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The Crossover
The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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2015 Newbery Medal Winner 2015 Coretta Scott King Honor Award Winner "With a bolt of lightning on my kicks . . .The court is SIZZLING. My sweat is DRIZZLING. Stop all that quivering. Cuz tonight I'm delivering," announces dread-locked, 12-year old Josh Bell. Heand his twin brother Jordanare awesome on thecourt. But Josh has more than basketball in his blood, he's got mad beats, too, that tell his family's story in verse, in this fast and furiousmiddle grade novel of family and brotherhood from Kwame Alexander (He Said, She Said 2013). Josh and Jordanmust come togrips with growing up on and off the court to realize breaking the rules comes at a terrible price, as their story's heart-stopping climax proves a game-changer for the entire family.
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

If you wish you could read a book in poem format, but never got the chance. This book is what you are looking for. Short enough to get through with one good reading sesh, yet memorable enough to recommend. Enjoy😁

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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A quick read-I managed to get through this on my lunch-that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Told from Josh/Filthy's perspective about basketball, life, and family (including his twin brother Jordan). This is a quick hook that keeps you on the line until the final punch.

I read this for #Doublespin #Bingo prompt of “Seasonal.“ I figured a middle grade basketball book was perfect for March!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

This was a good, short book that teaches many good life lessons and how to not take anyone or anything for granted. I would definitely recommend this for everyone.

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander


The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

Peer discussion done in class.

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander


The Crossover | Kwame Alexander


The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

If you miss enough of life‘s free throws you will pay in the end.

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

Amazing story about a young boy, his love of basketball, and the obstacles he faces. Loved reading the book as it was written in poems and raps.

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander is an excellent book about a young adolescent named Josh Bell and his love of basketball. In the story Josh has to deal with family relationship issues, loss, and feelings of loneliness. The book is written in poems and raps which makes an easy, fun read!

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

I guess you da man now, filthy, jb says. And for the first time in my life I don‘t want to be. … we da man.

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

A comic about sports and the competitive nature school can bring out during school. It talks about the importance of family and being there for one another

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

this book had lots of cool background knowledge about basketball and teaching others how to play

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

i really liked how there were background colors in this book but black and white illustrations. i thought it really made the illustrations pop

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

this book had the coolest font, it was all in capital letters but it didn‘t have any speech or text bubbles. the text was all just spread out and was placed at certain spots throughout the pages. the pictures were in black and white with spots of orange in the background which i thought was super cool too

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Dear Jordan, without u I AM EMPTY

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

I like this book because it‘s told like a poem, not just rhyming though it does have that but it has haiku‘s and other poetic devices too, and I admire that.

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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If you had told me that a book about a basketball player would make me cry like a baby, I would have said you were crazy. This novel, written in verse, is now one of my favorite books, and my students loved it just as much as I do.

BarbaraBB That sounds so good! 3y
Christy2318 My reluctant reader son loved this book. 3y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

The literal meaning for Crossover is getting crossover in a basketball game, the connotation of Crossover is a action provides energy and rhythm for a moving story.

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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This was so well done. My 9 year old wanted a basketball book and this fit the bill, but is about far more than basketball. A coming of age story about identical twins, it sensitively looks at young teen emotions, sibling dynamics, and the importance of family. Beautiful and lyrical descriptions of basketball, love, and struggle. My child was in tears by the end but wanted to check out another Alexander immediately.

Lindy I‘m haven‘t the slightest interest in basketball and yet I loved this book. 😁 3y
Blaire @Lindy so happy to hear that. I thought it was just beautifully done. 3y
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🏀 This graphic novel adaptation was just as great as the original. 🧡 the art.

#MGMarch book 26

Bookgoil It‘s going to be a Disney plus Tv show! ❤️ 4y
megnews @Bookgoil really?! I‘d love to see it but I don‘t have Disney plus 4y
Bookgoil @megnews it was just announced so it will be a while but it‘s exciting news 4y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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So glad I picked this for the #20in4 Readathon. Excellent!

Day 1: 5 hours, 19 minutes

#MGMarch book 23

mrp27 Love these books! 4y
Christy2318 This is the favorite book of my non-reader teen. He picks it every year when he has to do a book report. 4y
megnews @Christy2318 that‘s great! He should check out Rebound which is about the father in Crossover as a young boy. I‘m reading it now. It‘s good. He‘d like it I think. 4y
Andrew65 Great start 👏👏👏 4y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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kspenmoll One of our 9th grade book circles choices- a hit. 4y
megnews @kspenmoll I like it a lot so far. 4y
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Probably my favorite book I have ever picked up. It's about two twins named Josh and JB that are in love with basketball. Their dad played in Italy so everyone expects big on them but when their dad goes into a coma and JB gets a girlfriend Josh is lost he dosent have his brother to get through these tuff times. I recommend this book to any sport player looking for a good read. I rate this 5 stars ⭐ @MrsBabki

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When I first heard there was a graphic novel version of The Crossover I will admit I was skeptical, but I also knew I would have to read it at some point. This is not what I would generally consider a graphic novel, but the artistic style is absolutely perfect for this story. The amazing rhythm of the writing is still there, and I can see how this version will appeal to a whole additional group of readers.


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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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I wasn‘t really looking forward to this one because I‘m not really into sports, so I was really surprised at how great this book turned out to be! I was nearly in tears. Great quick read! #NewberyEpicChallenge

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I really like this book because I love Basketball. This book is about this brother named Josh Bell and he has a twin named Jorden Bell. They love Basketball I would pick this book if you like a easy read or you like basketball.

Cfischbuch Great job! How far along are you in this one? Have you also read the non-graphic novel of the same title? 4y
Devynj123 @Cfischbuch I‘m am on page 101. Yes I have read the non-graphic novel and I really like it. 4y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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Check in #7
Going strong. Working on my 3rd book for the weekend!! 13/24 hours....

#mbcreadathon #mbcgiveaway7 @monthlybook

anygivenmemory Entry added for check in 7! 4y
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A Great book for any action fan, sports fan, or any person really GO READ NOW -Its told like a rap song

Mrs.Oliver Such a good book! 4y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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This RF Coretta Scott King and Newberry award wining N, would make a great LC candidate. This book is about twin brothers following in their formally NBA player fathers footsteps and dealing with the challenges of becoming their own people and growing up. This book makes sure it relatable to its target audience. Teachingbooks.net offers a fun spin on a traditional lesson plan with a rhyming game with words from the text and passing a basketball.

Tabitha_H #UCFLAE3414SP20 I would use UDL principle 2.1, clarify vocabulary and symbols. The ESOL strategy would be #2, promote cooperation on small groups, such as a LC. 4y
DrSpalding What a beautiful image. Promoting cooperation in literature circle groups is very important. These book chats can enhance comprehension of the text. This is a wonderful book to use in your future classroom. I heard him read aloud on Instagram last week; he is fantastic. 4y
DrSpalding Wining N.....? What genre? 4y
Tabitha_H New berry Award Winner !! & RF, Realistic Fiction. 4y
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Ellington BL
The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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I really really enjoyed this book so much that I had to read it twice! The Crossover is a very good book in my opinion. I love Kwame Alexander's writing style, to me it brings the book to life.

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Son gives this one 5⭐️ and was even willing to pose, which says something!

Tamra He hopes there are plans to illustrate the other 2 in the series. 5y
ravenlee Nice xylophone! Who plays? 5y
Cortg I love the cover on this copy AND I'm glad he loved the book! 🙌 5y
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LeahBergen Posing is a true endorsement! 😆 5y
Tamra @LeahBergen totally! 😂 He usually won‘t. 5y
Tamra @ravenlee he does - he‘s in percussion. Of course he prefers bucket drumming. 😂 5y
ravenlee Well, being well-rounded is important 😆. That looks a lot like my pit xylophone, which earns me a regular part-time income throughout the year. Just to throw that out there, that music can be a nice side job someday. 5y
Nebklvr I enjoyed the Crossover 5y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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I think this book is really good for someone who like sports/ basketball. I said pick because I love basketball and it has a really good plot. It is a good book for some one who likes a shorter read it looks long but it isn‘t. It is motivational it makes you want to go play some basketball.

The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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The Crossover, by Kwame Alexander, is a RF novel about a teenage boy and his adventures as a high school basketball icon. Josh is following in his famous father‘s footsteps as he dominates the sport of basketball. #ucflae3414fl19

YvetteE The book includes Josh‘s journal-like entries, featuring poems and other narratives. Just as Josh begins to feel secure with basketball, his father has multiple heart attacks which eventually take his life. Read The Crossover and find out why the book earned both a Newbery Medal and Coretta Scott King Awards Honor. 5y
YvetteE https://www.teachervision.com/novels/crossover-educators-guidehickleberrypunchfi...
The lesson plan includes ESOL strategy 2. Promote cooperation (small groups) and 10. Teach think, pair and share strategies in cooperative groups. Students will work together in groups to draw the characters from the story given the provided details. SR activities include “text message poems,“ that the students will write then share.
(edited) 5y
YvetteE Sustaining efforts and persistence is practiced with UDL principle, Foster collaboration and community (8.3) by watching YouTube videos about basketball and comparing the “crossover” metaphor in the book. 5y
DrSpalding I agree with shared reading for this title! What a cool resource to include text message poems that students create and share with one another. That works nicely with your selected English learner strategies. Missing codes. 5y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander

This book is about a pair of twins that love basketball, I have barely gotten through half the book but so far it‘s very good. The twins names are josh bell otherwise known as Filthy McNasty and his twins name is Jordan bell and the book tells you about what they think, do from their perspective. It is also a graphic novel with some cool rhymes. If you like realistic fiction or comic books I would recommend The Crossover by Kwan‘s Alexander

MissYaremcio Thanks for the review Zoe! Make sure you include the picture next time! 5y
tak.ogita funny 5y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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This book is a cross between realistic fiction and poetry. This book by Kwame Alexander is a 2015 Newberry Medal Winner and 2015 Coretta Scott King Honor Award Winner. I think this book is one that I would use on a 5th to 8th grade level.
I think it is better read as an individual. The story is told by a boy who has to face life on and off the court and discovers that life can take you places you never wanted to go. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh The UDL's that I chose were 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols and 4.1 vary the methods for response and navigation. ESOL. Continually monitor students' comprehension and Use preview/review activitites. 5y
ChrisC I read this book as well. It‘s a good read and a very interesting story. 5y
DrSpalding You read so many chapter books and novels Katie! Good for you. Sometimes I enjoy them more than adult reads. Helpful resource and nice alignment. This book should definitely be in your classroom library in the intermediate grades. 5y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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This book is a realistic fiction book about two twin brothers who love basketball. Their names are Jordan bell and josh bell and we follow their difficult story through their middle school years. This is a good easy read for kids in grades 3-5. The teaching strategy we could use is shared reading. #ucflae3414f19

ChrisC The ELL strategy I would use is to continually monitor the students‘ comprehension to make sure they understand what they are reading. The UDL principle I would use would be 2.1 clarified vocabulary. If they don‘t understand the vocabulary it would affect their comprehension. 5y
ChrisC @DrSpalding I fixed this post 5y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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#basketballrule#3 #FilthyMcNasty #JB #twins
“Always shoot
For the sun
and you will shine.”

The poetry, structure,language,rhythm, beat, energy, motion- all combined, make this book an experience in and of itself. Has the 9th grade students reading this book, highly engaged, alive, laughing, sharing, connecting,- taking a wild ride- one of motion, grace, love, family, heartbreak, community, loneliness, loss,genetics, food, and of course “SWISH!”🏀

merelybookish Great review! 5y
Cathythoughts Beautiful quote ✨🌞 5y
kspenmoll @merelybookish Thank you! It‘s such a wonderful book!! 5y
kspenmoll @Cathythoughts There is so much to quote- a poetic feast of a book! 5y
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The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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#literaturecircles #bookclub #teachersofLitsy #YAbooks
It was wonderful today to read silently with the class for our first day of literature circles. Felt luxurious!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful photo 💕 5y
kspenmoll @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you my friend. 💕 5y
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They‘re calling this a graphic novel. I‘m struggling hard to see that format represented here....🤷🏻‍♀️ Am I the only one? I don‘t think I will be shelving this with my graphic novels.

My daughter just told me they got it wrong.

LibrarianRyan I tried to read this. It kept freezing my iPad. It‘s not a standard graphic novel as you generally think of them. But I do think it‘s a graphic representation of the original work. Admittedly I only got through 50 pages before I gave up to seek a print copy. 5y
Peddler410 @LibrarianRyan I think of it as illustrated novel. Thumbing through there are a handful of panels and very occasional speech bubbles. The amount of text is going to keep me from putting this in graphic novels 5y
Daisey @Peddler410 @LibrarianRyan I just finished this and was scrolling through reviews. I think I like the categorization as illustrated novel better. It was not what I expected when I hear graphic novel version, but I think the style chosen works perfectly for this story. 4y
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