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Burnout Society
Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
10 posts | 4 read | 5 to read
Our competitive, service-oriented societies are taking a toll on the late-modern individual. Rather than improving life, multitasking, "user-friendly" technology, and the culture of convenience are producing disorders that range from depression to attention deficit disorder to borderline personality disorder. Byung-Chul Han interprets the spreading malaise as an inability to manage negative experiences in an age characterized by excessive positivity and the universal availability of people and goods. Stress and exhaustion are not just personal experiences, but social and historical phenomena as well. Denouncing a world in which every against-the-grain response can lead to further disempowerment, he draws on literature, philosophy, and the social and natural sciences to explore the stakes of sacrificing intermittent intellectual reflection for constant neural connection.
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Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
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I know I've been a lot less active lately, but I've missed y'all and wanted to say hi! Work has run me straight into complete and utter burnout (there aren't enough characters allowed for me to give the whole story). I know work stress is relatable to many, so I'm not claiming to be unique. But no job is worth tanking your mental health and sacrificing your well-being. I've decided to take a mental health leave and plan to read books with HEAs 🫶

swishandflick There will be therapy involved in addition to romance books, btw. That wasn't my only treatment plan 🤣 7mo
Karisa Welcome back! Sounds like you‘ve been through a lot lately 💗 7mo
Megabooks I'm sorry things have been rough lately. I've missed you. I hope things start to improve with taking a leave of absence! 7mo
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JenReadsAlot Good to hear from you! As a therapist and book lover sounds like you are making a good decision 💕 7mo
DocBrown Welcome back! I had to take a long hiatus too, but it's good to be back amidst fellow bibliophiles and awesome humans. 7mo
Chelsea.Poole Sounds like a much-needed break! So happy to have you back. 7mo
Librarybelle Welcome back! I completely understand and left a position last September because of burnout, among other reasons. Being able to read again has helped me a lot, but healing takes time, as I am finding out. We‘re here for you! ❤️ 7mo
Jess Glad to hear you are putting yourself first and are taking some time to heal. I started therapy in the fall for a similar reason and can say it has helped me with tremendously. Sending tons of positive vibes. 7mo
TheBookgeekFrau Good for you! 💕 7mo
AmyG Ob, I get this. Your mental health comes before anything. Welcome back. Take care of yourself. 7mo
intothehallofbooks Hang in there! 7mo
Deblovestoread Nice to see you and glad you are taking care of yourself with a break. Enjoy the HEAs! 💜 7mo
Leftcoastzen We miss your posts but life happens! Self care is so important! Good luck with everything. 7mo
Crazeedi I too had a stressful 2023, but we all get it! Take care of yourself that's the most important thing! 7mo
zuzia Welcome back! You are doing the right thing by taking time for yourself. We're here for you! 7mo
dabbe Glad to see you again! ❤️💜🩷 7mo
LeahBergen So glad to hear you‘re taking a little break for yourself! ❤️ 7mo
BarbaraBB Your mental health is the most important. Happy you dare to take matters into your own hands. I hope you‘ll read lots of books and chat with us and take that much needed time off! 7mo
marleed I‘m so happy you‘re back. You are a vital part of this Litsy family. And boy I understand when the work environment sucks the life out of you 🥺 7mo
diovival Yes! I'm glad you're able to take a much needed break. Take care of yourself. 7mo
Twainy I understand. Work has been ON FIRE for 6 months & it wasn‘t slow by any means before that! I‘m severely behind in reviews. I try not to feel bad about that but 😖🤷🏼‍♀️😫 I hope things ease up for you, look forward to your return. 😁 7mo
CarolynM Good for you. Look after yourself.💕 7mo
Captivatedbybooks Hope this time away is fruitful! Your well being should always be first. 7mo
julesG Look after yourself! Good to see you here. 7mo
catiewithac I always say my sanity is priceless. Good for you! Rest and enjoy! 7mo
youneverarrived Glad to have you back ♥️♥️ 7mo
CaramelLunacy Good on you for taking time for yourself and your mental health. Love books with HEAs, so looking forward to seeing what you pick up (if you are up for it, no homework!) 7mo
Breanne1 Good to see you back. Hope this break away is just the reset you need. Happy reading. 7mo
TheBookHippie Been there. 💕💕💕 sending light. 7mo
Hooked_on_books I burned out of my career entirely. It would have been smarter for me to have done what you are doing. It‘s a very good choice! Take care of yourself first! 7mo
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The Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
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Han's argument is that we have transitioned from a disciplinary society in which we are pressured to conform by external forces, into an achievement society in which we are pressured to conform by the introjected requirement to "live your best life", and so exploit ourselves in the impossible task of seeking ever-receding, pointless and illusory life goals, set by Capital. Consumerism requires that we are never satisfied, and so we can only ??

Bookwomble ...fail to achieve, expending our energy in a fruitless aspirational quest for a sense of worth and self-fulfillment deliberately withheld from us, resulting in burnout, and the descent into depression. That "being happy" has become a requirement makes unhappiness a personal failing, rather than an appropriate response to adverse circumstance, further eroding self-worth. My takeaway message: Give yourself a break, you are good enough as you are. 5y
TrishB Exactly 👍🏻 but if capitalism didn‘t convince us we‘re not good enough there would be nothing to sell.... 5y
Bookwomble @TrishB Just so. Other than books (😁), I'm fortunate, I think, not to have an acquisitive/status mindset. However, I did notice that as I recorded this book as finished and looked at my reading challenge stats, I got a little thrill of accomplishment at the computer-generated validation that I'm one book ahead of target! Achievement society is insidious! 5y
TrishB Lol 😂 5y
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The Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
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"Achievement society is the society of self-exploitation. The achievement-subject exploits itself until it burns out. In the process, it develops auto-aggression that often enough develops into self-destruction."

[Image: https://dribbble.com/shots/6122820-Self-Exploitation]

GingerAntics Social media to a T 5y
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The Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
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"In social networks, the function of "friends" is primarily to heighten narcissism by granting attention, as consumers, to the ego exhibited as a commodity."

Ouch! The truth (and the irony) hurts?Please ❤ this post

Cathythoughts Love this 😂 5y
Cathythoughts Maybe I shouldn‘t laugh , Sorry. But there is a humorous side to this too .... 5y
Leftcoastzen 😂😂 5y
Bookwomble @Cathythoughts Laughing is an appropriate response 😊 5y
GingerAntics I love this post!!! 5y
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The Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
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“The late-modern achievement-subject does not pursue works of duty. Its maxims are not obedience, law, and the fulfillment of obligation, but rather freedom, pleasure, and inclination. Above all, it expects the profits of enjoyment from work. It works for pleasure and does not act at the behest of the Other. Instead, it hearkens mainly to itself. After all, it must be a self-starting entrepreneur”

The Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
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Reading this book about the social causes of burnout, stress, depression and anxiety is a useful reminder that we aren't personally at fault for our existential struggles. Contemplating those things can, however, be heavy going, so here's the kind of inspirational post (obviously, not from this book!) that usually makes me retch, but which in this moment actually made me smile in recognition. Back to the bleak quotes shortly...

The Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
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"First and foremost, depression is creative fatigue and exhausted ability."

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The Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
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The complaint of the depressive individual “Nothing is possible” can only occur in a society that thinks “Nothing is impossible.” No-longer-being-able-to-be-able leads to destructive self-reproach & auto-aggression. The achievement-subject finds itself fighting with itself. The depressive has been wounded by internalized war. Depression is the sickness of a society that suffers from excessive positivity. It reflects a humanity waging war on itself

RaimeyGallant Damn. Added. 5y
Come-read-with-me Sounds amazing - stacked! 5y
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The Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
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A philosophical look at how our intrusive connectedness and increased cognitive processing leads to depression, stress and exhaustion (the irony of posting this on social media...)
Written in 2010, the initial pages about the erosion of the sense of Other (foreign, threatening, to be expelled), being replaced with Different (exotic, intriguing, to be assimilated) as an effect of globalization seems less convincing in the age of Trump and Brexit.

The Burnout Society | Byung-Chul Han
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"If language is deprived of what is indirect in it, its nature approaches that of a scream or order. Friendliness and politeness are also based on the circuitous and indirect. The orientation of violence, by contrast, is towards directness."

[Quote not from tagged book: "Analog Sea Review #1 not on Litsy database.]