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Early Morning Riser
Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
Katherine Heiny, author of the hugely beloved Standard Deviation, returns with an eccentric, warm and hilarious new novel.
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Does it seem contradictory to can this one warm and prickly? Maybe, but it's what I'm going with to summarize this found family story. I really liked it.

Megabooks Yes, this was really enjoyable! 6mo
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny

I started out in love but it didn't work out for us. ☹️

My full review here: https://willaful.wordpress.com/2024/01/10/early-morning-riser-by-katherine-heine...

TheBookgeekFrau Best short review I've ever read!! 9mo
willaful @TheBookgeekFrau hehe... (edited) 9mo
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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September Reads

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny

I listened to this in a single day. I started first thing in the morning and while initially I was just feeling okay about it I soon got swept up and could not not finish before bed. I am discovering that found family is one of those tropes that, if done right, I will fall completely in love.

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Loved this book, made me laugh out loud.

I agree with Marian.

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny

I honestly don‘t really know how I feel about this one. It‘s definitely not what i expected it to be. It was fun but also had a really deep underlying sense of sorrow. This is one of the first adult popular fiction books I‘ve read that I don‘t absolutely hate

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Jane is new to town and quickly falls in love Duncan who has seemingly been with every woman in the state. Loving Duncan also means having his ex and her husband as part of your life. It means having Jimmy who works with Duncan around all the time. It might just mean having another family, one that you didn‘t choose, but another family nonetheless. I was always happy to press play on the audio and hang out with this quirky cast of characters.

BethM That cover is oddly appealing. 1y
Jas16 @BethM Oddly appealing really describes the book overall for me. 1y
AmyG Thanks. I just borrowed the audio. 🤞🏻 (edited) 1y
Suet624 I really liked this book. 1y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Am I going to read an author I see described as a “younger and bawdier Anne Tyler” and “a literary descendant of Jane Austen”? Oh yes! And I‘m so glad I did, this was just delightful; smart, tender and funny, the perfect offbeat love story. Yes, at the end a year may have trickled down my cheek. And yes, very much liking the cover too…

squirrelbrain I loved this one too! ❤️ 2y
emmaturi Also enjoyed this too! 2y
Cathythoughts Great review! Stacked. 2y
CarolynM I liked this one too. Have you read 2y
JillR @carolynm I haven‘t but I‘ve added it to my list! 2y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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I totally misremembered my schedule and both of my work book groups are meeting this week - and I hadn‘t read the book for Wednesday! So I grabbed the audio and a puzzle and dug in yesterday & today. This was enjoyable (though the author‘s love of listing things got old with me fast). Funny in parts, but nothing super crazy. Now, onto the next audio so I can finish the puzzle! #audiopuzzle

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Ready for February! I really want to try for a bingo this month. Let the board guide my choices. Maybe. #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
RebelReader You have some good ones to enjoy! Can‘t wait to hear your thoughts! 2y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 I just loved this book. It‘s slow paced but sweet and charming. Funny too. It‘s a feel good novel with some depth to it - just what I needed right now. Her style of writing reminds me a bit of Laurie Colwin. I‘m interested in reading more from her!

Wesleypaker Hello how are you doing today ? 2y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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If Frieda were taking requests for songs on her mandolin, meant to describe this book, I‘d ask her to play Thao Nguyen‘s “Chivalry.” Thao sings, “I am tired / I am through/ When I love, I will love so hard / Harder than I could love with you.” Early Morning Riser is about a woman who wants to love someone “so hard,” and her family, friends, and especially the lover, who often fall short of the mark — but (and this is important) not always. 👇🏻

monalyisha 1/2: It‘s also about a young man on the autism spectrum, and the village (small town) that cares for and alongside him. This novel is about the big feelings felt while living through the small pleasures and hardships of a mundane life. 2y
monalyisha 2/2: Sometimes, I really enjoyed it. Sometimes, Jane wanted “to get drunk enough to ask [her friend] if it was true if she hadn‘t ever had sex with anyone, not even a drunk migrant worker.” What I‘m saying is, despite its charms, this book felt very white, cisnormative, and heteronormative…and not very socially conscious or aware. (edited) 2y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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It's been a long time since I've flat-out ENJOYED a book as much as this one. Jane moves to a small town in Michigan to teach 2nd grade. She quickly falls for Duncan, the genial town himbo, & then, well, not much happens & yet everything happens. It's a novel about life & making a life, & about the families we have & the families we make. It's (really) funny & often touching & beautifully captures the perfect extraordinariness of ordinary life.

Lesliereadsalot I really liked this book too. Quirky and fun. 2y
Sarahreadstoomuch Yay! My book group is reading this later in the year 2y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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What a charming, gentle, lovely story. She made ordinary life so funny and sweet and crazy all at once. Just what I needed.

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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And great read, it's about Jane and Duncan, their life, relationships, family commitments. It funny and sad, very moving.

Tamra Love that cover! 😍 2y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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This was an entertaining listen on a long road trip. The main character‘s life is super interesting and if anything, it will make you feel better about your own life. Lol. #chicklit

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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Another #NYWD winner from @Cinfhen that I wouldn‘t have read without her list. I hadn‘t even heard of this book. Even though it‘s set in the kind of town where everyone knows each other that only exists in books and on the Gilmore Girls, I really enjoyed it. I liked the MC and the quirky supporting cast. I am starting to really like books that jump ahead years as a good way to move the story forward. The kids in this book were my favorites.

monalyisha Oh, I haven‘t heard of this, either! It sounds like something I might need to read. 3y
Cinfhen Ha, you‘re right!! Those quirky small towns are really only found on the small screen 📺 but it works so well for a setting. I REALLY enjoyed this book, which I discovered through @DivineDiana who went to an author‘s event and gifted me a copy of the book. 3y
monalyisha The kids were my favorite too: especially the discussion about the disappearing bathroom. 😂 2y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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My #CurrentlyReading stack is brought to you by a wandering attention span and some mood reading. The tagged book is from my #NYWD list and 1619 Project is a group read. The others are library books.

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny


Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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#12BooksOf2021 My favorite from August
This book was gifted to me by the lovely @DivineDiana 💓💓💓 and it just gave me #AllTheFeels
Quiet & quirky
Would work for #FoundFamily #pop22

Bookwormjillk Considering I read your post at 4:58 am I must stack this 😁 3y
CoffeeAndABook Happy New Year Cindy 💫🙌🏼 Right now I‘m in the process of deciding which will be my first read of the new year. I literally finished reading one book last night and can now start a brand new one on New Year‘s Day. Suddenly I‘m feeling all this pressure 🤪 and cannot decide!!! 3y
Itchyfeetreader I liked this one 3y
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Cinfhen Hahaha @Bookwormjillk You certainly qualify for Early Morning Riser 😉 3y
Cinfhen Something about this book got under my skin @Itchyfeetreader 3y
Cinfhen Happy 2022 @CoffeeAndABook 😘😘how‘s the pup??? I bet it‘s hard to read when you‘re so distracted. Wishing you all good things in the coming year 3y
DivineDiana Glad you loved the book! Love the collage! May the New Year be filled with fantastic books! ❤️📚😘 3y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen Hi 🙋🏼‍♀️ the pup‘s doing great, she‘s such an impressive brave little soul and sharp as a nail! We‘re all learning a lot and you‘re right - my reading has been sporadic at best 😅 but Zelda‘s coming round to snuggling & gently snoring while I read so my pace is picking up 🙌🏼 do you have a 🐾 🐾 ? I saw some posts with a cute fuzzy darling called Herzl but was under the impression he lives in the US?! 3y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @DivineDiana miss you 😘 Looking forward to our next meet-up, hopefully sooner than later. 3y
Cinfhen Herzl is my daughter‘s pup @CoffeeAndABook so I don‘t get to see him much 😢unless you count the daily FaceTime calls 😜Zelda sounds like she‘s acclimating beautifully. She‘s found the right home to nurture and love her 💕💕💕Nice to hear from you xx swing by anytime for a chat 🥰 3y
Cinfhen Have you settled on a book, Chrissy??? @CoffeeAndABook 3y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen Yes 😃 I have!!! It‘s a book by Katherine Heiny 😉 so #blameitonCindy!! The one you had tagged is pretty expensive in Germany so I‘ll wait till it comes down in price. But I found an earlier book, Standard Deviation, and am totally enjoying it 🙌🏼 I tend to get so dramatic on Jan 1st, I want to vision board, start the year with an inspirational book, pray and meditate… 3y
CoffeeAndABook ⬆️… none of this ever happens, of course. my siblings both have their birthdays on Dec 31st and Jan 2nd so I end up traveling back and forth instead of quietly slipping into the new year 😂 and the book I found is pretty funny and entertaining - so perfect 👌🏼 also I always enjoy NYC as a setting 🏙😜 3y
Cinfhen Yay!! I haven‘t read that book @CoffeeAndABook so maybe it‘ll be a #BlameItOnChrissy read for me 😉 3y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen Yessss 🙌🏼😂😘 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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My favorites 2021 reads! I had two reading goals this year — read 70 books and focus less on reading new releases and more on books I want to read, regardless of publication date. I didn‘t meet my goal of 70 books (too many distractions, both good and bad) coming up rather short at 43 books, but I am happy to highlight multiple non-new releases as my favorites this year 📖📚

Here‘s to making more time for reading in 2022 ✨

Amiable “Notes on a Silencing” made my top list this year, too! And “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, “Rules of Civility” and “The Only Plane in the Sky” are all fabulous reads as well. I‘m going to have to check out your other choices now! 3y
BittersweetBooks @Amiable we seem to have the same taste in books!! I‘ll be watching your recommendations more closely now 😉 3y
Amiable @BittersweetBooks I had the exact same thought! 😀 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Thanks @CarolynM You always give such pretty & yum things. I didn‘t get a chance to post this on Xmas eve. Do the early hours of Xmas morning still count?Have a wonderful day with your family. You were right, I won‘t be with mine but have planned a wonderful menu to compensate. It doesn‘t include any sweet potato from these vines that even thrive on the cement in the garden after crawling over the fence from next door. A nice big pumpkin has too.

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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Between a pick and a so-so for me. Sometimes I loved the MC and sometimes she frustrated me and sometimes I just wanted to yawn.
But I enjoyed enough to finish 😁

Cinfhen That‘s a fair and accurate review!! Glad you didn‘t bail 3y
Cinfhen This was a quiet book but I loved it 3y
TrishB @Cinfhen I think on another day I may have loved it! 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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A big-hearted, charming book about a woman who finds belonging in an unconventional chosen family. A lovely feel good read.

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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I loved this - it was comforting every time I opened this book and returned to Boyne City to check in on Jane and her crew. Heiny is a great writer who is able to brilliantly capture mundane moments and ordinary people and make them memorable. “If she were a Crayola crayon, she‘d be Blue Bell.” For fans of Elizabeth Strout.

Cinfhen Agreed! This book was a warm comforting hug - I really loved it. 3y
TrishB Reminds herself to read. 3y
BittersweetBooks Completely agree, one of my favorites this year! 3y
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CarolynM She's good. I enjoyed this one and loved 3y
LauraBeth @Cinfhen hope all is well with you and your family ❤️ 3y
LauraBeth @TrishB it‘s a good fall/winter book! 3y
LauraBeth @BittersweetBooks I think this will be in my top 10 for the year! 3y
LauraBeth @CarolynM I still need to read that one and will probably get to it sooner rather than later! 3y
Cinfhen Thanks for checking in !! We‘re well 😘Hope is all well with your fam! Your daughter must be a high schooler now 😱 3y
LauraBeth @cinfhen She‘s a senior 🙀 I‘m not sure where that time went! Is your baby still in NYC? 3y
Cinfhen No wayyyyyy; a senior!!!! Whoa! She was just a middle schooler!!! I feel OLD 3y
Cinfhen My daughter is still in NYC but she‘s moving to Atlanta with her Hubby in December 😁 3y
Cinfhen My baby baby turned 20 on Thursday!!! He‘s still here, in Israel. 3y
LauraBeth 20! That‘s hard to believe! What brings your daughter to ATL? 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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I have questions: I have no idea why this is the title of the book and I wonder why they didn‘t edit out about a third of the book. Other than that, the book was an easy read and the characters were fun to get to know. it was oftentimes humorous and made me chuckle. If you‘re looking for a story about life in a small town where everyone knows everything about everyone this is a book for you.

LauraBeth I cannot for the life of me figure out why she titled it this! 3y
ValerieAndBooks Now I must read this, to see if I can figure the title out 😊 @Suet624 @LauraBeth 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Going to give this one a whirl.

Leftcoastzen Awww!🐶 3y
Megabooks It‘s fun! 3y
LauraBeth @Leftcoastzen she‘s my old girl ❤️ 3y
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LauraBeth @Megabooks I love it so far! 3y
CarolynM It's fun. Enjoy. 3y
Suet624 I‘m reading it now too. 3y
LauraBeth @Suet624 I really love her figurative language 3y
Suet624 Yes and she‘s making me guffaw now and again. 3y
LauraBeth Thanks @CarolynM ! 😀 3y
UwannaPublishme Hope you‘re doing well along with your family and fur babies. Miss seeing your hilarious posts of #Bitsy! Give her a big hug for me. 🤗❤️ 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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This book was such a pleasant surprise! I LOVED it! It‘s very rare that a book makes me laugh out loud, but that‘s exactly what happened (though it was more of a dry-humor, which is right up my alley). I think this was exactly what I needed to get me out of my “so-so” slump.

megnews Love that cover 3y
BittersweetBooks Just finished this one and I LOVED it too! 🥰 Probably my favorite from this year so far. 3y
samantharoberts @megnews right? It‘s so cheerful 🧡 3y
samantharoberts @BittersweetBooks same here! And I just happened to come across it because I was in the mood for something funny, and this was one of the only books available right away in Libby. So glad I did! 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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She thought that the worst part was not that Duncan had taken her heart…The worst part was that she‘d given it to him. Yes, that was always the worst part. You gave it to him. You carved out a crucial little part of yourself, and you not only gave it to him, you begged him to take it. You were sure at that moment that you would always have an endless supply, or at least more than enough. So you gave it to him 🪴🌤

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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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@Cinfhen spoke highly of this one 😁

Cathythoughts 👍🏻👍🏻 3y
CarolynM I'd say it's worth 99p 3y
Caroline2 Hmm, I‘m on the fence about this one. Dunno if I‘m a bit to cynical lately for “heart warming” stories! 😆 🤦‍♀️ 3y
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TrishB @Caroline2 I very rarely read them, so this will be an occasion read. 3y
Megabooks It‘s a fun book! 3y
TrishB @Megabooks good to know 👍🏻 3y
Cinfhen I REALLY liked it!!!! Totally worth 99P and it‘s not quite “heartwarming” @Caroline2 it‘s deeper than that 3y
TrishB @Cinfhen of course I got it 😁 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny

Very good! Unconventional stories of relationships and families, in simple language with relatable characters

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Thank you SO MUCH @DivineDiana I know you didn‘t LOVE this book, but I REALLY REALLY DID!!!! Thank you for gifting me the perfect book for my current mood. This book gave me #AllTheFeels ???I‘m so glad we were able to meet up last week. Just chillin with my sleeping grand-pup while my daughter and her fiancé attend a hurricane party

TrishB Sounds like a good read 👍🏻 3y
rockpools That‘s a very cute furball keeping you company there! 3y
DivineDiana So happy you enjoyed it! What next? Hurricane! 😳 Sending much love. ❤️ 3y
Megabooks I‘m so glad you loved this!! 💜🐶 3y
Cinfhen Loved!!!! @Megabooks @DivineDiana @TrishB and my furball is THE BEST @rockpools 🐾💕 (edited) 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Early morning train travel 🧳 This book is the perfect companion @DivineDiana 😘

alisiakae That is some excellent 🚂 travel planning 📖, perfectly paired! 3y
TrishB Enjoy 👍🏻 3y
DivineDiana 👏🏻👍🏻👏🏻 Enjoy your time with your daughter! 💗 👰🏻💗 3y
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BarbaraBB I didn‘t realize you are in the States already! I just wanted to ask you when you would be traveling! Fortunately you had no problems getting tickets. You have another wedding to attent right? Enjoy your stay and the preps for Niki‘s wedding! 🤍 3y
kspenmoll Enjoy your stay in States & your visit with daughter, wedding etc. 💕 3y
Cinfhen Thanks friends…SO MUCH going on….I can‘t even begin to explain @4thhouseontheleft @TrishB @DivineDiana @BarbaraBB @kspenmoll all I can say is man makes plans and God laughs 🙄 3y
BarbaraBB You make me so curious! Never a dull day I guess! I hope you‘re well and have a bit of the N and M mentality 😉😘 3y
alisiakae @Cinfhen I hope you‘re well 💞 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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I‘m LOVING this one @DivineDiana 🥰Thanks so much for gifting me the book ♥️It‘s exactly what my brain wants at the moment 😁

DivineDiana So glad! I‘ve been thinking about you all day! Glad the storm passed, and the sun was shining for your trip! Hope you are having so much fun! 💗💗💗 3y
Cinfhen Ugh, change of plans @DivineDiana but I‘m hoping to catch the 9:05 Amtrak tomorrow morning to meet Niki in the city for her fitting ♥️ 3y
Cathythoughts Sounds like a very exciting meeting with your daughter ❤️💫 3y
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Cinfhen I‘m looking forward @Cathythoughts 🥰 3y
DivineDiana Just saw your comment. Oh my. 🙏🏻🤞🏻❤️ 3y
shawnmooney The title resonates as its 4:45 am and I‘ve been awake for a couple hours. But enough about my insomnia: that cover! 😍😍 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Look at this wonderful gift from my lovely friend @DivineDiana whom I got to see this morning 🥰So nice to catch up on life and bookish talk💕💕💕I‘m excited for this book, which is signed and I‘ve heard so many good things about. Bookmark is FAB❣️❣️Thank you Diana, for meeting me on my home turf xxxx So happy to reconnect 😊

Cinfhen Here‘s the link for #Booked2021 @DivineDiana hopefully you can fill in a bunch of prompts 🧡🎉
Megabooks This book is fantastic! What a great gift! 😀 3y
BarbaraBB How great that you two met! 🤍🤍 3y
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squirrelbrain How lovely to meet up! I‘m listening to this at the moment, nearly halfway and loving it! 3y
TrishB Lovely ♥️ 3y
DivineDiana Thank you for fitting me in your busy schedule! It was so nice to see you! And thanks for the #Booked2021 link! ❤️😘❤️ (edited) 3y
KarenUK How fantastic! Hope you are having a lovely time Cindy 💕 3y
Cinfhen It really was wonderful to catch up with @DivineDiana - we were like two longtime friends just chatting away!! I‘m so grateful for all these Litsy friendships I‘ve made @KarenUK (xxxx) @TrishB (❣️) @squirrelbrain (😁) @BarbaraBB (💃🏾💃🏾) @Megabooks (👯‍♀️) If only you all could have joined us!!! And I‘m SUPER EXCITED about the book♥️ 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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I don‘t normally need a “palate cleanser” read, as I just roll on to the next thing that pops up on hold for me — but I totally get that need right now. I listened to this on audio which turned out to be the light hearted and sweet entertainment I didn‘t know I needed. Jane is a second grade teacher new to a small town. She meets Duncan, an endearing man though he can‘t seem to keep it in his pants (sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️), and others who become family.

Ruthiella I can‘t read one heavy, emotional book after another. I have to break it up with something that at least doesn‘t make me wince while reading. I enjoyed Standard Deviation by this author and will probably pick this up one of these days. 3y
Megabooks Great review!! You capture the essence of what makes this book fun. 3y
Chelsea.Poole @Ruthiella I‘m curious about Standard Deviation now after reading this one. Thanks! 3y
Chelsea.Poole @Megabooks thank you ☺️ 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny

I liked these characters. They felt like people I might know: a school teacher, a guy who sleeps with everyone, a man with some disabilities. And they all come together as a family. A nice story.

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was … fine. Newcomer, elementary teacher Jane, bonds awkwardly with an unlikely group of small-town locals. Though there are several likable characters and complex situations, it all felt a bit too surface-level. There are snippets of several years, which I liked very much, but I needed more details and emotion. Meh.

Cinfhen Too bad… sounds like this had so much potential but just didn‘t get there 😞Not rushing to read it #SoManyBooksSoLittleTime 3y
KatieDid927 Agreed. 3y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen Still might be worth checking out, but definitely #borrownotbuy 😉 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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I just kept waiting for something to happen. Even when it did, it felt so distant. Jane seemed completely detached from her life. She lives in a small town surrounded by endlessly exhausting individuals who are all so self-involved they aren't aware of how they impact the lives of those around them. I kept seeing this described as "cozy" & that just doesn't fit. I wanted Jane to do anything to change her life, but she never did. ⭐️⭐️

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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I had passed this over until @MicheleinPhilly gave it a positive review, and it‘s absolutely charming! Jane, the new 2nd grade teacher, gets involved with ladies man about town, Duncan. Their relationship evolves over years through a series of vignettes as Jane develops a life in her new community. Solidly in contemporary fiction, this novel reads like bingeing your favorite dramedy! Since it has great character evolution, no spoilers! 🤐

MicheleinPhilly So glad you enjoyed it! 3y
Cinfhen Sold 😃#stacked 3y
squirrelbrain I had this reserved on Libby, but when it came free I was reading too many other things so I let it go. ….Trots off to put a hold on it once more! 3y
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Megabooks @MicheleinPhilly thank you for the impetus to pick it up! 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen you‘d definitely enjoy this! 3y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain definitely worth a library hold spot! Enjoy! 3y
Chelsea.Poole I just finished this and “charming” is a great word to describe it! 👯‍♀️ 3y
Megabooks @Chelsea.Poole we are so in sync this year! 😂👯‍♀️ I hope things are going better for you 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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The main character in this book,Jane is a saint in my opinion. A young 2nd grade teacher, she starts a relationship with Duncan,older and former lover of nearly every woman who lives there. She is kind, polite and caring of everyone. I did chuckle at times, and could easily picture this as a TV series. Ultimately, it is about acceptance and creating a family that you choose. A quick read with interesting characters, but did not capture my heart.

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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I really enjoyed this. She was a BIT too heavy-handed with the character quirks but I thought it was a charming and funny look at the families we create for ourselves. 👍🏼

DivineDiana Glad to hear! This is on my Bingo card this month. A signed copy was a birthday gift from my husband. 📚 3y
Megabooks Just put this on hold at the library a couple of days ago. Glad it was a pick! 3y
britt_brooke Love your shelves! 🤩 3y
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CarolynM I agree about the heavy handedness, they didn't all need to be quite so odd. 3y
AvidReader25 I wanted to like this one, but I just kept thinking Jane seemed like such a doormat! 3y
MicheleinPhilly @AvidReader25 I can see that. There were things that she did that drove me a bit batty at times, but for some reason it just worked for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
AvidReader25 @MicheleinPhilly I love that books can hit people at the right moment and we all bring our own histories and opinions to everything we read. 😊 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Good Morning! Yesterday was my birthday, and due to lack of space, not desire, I told my husband that I am not buying anymore books, unless they are special. You know, like signed copies. So, I wasn‘t happy when he ignored me and one of my gifts was a book. He said,“Wait a minute. Open it up.” It was signed. 🤦‍♀️ Also, he supported a local bookstore. 👏🏻

MicheleinPhilly Happy Belated Birthday! 3y
Tamra Haha! Tricky! Happy Birthday 😄 3y
Ahw06 Happy belated birthday!! 🥳 3y
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Gissy Happy Belated Birthday 🎂 🎈🎈🎈It was a lovely gesture from your husband, a signed copy is always something special. Enjoy it!📚❤️ 3y
In_the_stacks Happy birthday! 🍰 🧁 🎈 3y
Megabooks Happy birthday!! 🥳🥳 3y
JennyM Happy birthday. Hope you had a lovely day. ❤️ 3y
mrp27 Happy Birthday! 3y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 3y
DivineDiana @MicheleinPhilly @Tamra @Ahw06 Thank you for the kind wishes! ❤️ 3y
DivineDiana @Gissy Thank you! I do love a signed book!!❤️ 3y
Reggie Happy Belated Birthday!! And what a lovely story! 3y
DivineDiana Thank you, Reggie for both of your comments. ❤️ 3y
ValerieAndBooks Happy belated birthday Diana🎂📚🎂 ! 3y
DivineDiana @ValerieAndBooks Thanks so much! ❤️ 3y
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Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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31 May-9 Jun 2021
A lovely story told with humour and heart about family and friendship where nothing terribly dramatic happens. It almost made me wish to be a primary school teacher - and not just to reduce the stress of 18 weeks of school holidays per year. Further, looking after a stranger‘s old, smelly, hairy dog whilst they are ill does not seem such a big ask - looking after Jimmy, as sweet as he is at times, is a far greater commitment.

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Memorable characters. A solid book club pick about a teacher and the family she creates in her town.

Early Morning Riser | Katherine Heiny
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Another smartly-written, light read. Love her insights and humor.