I really enjoyed this book. Both main characters, Graham and Audra, are really great. It's funny, I definitely had a few lol moments. The only moan would be it just suddenly finished. I didn't quite understand why. Did anyone read this book?
I really enjoyed this book. Both main characters, Graham and Audra, are really great. It's funny, I definitely had a few lol moments. The only moan would be it just suddenly finished. I didn't quite understand why. Did anyone read this book?
I liked it. Nothing much happens, but it is witty and funny. I was reading it in a cafe and an old man walked past and said “it must be a good book, you keep smiling!”
I read this book because the author's work has been compared to that of Laurie Colwin and it fit in wirh my summer of light-ish reads.
And... I found it kind of interminable but I was also intrigued by the seeming aimlessness of the plot. But still too long! I think my weariness eventually trumped curiosity.
In other news, I finished my last assignment for my Masters in Counseling today and I am SO relieved.
What a lovely book! I can‘t quite put my finger on why I liked it so much - there‘s not a lot of plot. It‘s a look at at a family mostly through the eyes of Graham (the husband), his wife Audra and their son Matthew who is somewhere on the Autism spectrum. At first Audra drove me crazy but by the end they had all grown on me and I loved them! It‘s a musing on marriage and parenthood that‘s so sweet and funny.
This was a strange read to me. Characters are interesting but there's really isn't a storyline. Just random events in a family's life.
What a cozy Friday afternoon.
Goal 1 : Finish reading this fun novel.
Goal 2: Picking another novel fromage my TBR.
Goal 3: Do a quick clean up so my family won't notice I've read all afternoon. 😜
Already in a #christmas mood !! It helps me forget we've been praticing #socialdistancing for over a month and still have weeks to go. #currentlyreading #cozyambience
Audra tossed her nearly empty Cheetos bag on the coffee table. “Cheetos are just delicious while you‘re eating them,” she said. “But then you feel yucky afterward. Sort of like porn.” 😂
Katherine Heiny, Standard Deviation
Today‘s #audiowalk
With is better than without 💙
I really enjoyed this one but I'm not sure why. Its the story of a couple and their son from New York, nothing dramatic happens to them, they're just living their ordinary lives. I don't usually like books like this but this one was very readable. Its told from Graham's perspective. I loved his insights into his family and life in general. Reading it felt a bit like a guilty pleasure.
When choosing what to read next I chose the one with a Kate Atkinson blurb, since I just finished two books by her that I loved.
I've been reading this book in short bursts on public transport and in coffee shops over the last few weeks and it's been perfect for that. The story is loose and rambling but the odd characters and wry observations are a delight. I found myself laughing out loud many times. I really sympathised with Graham in the conflicts, confusion and weariness he felt in his love for his wife and especially his son.
I hope my current read with a couple of gingerbread biscuits my daughter made will suffice for #booksandpastries
Here's my nearest TBR stack. Yes, there's another stack behind (and several in the library)😥😏😂
#LiteraryLuck #TBRShelfie
⭐⭐⭐ This book was well written and had it's funny moments, BUT it was just a pinhole view of a family's life and it was rather chaotic and tangential. It felt like I only got the middle of the story and never got the beginning or ending. I really wanted to like it and at moments I did, but this book was just too far left field for me.
Wow! I truly loved this novel that dives deep into the every day of marriage, parenthood and adult friendship. There were many laugh out loud moments, but underneath, great truths revealed. 👍🏼👍🏼
Loved this book. Reminded me of Class Mom and Where‘d You Go Bernadette.
This writer took completely banal and commonplace life events and “normal” people and made it engaging, funny, heartbreaking and intense. Also a sweet and sometimes sad look into life with ASD.
“...There is just too much love loose in the world. Too much love with nowhere to go.”
This one is supposed to be Laugh Out Loud funny. Hoping! It‘s so healthy to laugh.👏🤣😆
A Saturday afternoon with cat and book. Willow keeps giving me weird looks at my helpless chuckles... this book is just odd and charming and insightful and funny, all at the same time.
I enjoyed this book and found it very funny, but I can see how it might not appeal to everyone. The characters are quirky and self-absorbed. I found them amusing, my mom found them annoying. She was reading this book at the same time I did and would text me things like “Are these people for real?” We had similar reactions to the movie “When Harry Met Sally”, which this reminded me of in some ways. I found the life observations funny and very apt.
So lovely.
This was a nice, slow & steady read. Great cast of characters, thoroughly enjoyed it.
I had to get a root canal this afternoon, and my life has been insane lately given my sidejob as a dogsitter, so I took the rest of the day off and I'm spending it with books. This one is so funny and astute!
Altho i thought the writing was great and the characters were interesting and funny, there just wasn‘t much to the story. So I didn‘t find myself wanting to get back to it each night after I put it down. Took me a while to read and therefore that means to me, it was only so-so.
I really enjoyed this book until I got to the end and realized that it's one of those stories that has no purpose. I know that some people love stories that are just a snippet of someone's life, starting and ending at a seemingly random point. I can appreciate them when there is a bit more closure, but for me, this didn't work. It was so funny throughout, so I'm disappointed I didn't end up loving it.
This book is making me LOL!! 😂 🤣 I haven't read a funny book in awhile, so this is perfect.
Still not feeling great and drinking lots of tea (probably drank 30 cups over the last two days), but climbing into bed early and hoping for a better day tomorrow back at the office. At least I got a lot of reading in! Goodnight, Litsy! 🌙💤 #bitmoji
Up next on today's #sickreadathon is Katherine Heiny's Standard Deviation! I first heard of it from The Skimm and immediately put it on hold from the library as it sounds great.
Is anyone else always stacking the reading recommendations from The Skimm?
Just a fun read, but not my kind of book, because of the shallow characters and their white men's problems. They never looked outside their Manhattan 🏙 bubble. And oh, the irony - where was I reading this book...? That's right, in Central Park 🐿 🌿, the most Manhattan-like place of Manhattan...!
Grab this book if you need a good laugh. Heiny deftly captures some of life's absurdities. While the plot elements strain credulity, the narration and dialogue are so entertaining and accurate that any flaws are forgiven (which actually mirrors one of the themes).
This book was fantastic! Funny, heart warming and full of moments that make you pause and consider your life. Graham is an Everyman narrator taking stock of his life with his overwhelmingly talkative wife Audra and son Max who has Aspergers. I highly recommend this one.
I really enjoyed this book about marriage and parenting. The characters are interesting and draw the reader in. Well- written and even has some funny moments!