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Gob's Grief
Gob's Grief: A Novel | Chris Adrian
8 posts | 1 read | 8 to read
In the summer of 1863, Gob and Tomo Woodhull, eleven-year-old twin sons of Victoria Woodhull, agree to together forsake their home and family in Licking County, Ohio, for the glories of the Union Army. But on the night of their departure for the war, Gob suffers a change of heart, and Tomo is forced to leave his brother behind. Tomo falls in as a bugler with the Ninth Ohio Volunteers and briefly revels in camp life; but when he is shot clean through the eye in his very first battle, Gob is left to endure the guilt and grief that will later come to fuel his obsession with building a vast machine that will bring Tomoindeed, all the Civil War deadback to life. Epic in scope yet emotionally intimate, Gobs Grief creates a world both fantastic and familiar and populates it with characters who breath on the page, capturing the spirit of a fevered nation populated with lost brothers and lost souls. From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Gob's Grief: A Novel | Chris Adrian
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@Moray_Reads you were right, this was definitely weird! This is a book about grief, and how the dead never really leave us. I liked some parts of this more than others, but having the same story told from three perspectives got a bit too much of the same for me. I would have liked more from Gob‘s perspective, since his story felt like the most interesting. I‘m just left with a lot of questions, I‘m not even sure what I just read. 🤷‍♀️

Moray_Reads That is very much hope things go with Adrian's writing. It just comes down to how much you enjoy the style 😘 The Great Night had a little more resolution (I think) 6y
Carolhreads Cool book cover!!! 6y
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Gob's Grief: A Novel | Chris Adrian
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It‘s the weekend, I got a bowl of candy, I‘m home alone for the evening, I‘m going to a bookish event tomorrow, and #IFeelFine! 👏👏


Cinfhen Sounds lovely 💕 6y
AnneCecilie Love the quote for the literary festival 6y
sofiaga Herta Müller! 6y
ephemeralwaltz I'm jealous of your candy!! Enjoy😍😍 6y
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Gob's Grief: A Novel | Chris Adrian
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Oh, how I would love to curl up with my #bookandblanket, but with only two weeks to go before I hand in my thesis, it is hard to find the time and energy for reading 👎


TrishB It will be worth it and then you can make up for it! 6 weeks before I had to hand mine in I broke my arm in 2 places and dislocated my thumb on the other hand! I then couldn‘t write or type for 6 weeks 😱😱 just prolonged the agony! Be over soon 💜 6y
Kalalalatja @TrishB that‘s crazy, and such bad luck! 😱 I‘m trying not to stress too much, but I‘m really looking forward to being finished! 6y
Moray_Reads @Kalalalatja it will be so worth it. All that work coming together is a great feeling and there'll be such a lightness when you don't have to think about it any more! 6y
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TrishB It‘s great when it‘s handed in! Nearly there 💜 6y
erzascarletbookgasm You got this. Almost there 💕 6y
Kalalalatja @Moray_Reads I‘m beginning to feel very proud of my work, which is a great feeling, since April and May were full of self doubt. I‘m so looking forward to not have my thoughts revolve around this one thing all the time 😅 6y
Kalalalatja @erzascarletbookgasm @TrishB thanks for the support 😘 6y
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Gob's Grief: A Novel | Chris Adrian
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Finally picking up this book which was a #blameitonLitsy pick, especially @Moray_Reads 👏

I think this is as close as I‘ll get to a #bookandnature photo today, since it is grey and cloudy in Denmark (but still really hot!), so I‘m staying inside to read all day

#ReadingResolutions #Currentlyreading

Moray_Reads One of the strangest books I've ever read. But I love it 6y
Cathythoughts Lovely pic 💕 6y
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Gob's Grief: A Novel | Chris Adrian
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Hour 30 challenge - #sharetheshame. This is the unread book I have owned the longest. But since it isn‘t even a year old, I‘m not too ashamed, to be honest. But I should read it soon since it comes highly recommended by @Moray_Reads 👏


Moray_Reads Love Chris Adrian. Just brace yourself for weird 7y
readinginthedark Wow, less than a year is your longest?! 7y
Kalalalatja @readinginthedark yeah, I read a lot of books, and I‘m pretty good at keeping up with my unread books. Normally I only have around 20 unread books at home, but at the moment I have 45 which is kinda stressing me out 😅 7y
Kalalalatja @Moray_Reads I love weird, no problem! 7y
readinginthedark Well, you know where you are, and that‘s a start. You can do it! 👍🏻 7y
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Gob's Grief: A Novel | Chris Adrian
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My #readinghabits:
📚 I read only one book at a time (mostly, sometimes an audiobook sneaks in too)
📚 I always read with my glasses on even though I can do without them
📚 I always have a blanket near when reading, also during summer
📚 I love snacking and drinking hot beverages while reading
📚 I prefer silence while reading
📚 I spend hours looking for the prettiest edition of a book before buying it


TrishB Great list 👍 7y
emilyhaldi I love the last point- I do that sometimes too ☺️ 7y
kspenmoll 😍 7y
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CuriousG Toni Morrison and Margaret Atwood - 2 of my absolute favourites! 😍 7y
rubyslippersreads I love looking for the prettiest edition too! 7y
mrozzz Re: prettiest edition 👌🏻 7y
RealLifeReading And you definitely have the prettiest of editions! ❤️❤️ 7y
Kalalalatja @emilyhaldi @rubyslippersreads @mrozzz I'm glad I'm not alone in doing this 😄 @CuriousG I haven't read nearly enough of either of them, so I'm excited to read these two! @TrishB thanks! 👌 @RealLifeReading you are too sweet ☺️ 7y
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Gob's Grief: A Novel | Chris Adrian
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Taking a leaf out of @Kalalalatja's book and treatng myself on my day (week!) off. But no sharing here 😉

Kalalalatja Looks delicious! And now I am cake-hungry again 😄😄 7y
Soubhiville Cool book cover! 7y
Moray_Reads @Soubhiville Granta have done all his books in a similar style, it's suitably beautiful/unsettling 7y
Reviewsbylola I absolutely wouldn't share either! 7y
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Gob's Grief: A Novel | Chris Adrian
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What I Bought On My Way Home, or Recipe for a Perfect Friday Evening

saresmoore Enjoy! 7y
DeborahSmall Oh my guilty food pleasure. Hard to beat those on toast ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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Mdargusch 😋😋😋 7y
Moray_Reads @DeborahSmall glad in not the only one but I see your toast and raise you hash browns! 😋 7y
Kalalalatja Enjoy your perfect evening! 🍷 7y
TrishB And some grated cheese 👍 7y
Moray_Reads @TrishB It's like you read my mind 😉 7y
TrishB British cusine at its best 😂 7y
Moray_Reads @TrishB sometimes a Friday night (and work tomorrow, boo!) means beans for tea 7y
TrishB Absolutely! My fallback many times! 7y
DeborahSmall @Moray_Reads potato waffles!! 7y
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