So excited to read #TheWonderofLostCauses by #NickTrout for my #PopSugar2021ReadingChallenge! [Pictured are my two little babies who have since passed my #Yorkie, Gizmo and my #MaineCoon, Forrest]
#popsugar #readingchallenge
So excited to read #TheWonderofLostCauses by #NickTrout for my #PopSugar2021ReadingChallenge! [Pictured are my two little babies who have since passed my #Yorkie, Gizmo and my #MaineCoon, Forrest]
#popsugar #readingchallenge
I easily get sucked into buying books with pretty covers. House of Salt and Sorrows is no exception 😍
#HouseofSaltandSorrows #ErinACraig #BarnesandNoble #NewBook #Beauitful
One of the many #newbooks I received from #BarnesandNoble! I‘ve been eyeing this for a while now and I‘m so happy to finally add it to my shelf! 😍
#sorceryofthorns #margaretrogerson #newbook #youngadultfantasy #youngadult #fantasy #beautiful
Finally received my #BookoftheMonth box! I chose The Prophets by Robert Jones, Jr. as my #BOTM and I picked Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik as my add-on. So excited!
#theprophets #robertjonesjr #spinningsilver #naominovik #bookofthemonthclub #botmclub #newbooks
Well here it is! #MyYearInBooks for 2020! I definitely didn‘t read as much as I had hoped (COVID shutdowns take a lot out of a person), but I‘m still proud of the progress I made! For 2021, i hope to double the amount I read. How many books did you read this year? #goodreadschallenge #goodreads #2020challenge #QOTD
This book, guys. I loved it! The way I incisiones Cardan is exactly how he was illustrated. The art is gorgeous. This story was a quick and easy read and I loved seeing things from Cardan‘s perspective. I feel extremely sympathetic toward his character after learning more about his background. I couldn‘t recommend this enough! #KingofElfhame #HollyBlack #FolkoftheAir #TheCruelPrince #TheWickedKing #TheQueenofNothibg
Just received my #LitJoyCrate earlier today! I‘m in love with this cover! This book has #LGBTQ themes which I‘m so excited for! This book sounds so sweet and I can‘t wait to read it!
#thelovecurseofmelodymcintyre #robintalley #novel #theater #newpost #cute #litjoy
#MerryChristmas everyone! I received A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer from my mom this year. 😍 What book(s)/bookish items did you get for the holidays? 🥰
tags [#acursesodarkandlonely #cursebreakers #brigidkemmerer #newbook #christmas #christmas2020 #fantasy #novel #fantasynovel #christmasgift #bookmas #emberfall #princerhen #harper]
Finally got the rest of the series! I‘ve been hearing amazing things about The Wicked King and I can‘t wait to get into it. 😍
📍tags: [#thecruelprince #thewickedking #thequeenofnothing #howthekingofelfhamelearnedtohatestories #thefolkoftheair #hollyblack #fantasy #elfhame #cardangreenbriar #judeduarte #bookrecommendations #booklover #booknerd #read #readmorebooks #reading #readingtime #newpost #newaccount #followme #novel]
Finished reading this book the other day and I am so in love with it. I made the unfortunate mistake of only buying this one before committing to the entire series. Luckily, the other books should arrive tomorrow!! (Also, I love Cardan and I have no regrets about it 😤😅😂)
#thecruelprince #hollyblack #thefolkoftheair #thewickedking #thequeenofnothing #howthekingofelfhamelearnedtohatestories