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Life of Elves
Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
An inspiring literary fantasy about two gifted girls from the bestselling author of "The Elegance of the Hedgehog," "The Life of Elves "sings of the human spirit and conveys a message of hope and faith. Muriel Barbery's new novel is the first of two books about Maria and Clara, unforgettable heroines of a world facing annihilation. Animated by a large cast of endearing characters, it is a timeless story about the forces of good and evil and a moving meditation on the power of nature, music, art, storytelling, and love. When the harmony between living beings turns to discord, the seasons will be loosed from their moorings and the natural world thrown into disarray; human beings no longer capable of feeling either empathy or enchantment will abandon themselves to hate, violence, and war. An epic battle between forces that wish to reestablish harmony in the world and those that wish to shatter it definitively is being waged on earth and in the mysterious land of mist, where the elves dwell. A ragtag army of rural peasants gathers in readiness for the fight their weapons, an age-old kinship with the land and an affinity for magic. But humankind cannot hope to win this battle alone. Victory depends on help from the inhabitants of a world that is hidden from human sight. Hope rests with Maria and Clara, two girls whose prodigious artistic talents and deep connections with nature make communion with the numinous realm possible."
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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My last book of 2022. Totally by accident, I started and ended the year with Muriel Barbery. I didn't love this one, but I still want to read the sequel.

The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery

I tried really hard to care about this story and characters. Two children, presumably magical, both arrive in different places in Europe. The poor peasants don't understand them and they interpret the world in deep and meaningful ways. Yawn. There's a hell of a lot of description and meandering about without much really happening - I bailed after the big build up of one of the girls receiving - wait for it- a letter. For me, it was just dull. BAIL

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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Cento poem:

Important decisions are made by those
who are invisible
You are as beautiful as ever
A joyful company

I beg your forgiveness
I have understood the true intoxication
He looked at her dreamily
Oh, helplessness

#cento #centopoem

Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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We need fantasy, not to escape but survive in the reality.
#thelifeofelves #murielbarbery #fantasy #tbr #paperback #coffee #croissant #litsybooks

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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Long time no see, Litsy! I‘ve been off at college reading and writing and reading and writing and a whole lot more of reading and writing. Looking forward to having time to read books for fun this summer! Starting off the season with this enchanting story 🍃

The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery

About 60 pages in and I think I might be with @SavidgeReads on this one. Not sure if I'll keep going.

The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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All of our stores were closed yesterday for #Stella, but that just means our staff has extra time to brush up on their book recommendations!
#snowday #reading #booksellers #cozy

GatheringBooks been meaning to read bone clocks for the longest time now 7y
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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Another #Marchintoreading Day 4 contribution for #didntlikeitstillfinished. Don't get me wrong, the writing here is exquisite, the language beautiful, the magic somewhat different from what people are accustomed to. But man, was it laborious, with hardly anything much happening really, until it did. But by then, my attention has waned considerably, I just want it to be over with. Hopefully, The Elegance of Hedgehog would be a different experience.

Lmstraubie Beautiful picture! 😍 7y
Reviewsbylola I loved LOVED The Elegance of he Hedgehog. Gourmet Rhapsody didn't have the same magic. Those are the only two books of hers I've read. 7y
GatheringBooks @Lmstraubie Thank you! This was taken in Munich last year. 7y
GatheringBooks @Reviewsbylola A lot of my friends also have nothing but praise for elegance of the hedgehog. would most likely read it this year, just so i can do a compare and contrast of my reading experience. 7y
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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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The basic story is simple - two growing girls will combine their supernatural powers in the war (an evil Elf wants to conquer the world of human beings and elves). What makes the book interesting is its poetic language, and magical way of storytelling. It's like a fairy tale dream. We can read it as a classic clash between good and evil, but also as an ode to the beauty/power of women, nature and music.

#booklove17 #worstbastcliffhangers

Simona It's not exactly a cliffhanger, but this is the first book which is just preparation for the ultimate battle (the second part supposed to be released this year). 7y
Laalaleighh Stacking 📚 I loved elegance of the hedgehog and im so glad to see acreview that makes me want to read this next one. 7y
Simona @Laalaleighh But don't expect Hedgehog because this is in fantasy genre and only common point is slow plot and beautiful language. 7y
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Laalaleighh @Simona I loooove fantasy. And elves. I'm so on board. 7y
DrexEdit @Simona slow plot and beautiful language of Hedgehog along with fantasy? I'm sold! 😊 👍 7y
vivastory I loved this book. Felt it was underrated, I was a bit surprised it wasn't on more best of the year list. 7y
Simona @Laalaleighh @DrexEdit This book have quite low ratings on GR and most of them are low because they expect something in the manner of Hedgehog. 7y
Simona @vivastory I don't love it, but I do like it because it is touching story with beautiful prose and I think so too - that is underrated! 7y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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My additional #readingequipment depends on the format of the book...except chocolate. Chocolate is always near my fingertips.


MrBook Great pic! 7y
Cinfhen Love your photo 😍 7y
RealLifeReading Oh yes definitely the chocolate 7y
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Simona @MrBook @Cinfhen Thank you 🙏 7y
LeahBergen Pretty crochet! 💗 7y
britt_brooke Lovely photo! 📷💕 7y
Simona @LeahBergen Thank you 😊 My future shawl and with my tempo - for next winter 😊 7y
Simona @britt_brooke Thank you 😊 7y
BethFishReads I love my book darts! 7y
saresmoore This looks familiar! I'm even working on crochet projects with those same shades of yarn! 7y
Simona @saresmoore Well, you know...great minds...good taste....😉 7y
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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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On this cold day - fantasy book with fairytale vibes and magical prose, warm egg sandwich and a hot cup of tea.

vivastory I loved this book. Thought it was underrated, surprised it didn't make more best of lists. 7y
Simona @vivastory I'm in the middle and yes, I'm surprised too that I haven't seen this book mentioned more. 7y
DebinHawaii Looks perfect! 📚👍 7y
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Gissy Someone talked about this book before maybe it was you, I can't remember and since that moment it is in my tbr list 😍👍 7y
Simona @Gissy This is my first time reading this book, I talked about hers debut novel 7y
Gissy It sounds interesting! 👍 7y
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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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A lyrical tale about our relationship to nature, the redemptive & soul forming power of art (music & painting), & the necessity of storytelling. A beautiful fable that I will not be forgetting anytime soon.

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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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This quote seems to sum up quite nicely the mesmerizing allure of this book

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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Nat_Reads I just read this!! So happy to see someone else reading it, too! 8y
vivastory @Nat_Reads I'm halfway way through & am absolutely loving it 8y
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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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My November book haul...the election destroyed my plan not to buy books this month...

Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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This is an odd little story which is no less lovely for its strangeness. Barbery writes of hope and bridges of "tea and dreams" that can defeat "cannons." The prose feels delicate and the plot is a mix of fable and daydream. Mostly, the novel celebrates art, nature, and life lived well. Endlessly quotable and empowering--highly recommend! Also, photo is from recent camping trip--much of the book takes place in "mists," so I thought it suited.

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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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What a weird wonderful story. Feels like I'm in a fairy tale while reading it. Perfect for a woodsy weekend!

jessicarenee I'm excited to read this one! She's a great writer and I loved her other books 8y
Nat_Reads @jessicarenee I want to read all her others now! 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Decided on this one-I haven't read a translated book recently, and this one looks interesting and diverting enough to keep me off Facebook where the loonies are lol

The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery

The language of the book is elegant, but the length of the battle bored me and at the end, I felt unsatisfied and asking what was the point. not my favorite from an author whose other works I have enjoyed.

Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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"There is no courage without a difficult choice, no character that is not forged by the act of choosing,"

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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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"I am the one who suggested we tell you your own story, which implies a lot of other ones too," I love narratives that point out how intertwined we are and how we are all in this life together. enjoying The Life of Elves. The Elegance of the Hedgehog is my favorite from this author though.

The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery

Intriguing concept gets mired underneath excessive prose - some moments are lyrical and lovely, but on the whole, not enough forward movement on the plot. Uprooted by Naomi Novik covers some similar ground but is much more action-packed.

La vie des elfes | Muriel Barbery
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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery

Lyrical - such beautiful writing.
Reminded me of The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper

The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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The Life of Elves and Apfelschorle. Greek food in Munich. I need some fantasy in my life with so much darkness in this world.

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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery

A little restraint would have gone a long way with the writing style. Flowery, elegant prose is fine, but this was a bit excessive. The main characters also felt like ciphers, defined only by their prodigious abilities. Not unreadable, but disappointing after Elegance of the Hedgehog.

LiteraryinLawrence That's too bad. Elegance of the Hedgehog is one of my favorites because of the writing style. 8y
LauraBrook Welcome to LITSY! 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Anabnieto I read this book and love the story line but I didn't like the over the top prose. I liked that fact that it is precise in descriptions but not in time. I didn't like to find out, or I should say guess, that the book doesn't end here. On occasions the book is confusing. I had a good time reading it but I would have gone farther with the editing 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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This morning brought to you by jet lag and Muriel Barbery 😍

MrBook Lol. Nice pic! 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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About to snuggle in with my little girl on our staycation with a book I've been looking forward to for a long time.

The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery

"...dawn shooting its rosy fingers into skies more transparent than love."

The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Sweet and otherworldly, I hope there is a sequel on the way.

Notafraidofwords I'm surprised by this review. Everyone I speak to didn't like it. 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery

This was more difficult than I anticipated. I can't say I didn't like it because Barbery's writing is always beautiful. But, it meanders and takes far too long to get to the story's core.

The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery

Muriel Barbery's first book is one of my all-time favorites. This book is very different. Both novels share a common theme of strong connections between to seemingly distant people, and it is nicely written. If you are expecting Hedgehog 2.0, though, you might be disappointed.

marita I wish I could change my review to so-so. I haven't read the Hedgehog one, but I do know I probably won't search out the sequel to this one. 8y
ReadosaurusText I didn't dislike this book, I just didn't love it. But @EuropaEditions has published plenty of other books I adore! 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Conflicted on this. Sometimes I loved the writing, sometimes it was just too much. The story was a slow burn, but then I got into it, but then it lost me, and then grabbed me again. But it's definitely unique, otherworldly. Maybe Narnia meets The Blue Fox meets Among Others?

Anita Now I have to find The Blue Fox! 8y
WordWaller The Blue Fox has the most GORGEOUS cover! We got 5 at our bookstore recently and I was tempted to buy it simply for the jacket. 8y
marita I LOVED The Blue Fox. I've only read one other Sjòn book and didn't like it, but The Blue Fox I highly recommend. 8y
Jessicav I just could not get through this book. I really wanted to, but finally had to put it down and move on. :( 8y
marita @Jessicav I've only bailed on a handful of books but I can definitely understand putting this one down. I had the impulse with this one. 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Gods, does Barbery create fantastic prosetry!

The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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I've got two child-free hours to do some editing, but I've only got 20 pages left in the The Life of Elves. So tempting...

Texasblues Read - always choose reading! 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Clearly, I am an elf.

ReadosaurusText Rivers of tea, indeed! 8y
marita Daily! 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Ooh! A new book that promises to be all magical!

marita I'm halfway through right now. It was a slow burn for me but am really into it now. 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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"There are only two moments when everything is possible in this life," said Petrus, "when one drinks, and when one makes up stories." p. 224

Anabnieto This is a good one. And of course I agree! :) 8y
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The Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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I'm halfway through Muriel Barbery's new book. It is very different from THE ELEGANCE OF THE HEDGEHOG, but similar in that you get drawn into the lives of two compelling protagonists.

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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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A 'beguiling fairytale', as quoted from NYT, should be my perfect read. However full review also says over written and confusing which is, sadly, just what I found it to be. I wanted escapism, I just got lost. Very disappointing. Some readers will love it, it's just not for me.

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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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First/test post. I have been reading this book for almost a week;it's a fairytale, it's short, it just hasn't quite got me... Yet. And I'm nearly done 😱

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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery
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Borrowed books are often the best books! Thanks to @DiruVamp I will be starting this one tomorrow!

DiruVamp Hope you like it😉 8y
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Life of Elves | Muriel Barbery

I just couldn't get into this one. So I'm letting @callunakeep borrow it. Maybe she'll have better luck 😉

callunakeep Sorry you didn't like it...but Yaay!!! Sounds to be right up my alley!!😍 8y
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