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Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism
Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism | Fumio Sasaki
The best-selling phenomenon from Japan that shows us a minimalist life is a happy life. Fumio Sasaki is not an enlightened minimalism expert or organizing guru like Marie Kondohes just a regular guy who was stressed out and constantly comparing himself to others, until one day he decided to change his life by saying goodbye to everything he didnt absolutely need. The effects were remarkable: Sasaki gained true freedom, new focus, and a real sense of gratitude for everything around him. In Goodbye, Things Sasaki modestly shares his personal minimalist experience, offering specific tips on the minimizing process and revealing how the new minimalist movement can not only transform your space but truly enrich your life. The benefits of a minimalist life can be realized by anyone, and Sasakis humble vision of true happiness will open your eyes to minimalisms potential.
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This is an amazing book which not only tells about why we crave for stuff but also the science behind it. This is my most favorite minimalism book so far where he is not forcing on what you need to declutter but gives you tips on how you can make it work for you.

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Eggs Love it 🥰 2y
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Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 2y
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I grew up in a hoarder house and naturally gravitated toward minimalism from a young age. For those looking for a more practical approach than Marie Kondo (whom I adore), this book is among the best. The author so closely articulated what I‘ve long thought. Examples: (1) If it‘s not Hell Yes, it‘s No—that‘s how I feel about stuff. (2) You can free yourself from stuff defining who you are to achieve a healthier relationship with material objects.


Minimalism is just the beginning. It‘s a tool. Once you‘ve gone ahead and minimized, it‘s time to find out what those important things are.

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Sasaki‘s form of minimalism is so extreme, I think it would be unreachable and/or undesirable to most. There were a few nuggets of wisdom throughout, but nothing entirely new or mind-blowing. There were also moments where I felt like there was a whooooole lot of virtue signaling going on, and I didn‘t like that at all. Still, it was a quick read and he made a few striking points.

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“Listen, life is short. It‘s a shame to waste it because of some material object.” It‘s sort of a reminder for me to keep only what sparks joy and not be overwhelmed by materials. I doubt I can be a minimalist but at least I‘m motivated to keep my belongings as minimal so that I would not burden my family when I passed on 😅 My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #tbntbookchallenge

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Filled with a variety of personal anecdotes as well as helpful tips on the reduction of material possessions, Fumio Sasaki's brief tome is as much an exploration into the "new Japanese minimalism" as it is "food for thought" insights into the WHY behind our consumerism.

Contains plenty of material that has probably been covered before (i.e. let go of the idea of 'someday', organizing is not minimizing...) but offers interesting concepts, too.

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This guy has a lot of angst, it seems, but I guess getting rid of his things has helped him. Some helpful stuff. I like this: “When you discard something, you gain more than you lose.....There are more things to gain from eliminating excess than you might imagine: Time, space, freedom, and energy, for example.”

JanuarieTimewalker13 Book 35 and it was final book of 2020. My reading definitely fell off due to Creative Journaling and then Hobonichi techo set up. 4y
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Another great short book on minimalism. Not better or worse than Marie Kondo's book, but a complement.

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Why do people measure their worth by the things they own? Constant stress, life in the rat race, keeping up with the Joneses..one day the author (just a regular guy, not a minimalist guru) decided he had enough and wanted to change his life by reducing his material possessions to the essential minimum. As a result, he felt freedom, peace of mind and awareness of being ‘present‘. There may be happiness in owning less. #thepowerofgoodbye #MOvember

Cinfhen There is something freeing about releasing possessions. (edited) 5y
Cathythoughts This sounds like the way to go ❤️👍🏻 5y
umbrellagirl I think I need to read this. 5y
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Balibee146 I live a minimalist life in most ways (too many books and dresses to be A Minimalist though 😁) But agree it is incredibly freeing 👍👍 5y
Crazeedi I've been looking bc at all the "stuff" in our house and I told my sister I need a dumpster and some boxes, I need to empty my house? 5y
Amiable My husband and I downsized and moved last year after our last child graduated college and moved our. It was hard at first to let go of things, but then a sense of freedom and peace came over us. It really is a wonderful feeling if you can get to the other side of needing “stuff.” 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Certainly, @Cinfhen , amassing stuff has a way of tying us down :( 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I think if we can learn to be happy with less, we‘ll be able to pay more attention to experiences and making memories. I try to live with that mantra. @Cathythoughts 😊🙏 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Amiable it‘s a wonderful feeling, I can imagine, having less to stress about. 🤗👏 Happy for you. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Balibee146 I try to live a minimalist lifestyle (baby steps)..It‘s not about the numbers though, it‘s about keeping what still has value and removing other distractions and nice-to-have stuff. I think I‘m quite successful except for my books (they‘re all valuable to me!) 😆 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Crazeedi @umbrellagirl Less stuff=less clutter=less dusting=more time reading! 😁 5y
Crazeedi @erzascarletbookgasm I truly am not interested in getting more stuff anymore. (Except maybe books, lol) but even then I am trying to divest some of my books to. I promise myself to go room by room and whittle down the stuff 5y
Cinfhen When we moved overseas @Crazeedi @Amiable @Balibee146 @Cathythoughts I had to give away/ up A LOT of stuff!! It was HARD!!! MANY tears were shed on my part, I‘m sentimental and I had saved so many items over the years, that had no value or worth but meant something to me. It was a painful process but now 5 1/2 years later I‘m understanding that memories exists in our hearts and I didn‘t need to hold unto so much. But it‘s still hard!!!👇🏽 5y
Cinfhen And I won‘t lie, some days I wish i still had the extra salad bowl, or platter that I gave away. I think I‘m still grieving in certain ways and infinitely happier in other ways 5y
Crazeedi @Cinfhen I get that for sure, I have sentimental things that might be hard for me to part with 5y
Crazeedi @Cinfhen but I know my girls wont want much of this stuff. I still have papers, things from when my sister and mom passed that I havent gone through, so I can definitely pare down much 5y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen “ memories exist in our hearts “ ..... I will quote you on this one 👍🏻❤️ wisdom ✨✨✨✨✨✨ 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Cinfhen I get you..and so well put! ❤️😘 5y
Cinfhen Thanks, jessie ❤️❤️❤️😘 5y
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Good morning! My #24B4Monday begins with this nonfictional book. 😊 Here is the best weather for reading: rainy and stormy

@Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @jb72

Buechersuechtling 🍂☕️🍂 Enjoy‼️ I also would rather be reading. 5y
BeansPage I love reading in the rain ☔⚡ 5y
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Andrew65 Hope you‘ve had a great reading day. 5y
Moony @Andrew65 thank you! But I only read 8 minutes yesterday 🙀 was a long working day. 🙈 5y
Andrew65 @Moony It‘s a start. 😊 5y
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An interesting book on practical tips for reducing your belongings and practicing minimalism. Unfortunately the author seemed so completely obsessed with having as little as possible it at times gave the impression that getting rid of 90% of your belongings is the only way to find true happiness... Also as a resident of the countryside I shan‘t be using my local restaurant as my dining room any time soon.. #minimalism

Smrloomis Hmm, that is rather odd advice. Are you supposed to be happier because then you‘re only using other people‘s things? I‘m a little confused 🤔 5y
biblio.curator @Smrloomis I think it‘s because you then don‘t need to have a dining table etc in your own home so you have less things and more space? But that‘s taking it a bit far for me! 5y
Smrloomis @biblio.curator yup, I agree it seems a bit extreme. But maybe if you have a super tiny living space and you don‘t care about spending money out... ok, so basically I couldn‘t do this at all. Where would I keep my books??? 😂 5y
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The latest addition to my stack of current reads! Whilst I already feel that the authors take on minimalism is too extreme for me it is already giving me the urge to sort, organise and get rid of some stuff! #minimalism

Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌺 5y
biblio.curator @Eggs Thank you! 😊 5y
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biblio.curator @CoffeeNBooks Thank you and hello! 😊 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📖💖 5y
SW-T I‘m not a minimalist either, but I was inspired to do some clearing out after reading 5y
biblio.curator @SW-T Yes! That was the first minimalism related book I read and I have to say no others have lived up to it! 😊 5y
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It was a pretty productive weekend for minimalizing. Here‘s a before and after shot of some of the progress I made in the basement. I can‘t believe how much stuff I have 😨

rather_be_reading 👏👏 5y
CouronneDhiver 🙌🏽🙌🏽 Great job! 5y
PurpleyPumpkin Wow, well done! I keep trying to cull my clothes, but it‘s a never ending project. 😅 (edited) 5y
BookishTrish Whoa! Well done! 5y
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I didn‘t want to lose momentum with the epic amount of purging I‘ve done so far since finishing this book, so I took it out again and I‘ve been taking a break from the office for a walk each day while I listen.

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I‘m completely on board. The great household purge of 2019 is in full swing.

wanderinglynn I purged my house before Christmas & it was so freeing! Now the challenge is to keep it that way. (edited) 6y
DaveNeufeld @wanderinglynn that‘s awesome. I‘m working on mine steadily and even though there‘s much more to do I already feel my anxiety shrinking. 6y
kyraleseberg I am the same way- I have anxiety about clutter, so every purge (spring cleaning) gives me an incredible amount of relief! 6y
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A very honest and Japanese perspective on the benefits of minimalism. I‘ve read several books on this topic, so not much was new to me, but I enjoyed hearing a different perspective. The audio book was good, but there are apparently a lot of the author‘s photographs in the physical book.

Tamra I like a good purge. 😁 Clutter makes me anxious and distracted, if it‘s my own. 6y
thebluestocking @Tamra I totally agree! This book and the beginning of the year have pushed me into purge mode. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm How is this compared to the Marie Kondo‘s book, if you‘ve read her too? 6y
thebluestocking @erzascarletbookgasm I have read both of Marie Kondo‘s books. This book references her work, but it is more of an overview of the benefits of minimalism with some tips. Kondo‘s books went more into the nitty gritty how to. (edited) 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Thank you! 6y
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Some good points in this book but man if the author loves Apple! And reading a gazillion times that Apple is “minimal” made me laugh my eyes out.

CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
Librarybelle Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
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BridgetteM Welcome to Litsy! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌺 6y
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If you enjoyed Marie Kondo‘s books, you will love this book. Minimalist living in Japan.

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For fans of Marie Kondo who want to know more about minimalism, but with less of the woo stuff. Made me want to clean my house.

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Japanese minimalism

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It was okay. Some good reminders to think about what you buy/store. Several good tips that I‘ll take away but overall nothing earth shattering. Author seemed quite self centered and even narcissistic which I thought was strange given the subject matter.

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I see this sentiment in every decluttering/minimalism/death-cleaning/coziness/whathaveyou book.

I dumped my physical library in 2004-ish. I don't remember what I was thinking at the time. I have some art books now. That's it. Don't miss it. A surprising thought coming from a Henry Bemis type.

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In a nutshell. There is only now. Let it go!

Written by an editor. I like his style.

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Continuing on my quest to read all home and craft books in the library ebook system.

The minimalist page layouts are somewhat soothing. #libraryloan

rather_be_reading nice goal! 6y
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#QuotsyJune18 ‘Junk‘

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Been going through a clutter/closet binge. Thought I‘d give this a try so I keep going! So far the books are safe! #audiocleaning #audiobook

callunakeep Oh, I have not heard of this before!! @DiruVamp 6y
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I love this! And it has helped me renew my commitment to discarding and living with less!

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This audiobook is giving me so much decluttering inspiration! I have a three day weekend starting tomorrow and I can‘t wait to start cleaning and purging.

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This book was great! I was only halfway through and started selling my stuff. Despite his recommendation however, I will not be ditching bold colors or parting with all my books! Definately suggest this for those who bailed on "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up". There is no sock petting in this one. #LitsyAtoZ

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Only half way through and I have already secured interested buyers on a Facebook yard sale page for the deep fryer that has been sitting on my baker's rack unused for 2 years. Sasaki even quoted Palahniuk a few times when talking about the relationship we have with our things. Loving this so far! #LitsyAtoZ

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I some how got the impression this was the edgy minimalism book intent on criticizing all the minimalists who've come before. In reality, I found it positive and welcoming, with a strong emphasis on Japanese minimalism's historical roots and lots of credit given to those who've helped revitalize it in recent years.

There're good pointers here, too, though I do wish minimalists would quit harping on about bland colours. I'll pass on those, thanks.

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I ain't a brilliant cake decorator, but this baby's gonna taste AMAZING. Best cake ever.

If you find yourself with 2.5 cups of excess eggnog and you want to make your own, the recipe's on Taste of Home. #audiobaking

Eggs Gahh that looks scrumptious 😋😋 7y
ghosthost Looks tasty! Your cake decorating skills are leagues ahead of mine. 7y
Cinfhen 🙌🏻 7y
AceOnRoam Looks bloody amazing to me... 7y
BookishBlonde12 Yum! 😋 7y
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I got up early early early to make the eggnog gunge that'll flavour my icing. #audiobaking

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I'm beyond glad Hoopla finally added a 2x option. I always used to wait for an Overdrive copy if one was on offer because 1.5x isn't quite fast enough for me, but now I can dive right into whatever's in the Hoopla catalogue.

UrsulaMonarch Good to know!!! I feel the same way, speed-wise 7y
RaimeyGallant How does Hoopla work? Have you ever used it with WPL? 7y
xicanti @RaimeyGallant yep, it's available through our library! Their subscription gives every patron 5 credits per month to use for digital audiobooks, music, or movies. (No Hoopla ebooks for us, unfortunately.) You can either use the web portal linked on the library's website or download the mobile app, then log in with your library card. 7y
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RaimeyGallant Thanks! 7y
ElleSkel I just started listening to this on hoopla too! 7y
ElleSkel It posted before I was finished. I was going to add that the x2 really is great! 7y
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I baked my eggnog sponges and whipped up some custard for the trifle while I started the tagged book. All the Christmas foods are coming together! I'm especially excited about this cake, even though I'll have to start the icing at an unconscionable hour tomorrow so I can avoid having to put it in the fridge tonight. The eggnog icing base has to cool for quite a while before I can combine everything, and lunch is at 1:00. #audiobaking

silentrequiem That sounds amazing! 7y
xicanti @silentrequiem it was a big hit the last time I served it, so I'm hoping everyone's glad to see it make a repeat appearance! 7y
BookBabe That does sound amazing! 😍 7y
xicanti @BookBabe the little bit of cake that stuck to the pan was soooooooo good. 7y
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I'm not sure how much listening time I'll have in December, so I only chose one short audiobook during my November leftover Hoopla credits spending spree.

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I often fantasize about pulling a dumpster up to my house to throw things out, but a lot of the advice here is more for younger, single people that live in large cities. The author notes that each person has to find the level of minimalism that works for them and may not be as extreme as he is. I‘m not convinced that minimalism will completely turn my life around, but he makes a number of excellent points about what really can make people happy.

DGRachel I‘ve moved four times in the last five years, so I‘ve really culled my stuff, especially knick-knacks, but rebuilding my print book collection since I bought my house has truly made me happy. I think I can do minimalism with anything EXCEPT books. 7y
Redwritinghood @DGRachel Same. I don‘t need much else and hate clutter. Unfortunately, I live with three kids, a dog, and have a pack rat for a husband. 7y
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Sasaki focuses on his own personal (extreme) minimalist journey, including plenty of good advice and tips, and reassurances that minimalism will look different for everyone. He opens up about his life and gives a much fuller picture of minimalism than Marie Kondo. I found this book interesting, and so will anyone intrigued by minimalism!
Full review here: https://bookandstitch.wordpress.com/2017/11/12/goodbye-things/ #audiobook #hoopla #minimalism

Redwritinghood Sounds great! Just downloaded from Hoopla. 7y
Caterina @Redwritinghood I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think! 7y
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So far, I like this much, much more than Marie Kondo's Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up! Where she condescendingly shares stories about her clients, Fumio Sasaki opens up about his former, "maximalist" life and alcoholism. Where she worships and anthropomorphizes her possessions, he treats them as utilitarian.

The only problem? I'm living out of two small suitcases for one entire year, so I can't get rid of anything. ?

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Major socialising going on about thirty feet away but this is my happiness. #sorrybutalsonot #asyougetolderthesethingsgeteasiertodo

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I read the Konmari book and now any title on Japanese minimalism is catching my attention. The problem is, I don't know exactly what I am seeking to get from these texts, so I am not sure which one to read next 🤔 #nonfiction #Japanese #minimalism

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Starting this #audioread before logging on to work for the day.

I would like to be a minimalist. I'm not so good at it, though. The struggle continues.

kspenmoll Start now! Its scary what my family has accumulated in one house over 23 years!!! Purging, but its slow. 7y
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"We find our originality when we own less."

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