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The Bishop's Wife
The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
16 posts | 13 read | 11 to read
"In the predominantly Mormon city of Draper, Utah, some seemingly perfect families have deadly secrets. Inspired by an actual crime and written by a practicing Mormon, The Bishop's Wife is both a fascinating look at the lives of modern Mormons as well as a grim and cunningly twisted mystery. Linda Wallheim is the mother of five grown boys and the wife of a Mormon bishop. As bishop, Kurt Wallheim is the ward's designated spiritual father, and that makes Linda the ward's unofficial mother, and her days are filled with comfort visits, community service, and informal counseling. But Linda is increasingly troubled by the church's patriarchal structure and secrecy, especially as a disturbing situation takes shape in the ward. One cold winter morning, a neighbor, Jared Helm, appears on the Wallheims' doorstep with his 5-year-old daughter, claiming that his wife, Carrie, disappeared in the middle of the night, leaving behind everything she owns. The circumstances surrounding Carrie's disappearance become more suspicious the more Linda learns about them, and she becomes convinced that Jared has murdered his wife and painted himself as an abandoned husband. Kurt asks Linda not to get involved in the unfolding family saga, but she has become obsessed with Carrie's fate, and with the well-being of her vulnerable young daughter. She cannot let the matter rest until she finds out the truth. Is she wrong to go against her husband, the bishop, when her inner convictions are so strong?"--
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The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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Just Finished this book and I have to say I really enjoyed it. It had some really good mystery as well as some good twist and turns, I would recommend it.


The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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An annual sentimental favorite movie. ⛸️👒

AmyG I love this movie, too. 10mo
sblbooks I was sitting here thinking about watching a movie. I think I'll give this one a try. 10mo
Tamra @AmyG 😇 10mo
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Tamra @sblbooks it‘s really sappy! ☺️ 10mo
sblbooks @Tamra I've been in the mood for old movies this year. 10mo
AmyG @sblbooks I have been in the mood since covid. I find them very comforting. 10mo
jlhammar We watch this every year - love it! 10mo
Tamra @jlhammar I also watch Miracle on 34th St, it‘s a Wonderful Life, The Bells of St. Mary‘s, and the 60 & 70s classic animated shows. 😊 (edited) 10mo
TheBookHippie I love this movie. 9mo
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The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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I mostly enjoyed this book about a Bishop‘s Wife dealing with several mysteries within her Mormon “ward” (community). I know very little about the LDS Church and their traditions & observances. I understand this is fiction, so I took some of the material with a grain of salt. I thought the book dragged in parts and some of the police procedurals rang untrue. This is book 1 in a series #BorrowNotBuy #ReadingUSA2020 #Utah

Cathythoughts Thanks for the tag 👍🏻.. a series , that‘s interesting... I‘ll try a sample 4y
JaclynW I've never even heard of this book and I live in Utah! A great book for Utah that is factual is 4y
Cinfhen I‘ve been meaning to read that book @JaclynW thanks for the reminder 4y
JaclynW @Cinfhen It's really fascinating. I'm going to read it again this summer in a book club with my 2 oldest kids and another friend. 4y
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The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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#ReadingUSA2020 #Utah I‘m enjoying this book~ a totally new culture/ religion from mine yet totally relatable. The Bishop‘s Wife is incredibly human and fallible. I think you‘d like this one @Cathythoughts I‘m enjoying the narration as well 🎧#Hoopla

Cathythoughts Yes ! Stacking 4y
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Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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The other day @suzie.reads posted her #ReadUSA map which led me to see how many states I‘ve read this year. I‘m pretty impressed 😁So now I‘m attempting the challenge ❣️This is for #Utah / it‘s really interesting so far. Are you hosting this one too @Librarybelle ????

Cathythoughts This does sound good ! I‘ll be looking out for your review 👍🏻 4y
Verity Oh this is really cool. I wonder how many I‘ve done so far this year. 4y
Megabooks Did Barbara and Jess do the USA last year? There is a group doing a relaxed multi-year read, but I haven‘t seen any posts in awhile. @BarbaraBB (edited) 4y
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erzascarletbookgasm You‘re adding another challenge?! I‘m not even halfway in my existing ones! 😆 But, you go, girl! 💪 4y
Cinfhen Hahaha, thanks @erzascarletbookgasm !!! I figure there‘s still half a year left @Verity @Megabooks I think @squirrelbrain is loosely participating 🐿💕 4y
Cinfhen I‘ll let you know @Cathythoughts 👍🏽 4y
Librarybelle @Cinfhen @Megabooks I am not hosting it this year, but I love the spirit of it is continuing! I think the Litten who started it, after asking me if they could do so, is not active anymore. 4y
Cinfhen Thanks @Librarybelle ♥️ 4y
BarbaraBB That is impressive. I participated in this challenge last year and loved it. @squirrelbrain finished it last year too. 4y
BarbaraBB If you want suggestions I‘ll tag you in my overview of the books I read for #ReadingUSA2019. (edited) 4y
squirrelbrain Yes, @BarbaraBB is right - I completed all of the states last year. Let me know if you want to see my list! 😁👍 4y
TheAromaofBooks I know both @Andrew65 and I are doing this challenge, and it's also part of our larger, multi-year challenge to read the #SeparatedbyaPondTour (every state/territory/province/county in the US, Canada, England, Wales, Scotland, & Ireland... the countries traditionally considered separated by the Pond haha). You've already had quite the traveling year!!! 4y
Cinfhen Wow!!! That‘s super ambitious @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 🙌🏻❤️ 4y
Cinfhen I‘d love to see your lists @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain ❣️❣️❣️ 4y
KarenUK Wow! You‘ve read so many already! 💕 4y
Cinfhen It was hard to remember where some were set @KarenUK I needed help from Google to refresh my memory 😉 4y
BarbaraBB I tagged you! 4y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @BarbaraBB I see a few books I own for states I‘m missing ❤️ 4y
Cinfhen Too bad we aren‘t reading this one....I think I need Kansas 4y
suzie.reads You are doing well. I need inspiration off everyone please 🤣 4y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen I never do things by half 🤣 So far as at end of April these are my totals for the #SeperatedByaPondTour
US : 19
Canada : 0
England : 18
Scotland : 6
Wales : 0
Ireland : 2
(edited) 4y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen @TheAromaofBooks If that‘s not enough also doing #ReadingEurope2020 😳. @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB (edited) 4y
Cinfhen I‘m about halfway through #ReadingEurope2020 @Andrew65 and it‘s A LOT!! Can‘t believe @TheAromaofBooks is doing #SeparatedByAPond and #ReadingEurope 😳 4y
Cinfhen Great stats on your challenge @Andrew65 !!! I don‘t even know what all the territories are 🤪 4y
Cinfhen Let me know what states are stomping you @suzie.reads and I‘ll share my book titles with you!!! 4y
Cinfhen Woohoo @Andrew65 I read the Murakami and I don‘t know why I was thinking Boston but it works for Hawaii!!! Yay!!!! 4y
Cinfhen And I need a Rhode Island book so that was super helpful too @Andrew65 🙌🏻 4y
suzie.reads I have the next 5 states planned my brain hurt looking at all the states 🤣 4y
Cinfhen I think I want to try to get Vermont and New Hampshire next, I‘m in middle of Utah & Oregon @suzie.reads plus I‘m still working on #Belgium 🤪🤪🤪 4y
Cinfhen That list was incredible @squirrelbrain THANK YOU!!!! My bookclub is reading Stoner in June so I was excited to see that on your list #Missouri 4y
suzie.reads I've done New Hampshire but none of your other three. I'm just starting Arkansas and Minnesota 4y
squirrelbrain I‘ll send you my list from last year @suzie.reads - it includes quite a lot of suggestions from web pages that @Librarybelle highlighted at the time. 4y
squirrelbrain You‘re welcome Cindy. I really liked Stoner, and it will be good for book club discussions. 4y
suzie.reads @squirrelbrain that would be fantastic, thank you 🙂 4y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen I‘ve really enjoyed the Hazel Gaynor books. 4y
marleed Oh good for you. I‘m doing ReadTheUSA2020 and to date I‘ve read 48 states and DC. I have Mississippi and North Dakota left, and my priority was to read from my shelf of a state was there - that‘s been a fun self imposed additional challenge. I think I should read Guam and Puerto Rico, as well, to represent US governors. 4y
BarbaraBB I want to read The Topeka school too but no one nominated it 🤷🏻‍♀️😘 4y
TheAromaofBooks I'm theoretically also doing #ReadingEurope2020 but am kind of failing at that one, so I'm embracing #ReadtheUSA2020 and #SeparatedbyaPondTour 😂 I have 19 states checked off so far!!! 4y
Hooked_on_books I did this challenge last year and it made me curious enough to track where my books are set this year, though just for fun. I have a chalkboard placemat of the states on my wall and make a mark in a state each time I read a book set there. I‘m running out of room in NY! 4y
Cinfhen That‘s a cool idea @Hooked_on_books maybe I‘ll incorporate that in my reading log for 2021😊and WOWZA @marleed 48 all from your TBR 🙌🏻♥️thats awesomeness 4y
marleed @Cinfhen I didn‘t quite hit all the states from my TBR, I‘ll have to count but I‘m estimating 40 or more from my shelves. I had to be creative in counting Playing for Pizza for Ohio but it was where the story for the MC began. And I‘d already read Little Fires Everywhere in 2019 - dang! 4y
Cinfhen That‘s still amazing @marleed I‘m sure as the year draws nearer to December I may need to get creative too😉 4y
JaclynW I can't believe how many challenges people are doing. 😱 I WANT to do all of them! But. It's harder to fit in than I thought! I'm super impressed at those that are managing all of these. How are people doing this!?? @Andrew65 @Cinfhen @TheAromaofBooks 4y
Cinfhen I like the challenges as it gives me a sort of reading guide but they are definitely not for everyone @JaclynW 4y
Suet624 @JaclynW I feel like such a slacker when I see how many challenges people are doing. 4y
Suet624 If you‘re looking for a Vermont book, there are quite a few. But this one I really enjoyed: 4y
TheAromaofBooks @JaclynW - I have to say that, for the most part, I do challenges backwards. I read books that I want to read, and then see if they fit any of the challenges! That's totally how I'm doing #ReadtheUSA2020 and #SeparatedbyaPondTour. Maybe when I get down to just the last few I'll have to actually do some research, but for now... I just read along and hope for the best! 😂 4y
Cinfhen Going to search for that book @Suet624 although I think I own a book already for Vermont 4y
JaclynW @TheAromaofBooks That has been what I have resorted to as well. It is a fairly decent method. Bit I'm not always completing challenges. I would love to check those boxes and complete them all! 😄👍 4y
JaclynW @Cinfhen I love the challenges to be used as a reading guide too. I also love that it gets me to read new things I may have not originally picked up. They are fun! 4y
JaclynW @Suet624 You aren't a slacker! Reading is a very individual sport. ? I am amazed at how "sporty" some readers are though! ?? 4y
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The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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The hubby and I just finished this Christmas classic. Cary Grant stars as an angel sent to help the bishop (David Niven), who has lost sight of the things that are really important. Along the way he finds himself falling for the bishop‘s sweet, beautiful wife (Loretta Young). It‘s the predecessor of The Preacher‘s Wife with Whitney Houston. Highly recommended!



JenlovesJT47 @Crimson613 this is based on a book by Robert Nathan, which isn‘t in the system. 🤗 5y
wanderinglynn Love the Bishop‘s Wife! ❤️ 5y
LinesUponAPage This is one of my favorite Christmas movies. That and It Happened on 5th Avenue. I think TCM is showing that next Sunday. 5y
JenlovesJT47 @Lifeisasnap ooh I haven‘t seen that one! I‘m going to DVR it, thanks for the heads up! 🤗 5y
coffees 11pts! 5y
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The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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Super long review that is continued in the comments. I liked, but didn‘t love, this. Somewhere between three and four stars for me. The characters are appealing, the mystery, if convoluted, held my attention, and I liked that it was set near me me in Utah. :)

Krisjericho Here‘s my biggest critique - this book has no idea who its audience is. It is going to offend true-believing Mormons. Anyone who isn‘t Mormon isn‘t going to understand major parts of it. Some terms are explained; others are glossed over. 5y
Krisjericho I am a feminist ex-Mormon living in Utah - I guess I‘m kind of the audience, maybe? But it was too Mormony for most ex-Mormons, so maybe not. Whelp, I enjoyed it, and I think I could be friends with the main character, who, while far from perfect, is trying really hard to be a good human. 5y
Krisjericho I couldn‘t spend more than ten minutes around her husband, though. Let‘s just say that character of the LDS bishop is written like pretty much every bishop I‘ve ever known. That is not a compliment, although the author is accurate. 5y
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The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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Couldn‘t do it. If I wanted to read a book about the inner workings of Mormons I‘d pick up a non fiction. This book actually angered me for pretending to be a fiction and promising a story. For shame!

The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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What the hell is wrong with this book? Talk about religious info dumping! It‘s supposed to be about a women who suspects a man in her husband‘s congregation of foul play in the disappearance of his wife but is reading like a nonfiction info dump!

thebluestocking I have heard the exact same things about this, and I have never been able to even start it. Did you finish? 7y
Jenny @thebluestocking I haven‘t. I don‘t think I can stomach it. 7y
RaimeyGallant Good to know. 7y
saguarosally I‘m curious. I loved it. 7y
Jenny @saguarosally I couldn‘t finish it. I needed more story. 7y
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Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison

My first audiobook! While it held my attention, I do think it started off a little slow and then picked up towards the middle and then ended with a bang. I think there was a lot of extra added to the storyline that it could have done without. Overall, not a total waste of time.

SilversReviews I have this book but have not read it yet. 7y
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The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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Started my first audiobook yesterday! I need to finish a few books before I start more...but I just can‘t contain myself!

The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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Things happen. My stopwatch on my phone had to be reset at 18 hours. My estimate is that I'll get in a total of 20-21 hours. Next time if things work out I'll get to 24 hours, I hope. #24in48 #readathon @24in48

CherylDeFranceschi Awesome! 8y
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The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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This is a photo of the Mormon Temple that just opened in Philadelphia. Although this book seemed convoluted to me, I did learn quite a bit about the LDS faith. And I'm all about increasing my knowledge! 😀📚

The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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"Little girls face a harsh world.... They need to know that there is always someone on their side."

Sexism in the Mormon faith is addressed in this book.

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The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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Started Book Club pick. It is a mystery about a missing wife and mother in a Mormon community. I know next to nothing about the Mormon faith and did not see "The Book of Mormon". So, I am learning a lot! A new Mormon temple just opened in Philadelphia. It was open to the public for a short time, but now, it is private. My group always chooses a book that is topical. Savvy group of women!

[DELETED] 2232195534 Met this author last spring at a mystery conference. She was quite interesting. And has taken some flak from her fellow believers for this series. Will be interested in hearing what you think about it. 8y
DivineDiana @kaysreadinglife I can see why some of her fellow believers might be offended. Her female protagonist is very modern in her beliefs and not all members of the Faith agree with her. How nice that you met her! 8y
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The Bishop's Wife | Mette Ivie Harrison
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Mormon mystery? What's not to love?

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