Thanks Rohit and Cindy for hosting such a fab challenge this month - I‘ve really enjoyed it!
Thanks Rohit and Cindy for hosting such a fab challenge this month - I‘ve really enjoyed it!
I imagined that this would be a bit like The Rosie Project (a great read about autism / Aspergers told in an amusing way) but it was much deeper than that. It is told from Ginny‘s autistic POV and is quite heart rending in places. I thought all of the adults in the novel were just awful, they made me VERY cross at times....!
Definitely worth reading... 🌟🌟🌟🌟 and a half! Thanks @miralunasbooknook for sending me this wonderful book!
Thanks so much for the book @miralunasbooknook ! I‘ve never heard of it before but loved The Rosie Project so if Graeme Simsion says it‘s good it must be!
And thanks also for the Beamish bits... I have been before but probably over 30 years ago 😳 so I really should visit again soon!
Early fed ex delivery of Ginny Moon lovely way to start the week👏📚
For hour 12 challenge of the #24in48 readathon, the best first line from my TBR stack comes from this ARC of Ginny Moon.:
“The plastic electronic baby won‘t stop crying.” 👶 😭
I‘m partway through books 2 and 3, as I bounce between a print book and an audio as I move around. How are you doing fellow readers?
What I'm reading while waiting in the high school parking lot to pick up my kid from tonight's football game.
Not perfect #RainbowSpines, but I think all the colors are there. #ReadingWomenMonth
First, a special thank you to @Chelsea.Poole for being SO welcoming when I first joined @Litsy and started my incredible journey 6 months ago when I reunited with my original passion - books. This book is so incredibly accurate AND written so well, you are in the mind of Ginny, an autistic teenager. The MOST authentic since I read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime. Well done, Mr. Ludwig!
One of two library books from my Tuesday visit.
Oh my gosh, this book! Wow my heart stopped a few times, I think because it was told from Ginny's perspective, it deeply affected me! I almost had to put it in the freezer on the last ten pages because I was afraid something bad was going to happen!! Read this book! Ginny has a special place in my heart! Just read it!!
Oh my gosh ten pages left, but I'm afraid to read it, I'm afraid something really bad is going to happen!! Wish me luck!! I have to suck it up and get er done!!
Off today, I will finish Ginny Moon!! I'm having so many feels with this book! Hating the forever mom! I shall discuss further! Have a great day! I'll be back a bit later with my end review of this book
I just love book mail, I've had a few books sent my way in the last two weeks!! It's like my birthday or Christmas come early! Oh the joy I feel! Just started reading this book! I'm already hooked!!
Part The Rosie Project, Part Room, this book was amazing. Ginny Moon is a 14 year with autism who has been adopted by her Forever Parents but keeps trying to get back to her Birth Mom and her Baby Doll. This book is funny and heartbreaking and an absolute treat that you won't want to put down!
I have to decided between doing homework and reading my book... I bet you can guess which one I want to do 😂😂
While moving I realized (even more) how far behind I am in reading my ARCs 😲. Life needs to slow a bit or I need an escape to a READcation.
#tbr #arc #checkthatstackout #readcation #moving
As a young teacher I taught Autistic children.It was amazing the gifts they had along with the difficulties they endured daily,This book sounds perfect for me.An autistic child adopted out of foster care.
A small TBR pile. There are many more. I'm really enjoying Ginny Moon at present:)
#savethefloorjoists @Liberty
I don't think I've read that many books about the foster system, at least none written this way. This isn't about a child going from family to family, this is about one family and a young autistic teen who is trying to figure out the world she now finds herself in - the Forever. This is a book for older readers, it is very raw and full of emotions that can be tough to digest. Recommended that you don't read on subway as you may miss your stop.
I've seen this one around a few places, and received a copy today. I don't know much, other than the titular Ginny Moon is an autistic teenager. Looks good 🔴🌝Added to the stack ✔️ #bookmail #arc
I received this ARC and they accidentally sent me 4 copies! I have one extra left! If anyone is interested, leave me a comment and I'll choose someone at random to send it to. I just started it today and so far I'm loving it. Very The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time esque! #ARC #giveaway #bookmail
Ginny is a fourteen year old autistic girl torn between her Forever parents and her unreliable, abusive, addicted birth mom. The biggest problem is that no one is really listening to Ginny. Fast paced and enjoyable. You'll root for Ginny and shake your head at the adults in her life. And wait until you meet Lothario Larry.
One of the most telling lines in this book about a teenage girl with autism told from the first person: "A lady looks back but then turns away again and keeps walking."
I'm kind of confused over these two titles. Same book? From what I've seen online it seems so...but not sure.