The surreal epilogue to last night's read: an imagined conversation between author and Bard, capturing so beautifully what I love about Shakespeare. ❤️
The surreal epilogue to last night's read: an imagined conversation between author and Bard, capturing so beautifully what I love about Shakespeare. ❤️
This was a re-read for me, but I liked it even more on the second go-round. Equal parts personal memoir, Shakespeare tutorial, and a meditation on kink, fetish, sex, and love, the author takes us through her journey of understanding and exploring her sexual identity and the ways in which Shakespeare's plays and characters illuminate her own life- and the ways in which her experiences color her interpretations of his work.
This book is part personal memoir, part literary criticism and part argument about sexuality. Not a combination I remember having encountered before, it works just as well as I‘d have expected—which is to say it works brilliantly. The first chapter opened my eyes to A Midsummer Night‘s Dream which had previously been one of my least favourite Shakespeare plays.
Huh. Not sure what I expected, but a memoir about coming to terms with one‘s spanking link via Shakespearean analysis was not it. Definitely going to reach out to some friends from my old Shakespeare group about this one.
31/100 for the year.
Taped inside my library book. “Be a little mysterious.” ❤️
This memoir about doing the #nasty has been burning a hole in my kindle for a while now. How nice would it be of we could all own our sexuality and desires without fear or shame? Here's a nice review and interview from Bitch media if anyone is interested: https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/jillian-keenans-new-memoir-sex-shakespeare.
@batsy @Cinfhen
Library day! I‘m on a “romance novels I read in the 90‘s” kick.
I just bought myself a Kindle Fire after having the original Kindle for EVER. I mean, basically since the day the first Kindle came out type of forever. So it‘s been a while since I‘ve delved into ebooks. Any you love that I‘ve got to add to my library?
What's that you say? I am the worst and shouldn't be allowed to participate in picture a day challenges because I can't keep up? You're right, but I'm sure the good people of Litsy can forgive me? So as to not flood your feeds I will consolidate my catch-up for #awesomeautumnbooks @Jess7
Stiff=tough b/c of the squeamish ick factor
Sex w/ Shakespeare=self explanatory
And well Paula Hawkins=thrill
I finally got a chance to read this and I really enjoyed it! The author works to understand her sexuality, and couches her journey in a study of Shakespeare. She actually "talks" with Shakespeare's characters to work through her feelings. Recommend!
I loved this one so much I think I'm going to need a paper copy as well. A MUST-READ for the Shakespeare fans out there. Loved the mix of memoir and criticism and Keenan just seems like someone I wanna hang out with.
Slowly but surely falling in love with Jillian Keenan.
Post 6 mile run bath must be accompanied by a wonderful memoir.
" The characters we love become more than friends. Through them, we can pass our anxieties, questions, fears, and insecurities to an external source of strength; confront what is internal in an external forum. Literature is a conversation. Books are walkie talkies, not radios." ♡♡♡
I just started it this morning and I already love it to pieces! ☆
There is so much blame! Here is just a tiny snippet of my #TBR list that I #blameitonLitsy
There would be too many posts to list them all.
I do want to thank all you awesome #littens for expanding my reading world! ❤️💜💙 you all.
This book is not for everyone, but I loved this odd melange of memoir, literary criticism, psychology of kink, and sociology of female Omani Shakespeare students. Organized chronologically, the book recounts Keenan's life since her first relationship in her teens to present day. She is honest about her spanking fetish and its importance to her sexual identity. Each chapter also interprets a different S. play through the lens of sexuality.👇🏼
Keenan imagines a conversation with Shakespeare, where he tells her how to deal with loneliness. ❤️🙌🏼
Memoirist #JillianKeenan on how shame forces many to hide who they really are, even from themselves. #diversereads
I marathon read this one in less than 24 hours and it was worth every minute. Part memoir, part literary criticism, Keenan introduces some (very well supported) alternate readings of Shakespeare, while interweaving her personal journey with her sexuality and how Shakespeare and his characters have helped her. I'm SO GLAD I'm not the only person who imagines fictional characters giving me advice.
Just started listening to this audiobook. #Septimus is interested too in this mix of memoir and literary criticism.
Deal alert! This memoir is $1.99 on Kindle right now with $3.99 Audible narration. I grabbed it! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013CBG8AO/ref=as_li_tl
The most important part of packing for vacation is getting my reading in order. I can't wait to chill out with each of these- Sex With Shakespeare will be up first! #vacationreads #jilliankeenan #emilygiffin #malloryortberg
I have so much #nonfictionlove for this #recommendsday pick. I don't usually read nonfiction, but this title sat up and grabbed me. Part memoir, part literary criticism, and hugely informative of how kink shaped Keenan's entire life, this book felt tailor made to my diasporic interests. I would recommend for any fans of the Bard and unflinchingly honest storytelling. #somethingforsept
This sits on the line between pop criticism of sexuality in Shakespeare's work and a sexual memoir. I enjoyed it, though I do admit to skimming Shakespeare stuff from plays I haven't read. Kudos to the author for being honest about her sexuality and kink. 3.5/5 stars Her memory and retention for S's plays, characters, and plots is amazing to me - I get everything confused.
Book 1 finished for #boutofbooks 17
Starting off #boutofbooks with something perhaps a little unconventional for a Monday morning.
My goal this time is to read/finish 5 books and read 5 GNs/comics. I overbooked myself with work this week, which could mean trouble with my health, but I'm hopeful that either a couple of people will cancel or that I can still manage to rest and recover enough to get all this reading done.
On trigger warnings: "Other sources of concern... Each stands accused of traumatic potential of its own." ??
Wow, for the Shakespeare fans and fetishists alike this is crazy good Venn diagram.
This made me giggle.
Rumi was ahead of his time.
More sex memoir (kink, fetishism, etc.) than Shakespeare, but it kept me engaged. Not sure I would have liked this one as much in print (weird!) because some of the transitions from memoir to Shakespeare analysis were jarring and would have made me skim those parts, but the audio worked. 🌟🌟🌟
Listening to this audiobook while at work feels a tad naughty. I think Keenan and Shakespeare would approve.
I've heard such good things I can't wait to read it!!
A very interesting memoir wherein a scholar uses Shakespeare's words and characters to understand and explain her specific fetish. (More memoir than I was expecting - was expecting more Shakespeare criticism - but Keenan has a good story and tells it well.)
I am inclined to agree with this: Lady Macbeth, Cordelia, Viola, Juliet, Lady Anne, Kate, Desdemona #amreading #sexwithshakespeare