau I don‘t think we can make a page, but I will tag you in anything I post that is DV related 6y
iamChandra @C.Perone thanks alot😊 I liked darthvader so much that I used this as nickname every where like in Counter strike and other games. 6y
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Control your temper. Remember, you can measure the size of a person by what makes him or her angry.

revenge4porgy Too true 😱💕✌️ 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚👍Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
iamChandra @DebinHawaii thanks 😊 6y
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