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Il libro del mare
Il libro del mare | Morten A. Stroksnes
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Another bail. This book is not gonna help me to escape from the reality of our national elections. How can so many people be so stupid and think only of themselves and think fuck the climate, migration, the arts, and sciences? What happened to the country that used to be so social and tolerant? This book is non-fiction with a very high dose of biology and marine science. I need something easier.

TheBookHippie 🎯💯 Sigh 10mo
LeahBergen Sending ❤️❤️❤️ 10mo
TheLudicReader The whole world is cray-cray. 😳 10mo
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Bookwormjillk Yup. What is going on with this world? 10mo
Readerann Hear! Hear! 10mo
LeeRHarry Sad to say that it‘s happening the world over. Hope your next read helps you escape it all for a while 🤞 10mo
Deblovestoread Where do the sane people live? I want to go there! 💜 10mo
MrsMalaprop My current read sure isn‘t helping re the state of the world, but I am strangely really engrossed in it. 10mo
Jas16 I feel your pain. 10mo
BarbaraBB @MrsMalaprop That‘s the kind of book I need! Unfortunately I already read it 😀 10mo
BarbaraBB @LeahBergen @TheLudicReader @Bookwormjillk @Readerann @LeeRHarry @Deblovestoread @Jas16 waking up in another reality (the ultra right victory is even bigger than in the exit polls) but thankful for your support 💕 10mo
batsy I think like this moment is revealing the true horror of the political reality for many of us. Distressing news indeed, coming so soon after Argentina. 10mo
TheLudicReader They are talking about it on the radio here this morning…honestly, what are people thinking? 10mo
CarolynM That‘s awful, Barbara, I‘m so sorry. The drift to the right all around the world is really scary. 10mo
Anna40 I read escape books too. Trying to get into fantasy which I never read but that‘s for me as far away as I can get in an imaginary world … scary times. Are you in Europe? 10mo
BarbaraBB @TheLudicReader It even reached America? Wow. I feel like apologizing to the world but the world won‘t notice. We‘re a tiny country but I used to be so proud of the way we take care of eachother. That‘ll come to an end now I am afraid. 10mo
BarbaraBB @batsy @CarolynM So distressing. Is this really the world we want for future generations? Each for their own, fuck everyone who is in need, here and abroad. 10mo
BarbaraBB @Anna40 I am in Europe indeed. Netherlands. I escape in dystopia (it could always be worse 😉) and thrillers. 10mo
Hooked_on_books I wish I understood better why so many people in the world lately seem to be drifting in that direction. It‘s so disheartening and not at all how I see things. I feel like we would have a better future ahead of us going down the progressive path. It does feel helpless watching things go in what very much feels like the wrong direction. 10mo
Amiable My husband and I love the Netherlands—we visited there in 2016 when our son did a study abroad in Delft and again in 2019. Your election news is disheartening and distressing—as an American who woke up in 2016 to the horrifying reality that Trump was president, I totally feel your angst. As others said, the rightward drift around the world is very scary. To see it happen in a country like the Netherlands makes it even scarier. 10mo
Amiable @Deblovestoread Me too! It feels like the list of “countries I can escape to if things get really bad here” is getting smaller every day. 10mo
BarbaraBB @Amiable Thank you for your support. It is scary indeed. Cities like Delft and Amsterdam (where I live) all voted in majority for center or leftist parties but the differences with the rest of the country seem to widen. 10mo
Amiable @BarbaraBB What about Maastricht? How did that vote? We adored it there and were considering a long-term stay in the city when we retire. As a university town, I‘d hope it would be more open and accepting—is that the case? 10mo
sarahbarnes I hear you and I‘m sorry. Things feel pretty scary on all of those fronts in the US too these days. 😞 10mo
BarbaraBB @Amiable Maastricht is a wonderful city but they voted in majority for Geert Wilders unfortunately. Maastricht is very close to both Belgium and Germany and there is no border control any longer because of the EU but they want the borders closed again to prevent migration. It‘s inhumane. (edited) 10mo
BarbaraBB @Amiable I do think however it would still make a good place for a long-term stay! 10mo
Megabooks The Dutch election even made my tiny Kentucky paper. Sorry I didn‘t reach out. A very disheartening outcome. 💔💔 10mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks I am sorry it took this shameful election result to reach the O‘s newspaper ☺️ 10mo
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🌺🌊 ❤Summer holiday book haulll ❤ 🌊 🌺
All bought on a tiny island in the North Sea - in a fabulous independent bookstore!🤘

#bookhaul #holidays #indiebookstores

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The cozie came to work with me.
He likes watermelons.

Tamra Haha! 5y
Smrloomis 😂 5y
jillannjohn Love it! 😂 5y
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Bookzombie I love this! 5y
JoScho Awesome! 5y
Avanders Lol 👏🏽👏🏽 perfect! 😁😁 5y
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Two great #wildbooks. Loved these Nonfiction nature reads 5⭐

Shark Drunk does have two Norwegians in a rubber boat but it's really memoir(ish) that dips into science, culture and history.

A Wilder Time is nature writing from the perspective of a geologist on an expedition in Greenland.

#30JuneBooks @howjessreads

mreads Quote "Wandering alone in that infinite, ancient wilderness, planting feet on land that likely had not been touched by human presence, seeing things that no other human eye had seen, existing in a world beyond imagination, always discovering something that could not have been anticipated" 5y
mreads Quote "Two men in a small boat, never sure what they might encounter out in the sea or what they might pull up from the abyss, beneath melted stars and electric moons, where breakers and swells assault the islets like hysterical herds of cattle and the lunatic eye of the lighthouse never lets us out of sight." 5y
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Evening plans......

EH2018 This looks awesome! 5y
MaleficentBookDragon Ohhhhh, I need this book! Stacked! 5y
MicheleinPhilly 26 feet??? Commence immediate pants peeing. 😱 Still #stacked. 5y
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Strøksnes basically uses a shark-hunting trip with his friend as an excuse to talk about myriad topics, so it‘s a little all over the place, but it‘s a delightful book that‘s more about the journey than the destination. I loved all the “fun facts,” from oceanography and the mysteries of the sea, to mythology and literature and history, to life in small Scandinavian fishing villages, and more. Great read!!

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This was an interesting, meandering book that ostensibly recounts the author‘s search for a large shark, but really is an excuse for engrossing digressions into everything from fishing in Denmark to oceanography to the vagaries of the weather in a remote seaside village near the North Pole. Just go with it and enjoy! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

tricours I loved it! 7y
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I put all the entries from the #STACKEDUP giveaway into the random name generator and @Samwise_Gamgee won! Thanks to everyone who participated. 🎉📚😘

Bostonmomx2 Nice score samwise!! 7y
swishandflick @Samwise_Gamgee Yay!! Congrats 😄 7y
Samwise_Gamgee I can't believe it!!!! Thank you!!!! 7y
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monkeygirlsmama Great name and congrats on your win @Samwise_Gamgee 😎 7y
CocoReads Congrats! 7y
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WOOOOOOOOO it's the weekend, seems like a good time for a GIVEAWAY! Here's how to enter: make a NEW post about what you're reading right now. Then tag me in the photo, and use the hashtag #STACKEDUP. Do this by 9pm EST, Sunday, August 27, and I'll pick one random Litten and mail them all these books. (US only, sorry.) Good luck! 🎉

JanuarieTimewalker13 That's fantastic!! 7y
BarbaraBB I wish I was US sometimes! 7y
LauraJ Some great titles in that stack. 7y
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Leanney How did you feel about Ove? Maybe not great since it's in the stack? :) 7y
Cinfhen Just wanted to say you're awesome 🙌🏻not entering, I've already won a giveaway of yours before 😘#sharethelove 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess Awesome stack. I have been wanting to read the why poetry book. Is it good? 7y
readingallthetime #MimiLovesToRead , ^^^^look a contest 😊 7y
Liberty @Graciouswarriorprincess I haven't read it. 😬 7y
Leanney @Liberty You don't do audiobooks, right? I think I wouldn't have loved it off the bat if I had just read it. Audiobook was A+ 7y
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I love it when I get to the part of the book that contains the title.

rubyslippersreads I once saw shark listed on a menu with the phrase, "They eat you; you eat them." ? 7y
mcipher That is just nuts!! 7y
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alisiakae That looks delicious! 🥗 7y
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Il libro del mare | Morten A. Stroksnes
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I have a copy preordered, but #NetGalley approved it!

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I'm not much of a non-fiction reader so these are the only ones I read in 2016. I haven't finished reading anyone so far in 2017.
I ❤️ both and they both made an impact on me and made me think.
The first book is about catching a shark in Lofoten and includes anecdotes about its history, science, mythology and poetry. This is a book to keep an eye out for.
I don't think I need to say much about "Between the World and Me"

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Eine Abenteuergeschichte über das Glück, den Naturgewalten zu trotzen und ein Buch, das viele interessante Geschichten vom Meer und seinen Bewohnern erzählt.

MariaW Schwups, bestellt! 😊 8y
Liedie @MariaW Huch ... Prima! ☺ 8y
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6208 pages. Busy month, but boring language-wise! September will have less books, but more language variety. CORRECTION: There was one Russian book in there as well. #augustwrapup #augustphotochallenge #stats #tricoursstats

jessicarenee What other languages do you read? 8y
tricours @jessicarenee French, Russian and Polish, but I also plan to read in German this month! 8y
jessicarenee That's awesome! I majored in French in college- I don't use it on a daily basis anymore but I read anything in French I can get my hands on :) 8y
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Hooked_on_books That's amazing! I wish there was more focus on learning languages in the States. I only read in English and a little bit of French. I should be inspired by you and be more ambitious. 8y
tricours @jessicarenee I really love reading in French! My PayPal account is pretty much only used for ordering used French books from eBay 😀 8y
tricours @Hooked__on__books If it's any comfort, most people here can only actually use English, and it's not really considered an achievement to have learned it! I don't know anyone who can use their third language from school except for the ones who studied one year abroad in high school. 8y
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Busy month, but boring language-wise! September will have less books, but more language variety.

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This is a fabulous book. Anyone interested in the north and the ocean should pick it up. #scandinavianliterature

MrBook Interesting cover. Is it in English? 8y
tricours @MrBook from what I can see on Goodreads, it only appears to have been translated into German so far, but I think this will show up in English eventually. It's too good not to. 8y
MrBook I hope so. Sounds intriguing 😊👍🏻! 8y
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