LOL I grabbed this one today because I want something that requires no thinking and guess what... I‘ve already read it! 🤣 oops!
LOL I grabbed this one today because I want something that requires no thinking and guess what... I‘ve already read it! 🤣 oops!
Finished this last night for #thebreakfastbookclub #groupa! @erinreads I didn‘t realize this was your original pick before I packaged it up to be sent to you tomorrow! Good pick! I don‘t think the British humor fit in with the American high school setting but otherwise a solid book!
⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 for me. It tells the story of Jane, a Philippine immigrant, who gives herself over to The Farm. Here she lives a “perfect” pregnant life. In exchange she will make more money than she can dream of.
I wanted more of the day-to-day resort life and less of the background drama but I did also just read Nine Perfect Strangers, which has a premise along these same lines. Maybe just the wrong time for me to read this book?
Read this over the weekend, as it‘s going to be added in to our HS curriculum. If you‘ve read it, please tell me your thoughts! It‘s a ⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me and I have high hopes that it will suck in a lot of readers (vampire pun intended!).
Gene is a human living amongst vampires. He‘s terrified everyday of his life but does his best to pass as one of them. Then he gets selected for the Heper Hunt, in which vampires are let loose to kill humans. Uh oh.
2019 was another great reading year! 📚❤️
(I don‘t log picture books because I read a countless number at work and I have a beginning reader at home!)
Heartbreaking. Kids are begging for a story like this - perhaps they are a black child feeling out of place, perhaps they are adopted and feeling like they don‘t belong. Maybe they have a parent who suffers from mental health issues or they recently moved away from their best friend. ALL of that is captured in this book and is well done.
English nerds like me will be bothered by the fragmented sentences and the lack of any comma anywhere 🤷🏼♀️
I‘ve been comfy cozy with this book this week! (The cover looks really cool in a picture!) In Flower, Charlotte is a senior in HS with her plans for a straight and narrow future set until... yep, a boy. Turns out he‘s a mega superstar and he‘s interested in her! Total teenage love story here with its ups and downs. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #thebreakfastbookclub #groupa
Finally read New Kid, which has been sitting on my end table since summer! This is an excellent #graphicnovel for middle schoolers! It‘s tough being the new kid, let alone being one of few POC at a fancy rich school.
Here I am with my most recent read! This will be published from Iron Circus Comics in Feb 2020!
This is a graphic novel about 8th graders with a music teacher who asks them to find “their song”, the one that speaks to them. A song that takes them into their past, into their future, and makes them feel at home. He introduces them to all genres and the main character discovers an opera singer.
The panels in this book are incredible. The way the main character is drawn to reflect her feelings is unbelievable. ⭐️❤️
Pointe, Claw knocked my socks off! Such a strange combination of a woman and an animal (bonus points if you get the 🎵 reference). Told in alternating viewpoints, we meet Jessie who is a ballet dancer and Dawn who is suffering from strange fugue states. Childhood BFFs torn apart, teenage angst, parental troubles, and deciding the future after high school are all included here.
Off to @erinreads next for #thebreakfastbookclub #groupa !
A quick read for the @wemtaonline Battle of the Books season. It‘s heartbreaking, what refugees have to go through. This 90 page graphic novel by Don Brown shares stories of the Syrian refugees who fled their country under duress from violent political upheaval. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was just what I needed - a light read where you knew exactly what was going to happen the whole time. Loved the strong friends too!
Loved it! It was interesting reading this right after Evicted, as Bri‘s family struggles with poverty. I felt I was better able to understand that part of her life. Her having to constantly remind her friends about their struggles seemed to ring true as well.
I enjoy how fast @angiethomas novels read because there is so much dialogue and getting right to the heart of the matter. The reader is not bogged down by long descriptions of the setting.
Wowowowow... this book shattered my heart and my mind in 213 pages. No child should ever have to experience this. EVER. Either side - the child being hurt or the one keeping the secret. I was screaming the entire time for them to tell. Tell! TELL!!! Please ensure that children in your life are able to talk to you. Don‘t assume they know. Say to them in exact words that they can always talk to you about anything. 💔😭😭😭
Weeding. All of these books are not returning to our library shelves - ever! We are a library for students, not an archive!
Thanks to @littlebrownyoungreaders for this free ARC! Oh Amelia... Will and Harriet are two students attending a rich private school in Australia. Will clearly sees the wrongs of the way school admin handles things and Harriet is a to-the-T rule follower. Will‘s sarcastic ways enable her to get Harriet to see that maybe there are a few things at school that are not ok, like the Olympic swim coach harassing the all-female student body.
I wish I would have read this in print form. Several sections are graphic novel, which I did not know until after the book was over! Bummer 😕
I did like it on audio but could have loved it in print.
This book is ALL the stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @jeffzentner is a master at his craft. This YA about a boy who just lost three of his best friends and it might be his fault is amazing. The vocabulary in this book makes it an absolute gem. Couldn‘t have been happier that a friend chose this for our #bookclub this month and that brought it to the top of my TBR. LOVE. Let me say it again - LOVE ❤️
I just finished listening to this on audio even though I‘ve had it on my dresser for months 🤗 My favorites were the stories by @leahs_mark @lamargiles and @coebooth There were many more good ones too!
One thing that bugged me about the audio was that the gender of the speaker didn‘t always match the gender of the main character and that was hard to turn around sometimes. Short stories on audio are good for driving though, that‘s for sure!
Finished this mystery/adventure story today on Sora! I‘m going to have to get the print book sometime to see the graphic novel sections.
Thank you @penguinkids for this free review copy of #eachtinyspark by @phcartaya coming out in August! This is going to fill so many readers‘ needs! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars for me and only because I know zero Spanish so that was tough for me but it also stretched me and I loved having to do something new as a reader!
Thanks @kidlitexchange #partner for this awesome book, The Boy Next Story, which includes connections to Great Gatsby and Little Women.
I loved this YA romance!! Aurora is a freshman at a new academy and is also an art prodigy. Trying to fit in has been rough but thankfully her sister and their best friend Toby also go to school there. Toby loves the sister but Aurora loves Toby. Oh, what to do!
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I loved this book so much! Self-professed nerd teens head to ComicCon for the weekend and while some things go right, a lot of things go wrong. I absolutely love the full embrace of being a nerd and going after what you want. I laughed a ton!
Excellent choice for #thebreakfastbookclub
Yours next @erinreads !
I recently finished listening to this heart-wrenching story. The narrator is Tyler‘s twin who watches his brothers demise but that does NOT lead to his death. The gritty raw edge of this black teenage boy will grab you by the throat and make you think. Hard.
I absolutely recommend.
Do not fade into the night. Do not hide your fear. Shout about it. We ALL need to be shouting about it. Sexual violence is NOT okay. Not in any context. Not “for fun”, not because you or she was drunk, not in a family, not at church, not ever. EVER.
Halse sets her soul to the world in this book and it doesn‘t matter what gender you are or whether or not you have experienced sexual violence on any level, YOU need to read this.
It‘s been awhile but I‘m still here, still reading! Feb and March are always a bit slow for me. Way too much else going on!!
Thanks to @kidlitexchange for the free copy of this book to review! Quarantine by #katiecicatellikuc comes out March 26 from @scholasticinc
Flora and Oliver are both returning home from the DR when they are sent to quarantine because of a sick man on the plane. Thrown together by fate, these two teenagers embark on 30 days of staying in the same hospital room. Even though they are away from their lives they must still deal with them.
I‘m glad I got the Book Fair set up done yesterday because we are snowed in today!
#mybookfair #scholasticbookfair
I listened to this book but also have owned it for YEARS! LOL 😂
The audio was great, as the narrator used lots of inflection and got into it. Those are my favorite kind. This adventure where the girl is (sort of) rescuing the boy is set in a future world that I could actually see being a reality.
Definitely a recommendation for lovers of adventure and/or utopia.
Yes, this is cRaZy weather!
1. -18F
2. 80ish
3. 66 - Typically 68 but this is enough to try to keep up with!
4. Sunny and outdoors!
5. Currently reading One of Us is Lying
All the stars to this one!! Thanks @lbschool for this free review copy for our #bookclub! Sarah Henstra CRUSHES this YA novel written entirely in letters back and forth between two boys. What starts as an English assignment turns into something much larger than either boy thought. Family, relationships, death, abuse, music, all of it. I‘m in ❤️ with this book! Coming out May 2019!!! Put it on your radar!
I am happy to have accomplished this read but still not sure how to rate it... the middle third really lagged for me. And I adored the ending except for the epilogue that added the cliffhanger. I get that there is to be another book but I also feel that this one could have ended it too. I just don‘t know! 🤷🏼♀️ What about you???
Another title finished for #battleofthebooks season! I listened to most of this book and enjoyed it! I didn‘t have any idea what it was about when I started and am glad I didn‘t because I might not have picked it otherwise - there‘s enough technology in my life already! Ha!
Thanks to @penguinteen for the free arc of this way back at #nerdcampmi!
This #ownvoices book will be great for middle and high school students searching for a story about Persian boys or Iran. Lots of excellent descriptions of the beauty of Iran, family dynamics, and how to get along in a world where you feel like you don‘t belong. Love that the main character has depression too!
Found this SWEET book at the library! Aw!!! 😢 Love when you just happen upon a book and it turns out amazing. A brother‘s “ode” to his sister.
I love this weird creation by @brennathummler ❤️
This #middlegrade #graphicnovel is part ghost story, part young girl holding her family together after her mother dies.
I got it from the #publiclibrary and will now be ordering it for my #schoollibrary for sure!
This breakdown is interesting - I don‘t log many picture books so that‘s why the ➕ sign
Loved this from @lbschool! My #highschool #bookclub received free ARC copies to read and review.
This comes out in August and I will definitely be purchasing it for my #library! @brandycolbert does a phenomenal job developing Birdie and her #Chicago teen life, complete with boys and family drama! Loved the hairstylist momma too!
It‘s always so interesting to look into other people‘s lives. The artwork is like nothing else I‘ve seen from him!
This was great as an audiobook! Read by Peg herself!
*My HS book club received free copies of this to read from @lbschool Hmm... this is fantasy but yet most of it is realistic fiction.
I needed to suspend reality and just give myself over to the story. It definitely was like nothing I've read before with the dashes of fantasy and horror tossed in an otherwise normal HS girl story! I say 3/5 ⭐️
This made me so happy to put up today! I‘ve seen this around online and now being in a #highschool, I love that I can be a tiny bit snarky! Also, it is usually freezing in our half of the building!! 🌬
#highschoollibrary #library #bulletinboard #cold #checkoutabook
This month‘s #bookclub pick was pretty good! It follows the life of parents Rosie and Penn, who have five boys, the last of which has gender dysphoria. As their child, born Claude, takes on life as Poppy, things get sticky, joyous, loved, frustrating, and all the rest. This is just as much a book about parenting as it is about a child being transgender.