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Thrush Green
Thrush Green | Miss Read
9 posts | 10 read | 7 to read
Miss Read's charming chronicles of small-town life have achieved an almost legendary popularity worldwide by offering a welcome return to a gentler time and "wit, humor, and wisdom in equal measure" (Cleveland Plain Dealer). This volume introduces Thrush Green, the neighboring village to Fairacre: its blackthorn bushes, thatch-roofed cottages, enchanting landscape, and jumble sales. Readers will delight in a new cast of characters and also welcome familiar faces as they become immersed in the village's turn of events on one pivotal day -- May Day. Before the day is over, life and love and perhaps eternity will touch the immemorial peace of the village.
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Thrush Green | Miss Read
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I‘ve read quite a few (7 or 8?) of Miss Read‘s Fairacre novels but this is my first foray into the Thrush Green series. It‘s quiet and charming and I‘m enjoying it immensely!

squirrelbrain Oh I used to love the Miss Read books when I was younger! They had loads of them in our teeny tiny village library. 5mo
rubyslippersreads Believe it or not, I haven‘t read Miss Read. Your lovely copies are inspiring me, though. 5mo
Tamra So pretty. 😊 5mo
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TrishB Lovely ♥️ 5mo
Aimeesue Such lovely editions! 5mo
UwannaPublishme Beautiful photo and editions! 5mo
Cathythoughts Ah that‘s so nice 🥰 5mo
LeahBergen @squirrelbrain They‘re such gentle (non-stressful 😆) reads! 5mo
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads You‘ll have to try one soon! They‘re VERY light but enjoyable. 5mo
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Thrush Green | Miss Read
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#Pemberlittens this looks like something similar to Pym. #JaneAdjacent Read? @BarkingMadRead @StayCurious

rubyslippersreads I‘ve never read any Miss Read, but would love to. 7mo
LeahBergen I do love Miss Read but her novels are all much more simple and of the “cozy village life” sort than Pym. I‘m trying to say it without sounding snobbish or disparaging but Pym is way more “literary”. 😆 But I read and love them both! 7mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @LeahBergen Love your explanation! 7mo
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Thrush Green | Miss Read
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#ThisWeekinNewBooks : Almost forgot to add the two Kindle bargains. The stack from the top: my treat purchased with Kindle points, 2 from The Novel Neighbor, a library book, and a used book from the library sale. #MountTBR #IndieBookstore

SayersLover Yay for Miss Reed! Her stuff is so restful. ☺️ @LeslieO 3y
LeslieO @SayersLover Sounds like my kind of book! 3y
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Thrush Green | Miss Read
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On Mayday the annual fair comes to Thrush Green. Both in Thrush Green and at the fair a new generation gets ready to take over.

Gentle rose-tinted nostalgia now.

Thrush Green | Miss Read
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Sour old Mr Piggott, who had looked in at St Andrew‘s to make sure that all was in readiness for the two churchings at six-thirty, let fall an ejaculation, quite unsuitable to its surroundings and, emerging from the vestry door, crunched purposefully and maliciously upon a piece of coke to relieve his feelings

Thrush Green | Miss Read
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So, I masked up today and went to a little charity bookshop where only 5 people are allowed in at a time (& donated books are kept for 10 days before shelving).

Well, I hit the mother lode of Miss Read and scooped up about 13 that I didn‘t own, without even looking through them too much (they were only a couple of dollars each).

When I got home, I discovered that a few were signed AND these photos of Miss Read were tucked into one of them! 😊

LeahBergen Yes. I know this is only exciting if you‘re a Miss Read fan. 😂 (edited) 4y
Ruthiella @LeahBergen I‘ve never read the books but still find it exciting! What a wonderful find! 😀 4y
Lreads How wonderful! 👏📚❤️ 4y
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LeahBergen @Ruthiella They are truly the coziest of cozy reads (and would probably sicken many a modern reader 😆) but hey, they do the trick at times like these! 4y
LeahBergen @QuietlyLaura I was tickled! Mind you, I‘m always tickled to find interesting things inside books. 😊 4y
BarbaraJean I love finding little surprises like these--so exciting! And I have to say, I had never heard of Miss Read, and now I am intrigued. I definitely need more cozy reads in my life right now & will have to give Miss Read a try. 😊 4y
quietjenn That's so great! Hurray, little charity shop and wonderful finds. 4y
batsy How fun! Little charity shop finds ❤️ 4y
DebinHawaii So fun! Extra treats! 🤗 4y
Cathythoughts A great day 💕such cosy covers 4y
rockpools How perfect! 4y
TrishB Brilliant 💜 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Awesome finds! 4y
Centique Oh my Lordy lord - that is some good book karma you have there! Well deserved treasures! 4y
squirrelbrain Wow that‘s amazing! I read all of the Miss Read books as a teen and you‘re right - they‘re just fab cozies. 4y
Lcsmcat Wow! Can I go book shopping with you sometime? That‘s amazing luck. 😀 4y
BarbaraBB That is a great haul ❤️ 4y
emilyhaldi Love surprises like that! 🤗 4y
rubyslippersreads What a fantastic find! I have a friend who‘s been telling me to read these for ages (and will be so jealous of you. 😊) 4y
BookNAround What a lovely surprise! 4y
ValerieAndBooks Wow! You always have the best finds!! 4y
UwannaPublishme Wow! How cool is that ! 😍🙌🏻🍀 4y
CarolynM Jackpot! 🎉 That's fabulous. 4y
Lindy 😮😮😮 4y
saresmoore That is so neat! 4y
catebutler My jaw literally dropped, you have the luckiest book finds!! 😍 4y
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Thrush Green | Miss Read
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The twelfth hour mark has been reached!! 🎉🎉 I just finished my third book, THRUSH GREEN. It‘s such a delightful read, and perfect when you need a little escapism. I‘m going to try to read for another hour, if not, this will be my sign off post until the morning. #24in48 #readathon #thrushgreen #missread @24in48

Jess_Read_This I‘ve had a few Miss Read books just sitting on my shelf... I need to read them. 6y
catebutler @Jess_Read_This This is the second one I‘ve read and it‘s just splendid! They really are great little books! 6y
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Thrush Green | Miss Read
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#24in48 Hour 12 Challenge: First Line of Book

Well, stayed up later than planned last night, reading for the #readathon, so it was a bit of a late start for me this morning. But, now I‘m up and ready and will be reading for the rest of the day. For the 12th hour challenge, I chose the first line from Thrush Green. There‘s something magical about a child‘s excitement, so I loved this one particularly. @24in48 #thrushgreen #missread #firstlines

Thrush Green | Miss Read
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Yesterday, I woke to a winter wonderland, so a cozy day inside became the plan for the day. Poached eggs & smashed avocado on buttered toast, followed by a few household chores. Afterwards I settled in w/Thrush Green & a cup of hot chocolate (extra marshmallows). It was such a relaxing day, the only worries at hand: what to fix for lunch (Roasted Yams & Chickpeas with Yogurt, recipe by @smittenkitchen), & answering the mailman‘s knock at the door.

rubyslippersreads Beautiful photo! 6y
catebutler @rubyslippersreads Thank you so much! 💓 6y
Lreads I love Miss Read's books on audio. 6y
catebutler @ReadsWithTea Oh! I‘ll have to check them out on audio. It‘s been so fun to read them, but I‘d love to be able to listen on the go too. Thanks for the recommendation! 6y
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