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Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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By the Kate Greenaway MedalistDeep in the woods in an old white cabin, three friends make their pumpkin soup the same way every day. The Cat slices up the pumpkin, the Squirrel stirs in the water, and the Duck tips in just enough salt. But one day the Duck wants to stir instead, and then there is a horrible squabble, and he leaves the cabin in a huff. It isn't long before the Cat and the Squirrel start to worry about him and begin a search for their friend. Rendered in pictures richly evoking autumn, Helen Cooper's delightful story will resonate for an child who has known the difficulties that come with friendship. Included at the end is a recipe for delicious pumpkin soup.
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Kate Greenaway Award
September 6th, 2005
Each day three friends make pumkin soup the same way. Each friend has a job to ensure that the soup is the same each day. One day when someone does another person‘s job, there is a big argument. They must work together to fix this problem. This book sends a good message about friendship.

Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper is a fun fiction book. It was published in 1998. This book has won the Kate Greenaway Award. It is about how three friends always make pumpkin soup the same way, but one day Duck wants to stir and then there is a squabble. Cat and Squirrel start to worry and then go to find their friend. I really enjoyed this book.

SaraLHartman This is a great read aloud! 2y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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I love this story 🎃 it reminds me of the exciting taste of pumpkin soup 🍜

#Pumpkin #NovemberNarrative @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Bklover Omg the duck!!!❤️ 2y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Title: Pumpkin Soup
Author: Helen Cooper
Illustrator: Helen Cooper
Published: 1998
Genre: Children's lit/ fiction
Awards: Kate Greenaway

Brandy522 Summary: This is a story about a cat, duck and squirrel. Everyday they make pumpkin soup. Each of them have their own job for making the pumpkin soup, Well one day duck decides he wants to stir the soup. This causes an argument and makes duck leave. cat and squirrel realizes that the soup isn't the same without ducks help. duck comes back and the friends make up.

SaraLHartman I love this book. :) 2y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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#OminousOctober part II for today. Prompts 6 #Spices 10 #Pumpkin 13 #Orange

It's a delicious homemade vegan pumpkin soup from a bar in the neighborhood . They have a few dishes (and wines) they offer at the bar & To Go in a food vending machine. As I'm useless at cooking to a point I even burn water when making coffee 😅, I sometimes treat myself to a takeaway from their vending machine.

@Eggs @AlwaysBeenALoverOfBooks @Clwojick #Scarathlon2022

Eggs How nice 👍🏼 I love pumpkin soup🎃 Great pic too 2y
Yuki_Onna @Eggs Thank you!😊 Oh, I love pumpkin soup - so simple and so tasty! 🎃 2y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

In Pumpkin Soup, the Cat, Duck, and Squirrel all live deep in the woods. When cooking, they all have individual jobs that they must do in order for things to go smoothly. When Squirrel decides they want to switch things up and be the one to stir the soup, chaos ensues.
Author and illustrator: Helen Cooper
Published 1998
Kate Greenaway award: recognizes distinguished illustrators for children‘s books

Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

This book is about three very different friends a cat, duck, and squirrel. All three of these animals live in a little old white cabin out in the forest. They must all work together as friends to help make pumpkin soup. Everyone is assigned a job until they all want a turn stirring the pumpkin soup. They must learn to get along and be friends so they can finish making pumpkin soup.

Jburns13 Author/Illustrator: Helen Cooper

Genre: Fiction

Published: November 1998

Award: Kate Greenaway in 1998
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Date of Publication: November 1998
Genre: Fiction
Summary: This is a fall book with a cat making soup. Different animals try to help her make the soup including the duck and squirrel. The cat says the duck will come back but he never returns. They wait for him to come but he still never comes. The cat and the squirrel going looking for him. The three make the soup together.
Side note: beautiful illustrations

MaddieBrown3 Name of Award : Kate Greenaway Medal
Purpose of Award : outstanding illustrations
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

This book is excellent for young children, as it relates to a friendship between a duck, a squirrel, and a cat. The moral of the story is that many things can come from the power of friendship! Plus a great Halloween time read!

loganhiller Awarded the Kate Greenaway Medal in 1998!
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

This story is about the relationship between three friends. these friends live together happily in an old white cabin in the woods. They have a traditional soup-making routine which is turned upside down when one of the friends decides that he wants to do things differently. The story shows how the group of friends navigates this difficulty.

ehrmans Author: Helen Cooper. Illustrator: Helen Cooper. Genre: fiction. Publication date: 1998. Awards: Kate Greenaway Medal.
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Pumpkin Soup was written by Helen Cooper in 2009 is a great book for fall time in the classroom! It is about a cat, a duck, and a squirrel who live deep in the woods in an old white cabin and have an adventure to make pumpkin soup. This book has won the Kate Greenaway award. Great read!

Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Award: Kate Greenaway Award
Title: Pumpkin Soup
Author: Helen Cooper
Illustrator: Helen Cooper
Date of Publication: 1998
Genre: Fiction
Summary: Roommates cat, duck, and squirrel get into it over who will do what when it comes to making the pumpkin soup causing the Duck to leave. During this time Cat and Squirrel try to make the soup but feel like it doesn't taste the same because their friend is gone. All is well once Duck returns

Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Published - November 1998
Author/Illustrator- Helen Cooper
Genre- Fiction, Children's' literature
Award-Kate Greenway Medal, (Distinguished illustrations book for children.)
This book is about a peculiar friendship between a cat, squirrel, and duck. They argue about who has the honor of making their famous pumpkin soup. This is a cute book about conflict and resolutions between friends + a good fall theme. The illustrations are very well done!

Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Published: 1998
Pumpkin Soup is a story about a cat, squirrel, and duck who are making soup for dinner and each have a job. When the duck wants stir the soup, the others tell him that is not his normal job and irritated by this, he leaves. Soon, the cat and the squirrel go looking for him and start to feel bad about not letting him help. Then, the duck returns and the cat and squirrel are so glad to have him back, they decide to let him stir.

sarahyurco Award: Kate Greenaway Medal 2y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Pumpkin Soup is a Kate Greenaway Medal winner. This book is about animals that are making pumpkin soup. The duck wanted to help stir the soup but they didnt let him help. The duck was upset so he said he was not coming back. The duck didnt come back the next day and the pumpkin soup did not taste good. They missed their friend the duck and went searching for him. I think this is a great book about friendship and sharing.

mm991518 Genre: Fiction
Publish Date: 1998
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Published in 1998, This story was about a cat, squirrel, and a duck that were fighting about what they would do to make pumpkin soup. Cat and squirrel realized that the way they were acting towards duck was not nice and if they wanted duck to be there friend then they needed to be nicer. They all came together and made the soup.


Kate Greenaway

Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

This book was about fall and friendship. A cat, a duck and a squirrel make pumpkin soup everyday. They each had a specific job they did for it everytime. One day the duck decided he wanted to switch jobs and he wanted to stir the soup instead. This caused an argument between the friends causing duck to disappear. Cat and squirrel searched for him and eventually found him! When they were reunited, they made pumpkin soup just like they used to.

laurenebailey14 This book was awarded the Kate Greenaway Medal. I would definitely use this book in my classroom around fall time. 2y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

Kate Greenaway Medal - Won the medal in 1998.
This book is a great read as it is related to a great friendship between a duck, squirrel and a cat. They were doing lots of things together such as cooking. Duck during the story is gone for awhile but finally reunites with the squirrel and the cat. I like this book because I think it talks lots about friendship and being caring for one another.

Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper

This is a story about three friends, a cat, a squirrel, and a duck. They all live together in a cabin in the woods. While making pumpkin soup, the cat and the squirrel get into an argument with the duck. The duck stormed out of the house and left the cat and the squirrel. after sometime waiting for the duck to come back, he cat and the squirrel being to feel bad about excluding the duck and go to look for him in the scary woods...

clairebourq_2023 All the animals learn about what it means to be a good friend. This is a great book that I would recommend reading in class to show the importance of friendship. This book was written and illustrated by Helen Cooper in November of 1998. This book is the winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal and short-listed for the Kurt Maschler Award. 2y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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Late night soup making.

What a weeeeeeeeek - I‘m working this weekend so I‘m not even halfway 😩🫠

Linsy ☹️ At least you'll have food! But I'm sorry, that sucks. 2y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Linsy, got a crusty loaf to go with it - lunch tomorrow is gonna be 👌🏼 2y
julesG Enjoy the soup! And vent when work gets too much. 2y
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Tamra That looks really tasty! 2y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Tamra, I tried a random internet recipe because I couldn‘t find Mum‘s recipe - so hopefully it‘s good (but realistically Mum‘s recipes are impossible to beat 😋) 2y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @julesG, I‘m at the point where small things feel like big things and I‘m trying real hard to keep it together (I‘ve got Monday and Tuesday off but that feels very far away) 2y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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#scarathlon #teamstoker #halloween

6 points - book read and participation

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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It's a cloudy, cool, blustery, sometimes rainy day today 🍁🍂🌬️💨💧. Two friends became widows this week and I attended the visitation for one this afternoon. The weather matched our moods. Comfort food was definitely called for! I let the season dictate my menu and made one of my fall favorites! Fresh roasted pumpkin bisque and grilled cheese made with extra sharp cheddar and sliced apples. I have a heavy heart and a full belly.

marleed Oh I‘m so sorry. Your soup looks comforting. 5y
Chrissyreadit So sorry for a difficult week. Pumpkin soup is such a great comfort food. Yours looks delicious. 5y
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TheHeartlandBookFairy @Chrissyreadit Thank you! My heart breaks for my friends 💔 Both are in their 50s, both lost their husbands after a relatively short battle with cancer. Less than a year ago, both thought they were on their road to retirement and all the good things that come with that Period traveling together, spending more time together etc. having been widowed myself at 50, I understand the path that they are just beginning to walk. I am so sad for them 😢 5y
Chrissyreadit Wow! You have walked a hard course too. It is good that they have a friend who understands. 5y
TheHeartlandBookFairy @Chrissyreadit I can only pray that I can be helpful to them when they need it 🙏 5y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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SilversReviews What a cute cover!! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So cute!! 🧡🧡 6y
vkois88 Oh my goodness, so cute! 6y
emmaturi Love this story! 6y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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The kids are both gone but I still carve a pumpkin, still have the book, still make the soup. Hope you all had a great Halloween.

Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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What books are you reading with your kids for Halloween?

MeganAnn My son and I have been reading a chapter of City of Ghosts before bed each night. It‘s really good so far and a little spooky for middle grade readers. 👻🖤 6y
laurieluna They're only 1 and 3, so they love the tagged book. It's even about halloween 6y
SomedayAlmost “Big Pumpkin”by Erica Silverman is a favorite year-round! 🎃 #cooperation 6y
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RedxoHearts My nephew got the book Bonaparte Falls Apart. I loved the name of it so I picked it out at the book fair 6y
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Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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"Deep in the woods there's an old white cabin with pumpkins in the garden. There's a good smell of soup,"
Bought this for my daughter a long time ago in a land far, far away (England). It inspired me to actually make pumpkin soup from scratch which I now do every year after carving them out.

Pumpkin Soup | Helen Cooper
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Cute picture book about the compromises friends must make.

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