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Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World | Haruki Murakami
Japan's most widely-read and controversial writer, author of A Wild Sheep Chase, hurtles into the consciousness of the West with this narrative about a split-brained data processor, a deranged scientist, his shockingly undemure granddaughter, and various thugs, librarians, and subterranean monsters--not to mention Bob Dylan and Lauren Bacall.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Very different from most of Murakami‘s stuff, but still enjoyable. I was really bothered by his obsession with one girl‘s weight, but otherwise good stuff.

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This was my favorite book read in April.
It‘s not my favorite Murakami though.

📷 This photo was taken in the Mojave National Preserve.


Andrew65 Not read this Murakami (edited) 3y
PaperbackPirate @Andrew65 I just saw in the bookstore yesterday there‘s a new nonfiction Murakami book about his t-shirt collection. Nice to flip through but I didn‘t bite. 3y
Andrew65 @PaperbackPirate That‘s a strange theme for a book! 3y
PaperbackPirate @Andrew65 Lol I guess since he writes strange stories? 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 3y
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"You still don't understand, do you?" says my shadow, wearily resting it's head. "If I run away and leave you behind, your life here would be sheer misery... Shadows that don't die here can only leave behind incomplete deaths. You'd live out all eternity in the embrace of what's left of your mind. In the Woods. Those with undead shadows are driven out of Town to wander through the woods forever and ever, possessed by their thoughts..."

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This story was different from the other Murakami that I‘ve read. Yes, they‘re all different. This one was more alternate dimension while the others I‘ve read by him are more surrealism/magical realism. Still, I liked this unique story about “the end of the world.”
☠️ Photo taken at an abandoned mine on the Mojave National Preserve, improved upon by an environmental protest. It was our first post-vaccination spring break trip.

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If only I had the time I would read:
👹 Skinwalkers by Tony Hillerman for the Possesion theme on LT
🔫 Rage by Richard Bachman for a buddy read on IG
🐥 Yellow Bird by Sierra Crane Murdoch for book club
🦄 finish the tagged book for the Key Word Reading Challenge
👩🏾‍🦽 Song of Susannah by Stephen King for a buddy read on IG
✊🏾 Chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire for my anti-racist teacher group
🍀 Wish me time and luck!

Hooked_on_books I love your cool, colorful letter board! 3y
PaperbackPirate Thank you @HookedonBooks ! I just got it from Paper Source. 🌈💙 3y
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Hellooooo, it‘s me!

Sunday reads.

squirrelbrain Hey, how are you doing? Hope you‘re OK. 😘 4y
rockpools Hello you! 😊 4y
Librarybelle 👋 Hello! Hope all is well! 4y
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Robothugs @squirrelbrain Hey! I‘m doing okay. How are you? 🖤 4y
Robothugs @rockpools @Librarybelle Hi! Nice to see both of you. 4y
squirrelbrain Good thanks Jen - just trying to navigate through all this weirdness but doing OK.... 4y
Robothugs @squirrelbrain It‘s been a tough year for me. And COVID has just been 🥴 Ugh. I want to say 2021 will be better but I believe I said that back in 2019... 😆 4y
squirrelbrain Sorry to hear that Jen - I‘m here if you need me, and you probably still have my email address too if you‘d like a chat. 😘 (edited) 4y
Robothugs @squirrelbrain Thank you! 🖤 4y
sisilia Good to see you here, Jen 😄 4y
Robothugs @sisilia Thank you! 🖤 4y
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For some reason I really like to read Murakami during the holidays - I think because his books are always such a great escape and so entertaining. And, I love the way he talks about food.

Liz_M That is a lovely edition -- I like the touch of silver. 4y
sarahbarnes @Liz_M I like it, too! I found it used and think it‘s much prettier than the new editions. 4y
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ju.ca.no Such a great book! 4y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk It is veeeeery Inceptiony. 4y
Eggs 🙌🏻🙌🏻 @ju.ca.no @TobeyTheScavengerMonk 4y
Klou Great choice!! 4y
Eggs Thanks 🙏🏻 @Klou 4y
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This particular mix of absurdity, confusion, and general weirdness was not for me. Gave me a headache. It was hard work to read and that negates the potential for enjoyment. Bizarre and all over the place, Hard Boiled is one I‘m not willing to plod through hundreds of pages in hopes of its improvement. And what is with the sexual obsession with the chubby young woman, ugh

Velvetfur This is one of the few Murakami novels that I haven't read yet, so it was interesting to hear your views on it! I'll probably like it because of the weirdness though 😊 5y
Eggs Hope you enjoy Vikki 🤗❤️ @Velvetfur ! 5y
Velvetfur @Eggs 😊👍 5y
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"Whiskey, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation. You gaze first, then it‘s time to drink.”

Sometimes you just gotta do it...

AmyRebecca Haha! What a quote 🥃 5y
Lena_Moore @AmyRebecca That's what I thought! 5y
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Why do I keep reading murakami I hear you ask? Not much choice of audiobooks from my library and I normally at least partly enjoy it round the sexism.

And this was the same! Fascinating thought provoking magic realism, with a good dose of Dont Say That About Seventeen Year Old Girls and some extra fatphobia I didn‘t need. If I could have skipped that and kept the world of trapped shadows and the end of the world, it‘d have been great

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"I closed my eyes and felt the warmth on my eyelids. Sunlight traveled a long distance to reach this planet; an infinitesimal portion of that energy was enough to warm my eyelids. I was moved. That something as insignificant as an eyelid had its place in the workings of the universe, that the cosmic order did not overlook this momentary fact."

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Hard-Boiled Wonderland - A nameless man who can encrypt data with his specially wired brain is drawn into the orbit a mad scientist, his granddaughter, & turtle monsters dwelling under Tokyo.

The End of the World - A nameless man arrives in a walled city where he is separated from his shadow & given the job of reading dreams with no escape.

These 2 stories meld to form a fascinating whole held together by lovely prose and so many unicorn skulls.

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"Fairness is a concept that holds only in limited situations. Yet we want the concept to extend to everything, in and out of phase. From snails to hardware stores to married life. Maybe no one finds it, or even misses it, but fairness is like love. What is given has nothing to do with what we seek."

Severnmeadows That just hits home! 5y
tournevis Lovely card design! 5y
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#Riotgrams #BooksAndPastries I stopped by the local bookstore and got a coffee and danish for my wife on the way home (some mishap in my tastebuds/neurons makes coffee taste like poison to me).

Creadnorthey This such a good book! 5y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @Creadnorthey I am really digging it! 5y
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“Life‘s no piece of cake, mind you, but the recipe‘s my own to fool with.”


ephemeralwaltz Enjoy! I have this waiting on my shelf 5y
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#Starting this gift from a friend. It‘s only my second Murakami (after Wild Sheep Chase) but I know enough to be excited.

JackOBotts I loved and recommend 5y
scowler1 My Japanese friend assures me this is his best work. I liked IQ84 a little more though. It's all good. 5y
zezeki The Wild Sheep Chase was also my first Murakami read! I've read lot of his work later and Hard-boiled wonderland might be my favourite so far. 5y
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Woohooo second-hand bookstore finds! 😍 This is a Murakami I've been wanting to read for ages.

ReadosaurusText It is one of my favorite books! 5y
Billypar I love the cover- never saw this edition before. 5y
readordierachel Score! 5y
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Weaponxgirl That cover is amazing 5y
ephemeralwaltz @ReadosaurusText that's great to hear 😍 5y
ephemeralwaltz @Billypar it really is lovely! It's the Catalan edition 😊 5y
Rhelia I love this book so much! 😊 5y
Pruzy I always cross my fingers hoping to find some Murakami every time I go to a used bookstore 🤞 5y
Severnmeadows One of the effects of Litsy is joy in so many extraordinary book covers! This one‘s striking. (edited) 5y
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It took me two months to finish this book. I usually really like Murakami, but I guess you can't like them all, and that's fine. Still want to try his new book.

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Borrowed a book from the #library for tonight's trip to Tokyo.

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Well, that was fun. Yes, the weirdness for the sake of weirdness grows tiresome at times, but for the most part, I enjoy being in Murakami's crazy, music-filled, world. This one also has a lot to say about perception and reality and what makes a life worth living.

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#NoFemmeber Subterranean leeches are not the sorts of #wildcreatures that I'd want to be anywhere near. Murakami doesn't allow you to catch your breath in either of two very different stories woven together in this strange tale. Eels seem to be pursuing Neko Case on this album cover, and creatures reign in many of her songs--sparrows, tigers, foxes, and ferrets to name just a few. With a voice like hers, she must attract them, Snow White style 🐦

mklong This is a book club pick for me this month but eep! I didn‘t know there would be leeches! 6y
Cinfhen Sometimes cover art leaves me really scratching my head 🥺 6y
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Cinfhen I can‘t read Murakami 6y
merelybookish @Cinfhen I.dont think I can either. I tried once and bailed. The sentence style and dialogue made me nutty. 6y
Cinfhen Same @merelybookish it was just so difficult and not enjoyable for me...I‘m not sure I want to try again #SoManyBooksSoLittleTime 6y
Centique @Cinfhen @merelybookish oh gosh I love him so far (based on two books only). His sentences felt different but I liked the difference. But then I know we‘re always on the opposite sides of magical realism @Cinfhen 😂😘 6y
Cinfhen I think with Murakami it‘s a love/hate...not that I hate @Centique he‘s just soooo outside my reading comfort xx but we seem to be in sync with our historical fiction 6y
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I thought this was a powerful line. It made me sad, but was said in such a matter-of-fact way.

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So... I‘m not sure if this one is really my thing. I‘ve read about a third of it so far, so I hate to give up now, but I‘m not really feeling it. For those who have read it, is it worth continuing?

mcipher I haven‘t read it, but Murakami is weird and sometimes you have to be in exactly the right time and place to enjoy his work. I wouldn‘t feel bad about putting it down at all. 6y
zezeki I personally enjoyed this one a lot. But I agree with @mcipher , your really need to be in the right mood for his work. 6y
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#Rescued from #storage ! Looking forward to the tagged book. And also to re-reading Ishmael and starting The Story of B. #solittletime

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#QuotsyOct18 Day 12: This #Recipe I wouldn‘t mind.!

ephemeralwaltz I have yet to read this Murakami! 6y
GatheringBooks @ephemeralwaltz likewise!! i have an entire stack of murakamis just waiting to be read. 6y
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This is my 4th Haruki Murakami book. None of them have made sense. All of them have stuck with me for a long time after reading and left me with a desire to reread in the future. The feelings these books give you linger like a weird dream that you'd like to figure out but probably can't. I love his writing style and his unique perspective. I highly recommend literally anything by this guy.

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"How was it possible for a life of misery to be happy overall? But then I understood, that misery could be limited to the future."

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This book is getting weirder and weirder. I expect and embrace the weirdness of Murakami's novels. I just can't get enough!

I woke up early and came to the couch to read and have some coffee. Simon continues to sleep while helping me hold my book up.

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Got sick of the misogyny, the Male Gaze™️ that describes every single woman in an oversexualized way while also talking down about them. Made it about halfway. Bummer because the plot interested me.

Itchyfeetreader Good review will keep away from this one 6y
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So many unnecessary comments like these. Of course, Murakami‘s characters find fat women repulsive, but also want to have sex with them even if they‘re 17.

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So far this is a really interesting book that is compromised by frequent misogynistic comments! Why, Murakami, why?

Dolly 😠that just might persuade me to pass on this one. 6y
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"You oughtta move someplace with classier doors." -the guy who just broke down his door

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I have been disappointed by some of Murakami‘s books in the past but I keep coming back because of intriguing plot summaries. 🤷‍♀️

manifestsanity Don't worry. You're sure to be disappointed again. 6y
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A little bit of reading time with my pup before meeting my dad for lunch... Our relationship is very strained, and all he wants to talk about is his political beliefs (he's desperately seeking acceptance from me, his socialist daughter, of his pro-Trump beliefs... Not gonna happen...) So I want to have a dad, but he's making it difficult. I'd much rather agree to disagree and talk about literature or philosophy or food or work like we used to.

Kayla.Adriena Aww at least you're trying. My relationship with my dad has become distant in my late twenties and it makes me sad. So I can relate to your post. Hope your lunch went well! 6y
mrsh62010 @Kayla.Adriena Thank you so much. It was difficult, but today I got more of a sense that he's working toward having a relationship with me despite our differences and he is working harder at finding common ground than arguing points. He consistently crosses boundaries, i can tell him directly that I'd rather change the subject and he goes on regardless. But I can tell he's trying :/ 6y
Kayla.Adriena I feel for you! Hope your relationship continues to improve. We need our dads no matter how old we get, I wish mine realized that 😥 6y
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mrsh62010 @Kayla.Adriena I hope your relationship can improve as well. Both parties have to work really hard to bridge big divides. Some people just don't have it in them and are more comfortable separating from family. I'm lucky that we're both at least trying. We're both too stubborn to just give up haha... But I do often wonder if I should, for my own sanity... 6y
Kayla.Adriena I should give my dad credit as well, he has young children again and has a busy life. I'm all grown up and independent... probably doesn't help that I'm passive aggressive and he doesn't know how I feel 6y
Kayla.Adriena I'm sorry this has turned into a heavy topic on a lovely photo of you reading with your fur baby on what is supposed to be a primarily bookish platform. Anyway thanks for the dialogue! 6y
mrsh62010 @Kayla.Adriena It's a people platform I think more than anything. What I posted wasn't about the book, it was just on my mind. You're more than welcome to open up around me. That goes for everybody. 6y
Kayla.Adriena A "people platform" I love that! It's why I joined, I'm looking for connection ☺️ 6y
mrsh62010 @Kayla.Adriena I think you'll find what you're looking for on litsy. There's so many book swaps and pen pal type things being organized all the time. I have very few irl friends who like reading at all, so I definitely needed an outlet for sharing my favorite hobby. Nice to meet you. :) 6y
Kayla.Adriena Nice to meet you! 6y
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Good morning! No work for me today. Just coffee and my favorite author and puppy snuggles.

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😂 I love it. Already really enjoying this one. Just a few pages in and I'm hooked. He writes such unique characters 😍

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"For only through assiduous repetition is it possible to redistribute skewed tendencies."

I bought this book used, as with most of my other books. I don't mind when people highlight or write notes, it kinda gives me a sense of sharing with a mystery person.

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I'm gonna abandon that 2nd-in-a-row autobiography I've been reading, in favor of some fiction by my (probably) favorite author, so that I'll actually want to pick up a book again.

I want to find my niche in non fiction books. I love learning, but autobiographies are not appealing to me. I think, in general, the kind of person who is inclined to write an autobiography is just a little too self absorbed for me to enjoy their writing.

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To sum it up- mind-bending sci-fi saga with monsters and unicorn, Murakami style. I had no idea what I was getting into. Really enjoyed the ride.

LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! So glad you‘re here! Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos 6y
Jess7 Welcome!! 6y
Bronte_Chintz Welcome to litsy 6y
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CarolynM Welcome to Litsy🌼 6y
sree08 Welcome!!!! 6y
Swe_Eva Welcome! 6y
asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
BookaholicNatty Welcome to Litsy! Hope your loving it here as much as I do! ❤️❤️📚 6y
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Honestly still processing this book. I felt like it was weird for the sake of being weird and that it left a lot of strings dangling. But I also wonder if there was some point I missed.

RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻 6y
mrsh62010 Haha that's Haruki Murakami for you ;) 6y
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maralinchen Yes of course 😍😍 6y
Tanisha_A Sounds fun! 😀 6y
JuSt1 Sure :) 6y
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ju.ca.no @maralinchen @Tanisha_A @JuSt1 the infos are at @lauren.lerner s post :) 6y
ephemeralwaltz Aah haven't read this one yet 😍 6y
lauren.lerner I haven‘t read this one yet. Should I move it up in the #TBR? 6y
ju.ca.no @lauren.lerner @ephemeralwaltz it was my first Murakami and is still pretty much my favourite! I highly recommend it😍 6y
ephemeralwaltz I sooooo need to read this. 6y
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Finally nice enough to enjoy morning coffee on the deck

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Asks questions of being human and the conscious mind. Has two parallel stories; one a cyber punk noir story of an information war and the other a fairy tale town with beasts. Only towards the end you find out how they are related. 8/10

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Just found this at the local used bookstore. Growing my Murakami collection!

britt_brooke Nice!! 7y
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This is a must read if you like weird books! It's so brilliantly written and you cannot help but think what a genius Murakami is! Through the story, Murakami tells us so much about life and living, about what is happiness, about the choices we make in life etc. Although Kafka on The Shore is still his best according to me, this is almost equally amazing! There are parts which can be confusing but you will figure it all out as the story progresses.

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