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Welcome to Lagos
Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
When army officer Chike Ameobi is ordered to kill innocent civilians, he knows that it is time to leave. As he travels towards Lagos, he becomes the leader of a new platoon, a band of runaways who share his desire for a better life. Their arrival in the city coincides with the eruption of a political scandal. The education minister, Chief Sandayo, has disappeared and is suspected of stealing millions of dollars from government funds. After an unexpected encounter with the Chief, Chike and his companions must make a choice. Ahmed Bakare, editor of the failing Nigerian Journal, is desperate for information. But perhaps the situation is more complex than it appears. As moving as it is mesmerising, Welcome to Lagos is a novel about the power of our dreams for the future and the place of morality in a sometimes hostile world.
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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A group of misfits find themselves thrown together by circumstance in the dangerous, complex place that is Lagos. The best character in this novel is Lagos and the character we get to know best is the complex Minister of Education. The weaving of loyalties and circumstances is a thing of beauty.

Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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When the scenery blends with the book cover✨

Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Really looking forward to this - an evening with Chibundu Onuzo- readings, gospel choir, live music creating the streets of Lagos in London!

Any other Littens in the audience - I can give you a wave?

Susanita I wish! Enjoy! 5y
JamieArc Wow. That sounds amazing! 5y
TrishB Sadly not. 5y
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andrew61 Wow i loved this book, what a great event - enjoy. 5y
Soubhiville Oh cool! Sounds like a nice time. 5y
Blaire You go to so many great events! 💕 5y
Chrissyreadit This looks like a great time! 5y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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#litsywalkers finished this audiobook today on a snowy, slippery walk. Only walked from my gym to home-- thought about going further but too icy.
This book gives the reader a sense of modern Lagos. The corruption, hustle and ingenuity that coexist. At times I thought maybe the author is trying to do too much with too many characters, but I think that sense of chaos the reader gets is meant to evoke the chaos Lagos brings. A worthy read!

Tanisha_A Your house! 😍 6y
BookBabe That house is gorgeous! 😍 I hear you on the icy. It‘s been that way here too. 6y
8little_paws @Tanisha_A oh that is NOT my house 😂 I live in a large village multi unit apartment building. Just one of the very nice houses in my town. 6y
rockpools I‘ve been curious about this book - sounds good! 6y
Kaye 🌟 6y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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After my elliptical workout at the y for #litsywalkers yesterday, we hit up the seafood dive bar in our town for $13 lobster. I'm really enjoying this book, it is meandering, but entertaining and really makes me feel like i'm in Lagos.
Probably no walk today, ny hip is a little sore. But I've had 4 days of good workouts in a row. Ready to go hard saturday and sunday.

Kaye Good job 🌷 6y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo

Welp it's a snowy icy storm again here in chicago, but I did get in over 12k steps today between the gym and a walk to book club before the wind picked up! I didn't get any pictures though. #litsywalkers

imabusybee Great job! 6y
rockpools 👏👏👏 6y
Kaye Good job. Sure wish this weather would settle down. We‘ll soon be into March. Time to shape up. 6y
8little_paws @Kaye even on my non walking/ running days, i'm going to crossfit or doing a weights based workout instead 🤘 6y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Onuzo gives us very intriguing individual stories that interconnect culminating into the big picture. An interesting read.

Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo

What a ride! I expected something boring, then it changed and I thought it would end crazy high, but then it came back and then I thought it would end, but I was pleasantly surprised by the final ending. I‘m pretty sure this review made no sense, but it was a good read!

Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Up next...my impulse buy.

sarahjane1077 Is this cover not gorgeous? 6y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo

It‘s not perfect, and it took me a minute to get into it, but I enjoyed this clunky cast of characters.

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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Morning @24in48 -ers! I‘m back at it, I‘ve got about 13 hours reading to do. Diving right in! #24in48

Bklover I LOVE your mug!!!! ❤️❤️❤️Dobby❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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I‘m beat. Time for bed. Happy reading y‘all, catch you in a few hours. 😴😴😴 #24in48

Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Onto book 5! Time to break out moar snacks since it's past 10 pm here and I want to clock in some more reading time. #24in48

ninjypants those bark thins are so good they‘re dangerous 😍 6y
theshrinkette @ninjypants It's a struggle not to finish the entire thing in a single sitting. 6y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Challenging, but in a good way. I loved the author's brand of satire, particularly the exerpts from Ahmed's fictitious newspaper criticizing Lagos and its inhabitants. A rich cast of characters stuck in an absurd situation. The author's feelings for Lagos shine out and it is gently hopeful book.

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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Really enjoyed this! It‘s not as happy-go-lucky as I thought it might be based on the cover. It has a little more depth to it, but I really liked seeing this random group of people come together as they head to Lagos. It shows a fascinating picture of Nigeria - including the political corruption, the different religions and classes of people and desire for a better life. I grew to love Chike and loved learning about another part of the world.

Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Belletrist May Pick

I really did not like this book at all. I felt very confused as to what was going on in the novel and I couldn‘t follow along with the change between the characters. Maybe it‘s just me, but I don‘t think I would read this book again.

Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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1. At first I heard Laurel, but later I heard Yanny. Go figure.
2. One podcast leads to another, and my #TBR grows!
3. June 15 or thereabouts.
4. No kids, but my niece is just about to finish her associates degree.
5. WTG graduates!

Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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New ARCs in from Catapult. Both of which are solidly in my wheelhouse! 😍

Natasha.C.Barnes Oh! I think I've heard of the tagged one! How exciting. 7y
batsy Both books sound great but I'm especially interested in The Life to Come 👍 7y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Darn, this started out so good – the writing rivaled Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie‘s for the longest time, and the story was so compelling – but by the halfway mark the plot had taken an unbearably hokey turn, while the prose had lost much of its nuance and freshness before that. I could not continue. I would certainly try a later novel by this writer, though.

minkyb Too bad. 7y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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#allthebooksof2017 #favoritebookcoverof2017
Well i will ignore the missing 'u' to join in with a cover and book i loved this year- a really good read

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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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#maybookflowers #bestofmay
I read 13 books this month of which this was my highlight - although honourable mention goes t to The lucky ones by julianne pachinko and the light and the dark by mikhail shishkin and a reread of the god of small things.

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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Walking home tonight, I listened to a month-old episode of For Books' Sake, a books-by-women podcast that is new to me. They had a short interview with Chibundu Onuzo, and I totally fell in love with her! The interview was mostly about where in her home Onuzo does her writing. (In the kitchen, which is not good for her waistline, she said.) Her voice and her laugh make me all the more eager to read her! ❤️ Link below!

lynneamch Thank you! I didn't know about forbookssake. 🖒 7y
MamaGina Thank You 😊 Always pleased to find new bookish podcasts👍🏼 7y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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This was a 5* read, and i loved what was a brilliantly crafted story of five different individuals who randomly join together in their escapes from various difficulties to the city of Lagos. Into their 'family' comes a disgraced minister of education on the run from the government. Wondefully drawn characters drew me into their lives and lagos itself came to life on the page. At times both comic and tragic. Loved it.

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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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I am really enjoying this story of a group of misfits who come together in lagos. Well written characters and dialogue, humour and underlying sadness, but suddenly a paragraph like this brings you back to reality with a jolt.

saresmoore Wow. 7y
shawnmooney I have this physically beautiful book on my pile! Your quote makes me want to get to it that much sooner! 7y
batsy Damn. 7y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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I started this last night and 50 pages in it is well written and rattling along but what is likely to be a fascinating picture of modern Nigeria. Plus i love the cover artwork.

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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo

Really enjoyed this. A cross-section of politics, scandal, and a human desire for some form of escape.


Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Seems like a good day to start this. Hope everyone's had a fantastic #InternationalWomensDay, however you spent it x

rubyslippersreads Great cover! 8y
BooksForEmpathy I can't wait for my copy to come in!! 8y
beckygracelea @BooksForEmpathy I'm enjoying it so far! Looking forward to seeing what you think 😊 8y
beckygracelea @rubyslippersreads Beautiful isn't it? I keep stopping to look at all the detail! 8y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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saresmoore Yay! 8y
Hooked_on_books That cover is fabulous 8y
shawnmooney @Hooked_on_books Isn't it just? That's the main reason I bought the paper copy instead of going the e-book route. The graphic wraps around the spine and back cover too! 8y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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This month's YourShelf #bookpost

My to read pile is fast approaching precarious health and safety levels.

Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Can you say SPLURGE, boys and girls?

8little_paws Shawn, your are always reading books that sounds interesting, and completely off my radar. 8y
LeahBergen Forty Rooms has been on my radar. I can't wait to hear what you think. 😘 8y
saresmoore I prefer to call it a good life decision! 8y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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One of my antipated reads of 2017. I ghavevquite a few more but will try to focus on my backlist. #readsoullit #africanwriters #blackwomenwriters

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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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Here's a new release out of Nigeria that I will definitely buy just for this mouthwatering dustjacket, and if the 25-freaking-year-old (!!) writer is drinking the same water as all the other wonderful Nigerian writers, I'll probably stick around for what's inside!

vivastory Beautiful, looks like a recent penguin cover 8y
shawnmooney @ReadingEnvy I have yet to read any Teju Cole but I've now stacked this one on your trustworthy recommendation! :-) 8y
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ReadingEnvy My absolutely favorite book set in Lagos is about aliens that come from the ocean, called 8y
shawnmooney @ReadingEnvy And, aside from a handful of scholars and transplanted Nigerians, you're probably the only Westerner to have read enough books set there to actually HAVE a favorite! ❤❤ 8y
Lesliereads I've been waiting for a New book from this author ever since I read The Spider King's Daughter! 8y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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What a lovely way to start the day #LRC5 #setinAfrica

Suzze I got an email today that they wouldn't let me get a book because it was only for U.K. I understand, it just makes me sad. 8y
BookishTrish @Suzze I always feel a bit bummed when that happens too! 8y
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Welcome to Lagos | Chibundu Onuzo
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And sometimes, you go to Paris for Christmas and spend 1+ hours in Shakespeare and Company, and spend way too much money, except it's not too much, because you find wonderful things like an illustrated Pride and Prejudice, a graphic novel about Agatha Christie's life and a book that hasn't been released in the United States yet! #bookhaul #travel

BookishMarginalia Love that tote! And the Agatha book is fab -- you'll enjoy it. Who published that P&P? 8y
brennahawleycraig @BookishMarginalia I was so excited about the agatha book because I've been on a crusade to read her this year, and I had started thinking about reading a biography. This fits me so well! The P&P is by Rockport. Website says rockportpaperink.com. It even has a fold-out illustration of Pemberly! 8y
BookishMarginalia Ooooooh. I must get that! 8y
Buddys_Momma I preordered Welcome to Lagos, can't wait to get it! 8y
brennahawleycraig @Buddys_Momma I'm likely going to have to rebuy because it disappeared out of our checked (and locked) luggage 😣 8y
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