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44 Scotland Street
44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
The story revolves around the comings and goings at No. 44 Scotland Street, a fictitious building in a real street in Edinburgh. Immediately recognisable are the Edinburgh chartered surveyor, stalwart of the Conservative Association, who dreams of membership of Scotland's most exclusive golf club. We have the pushy Stockbridge mother, and her prodigiously talented five-year-old son, who is making good progress with the saxophone and with his Italian. Then there is Domenica Macdonald who is that type of Edinburgh lady who sees herself as a citizen of a broader intellectual world. In McCall Smith's hands such characters retain charm and novelty, simultaneously arousing both mirth and empathy. 44 Scotland Street is vintage McCall Smith, tackling issues of trust and honesty, snobbery and hypocrisy, love and loss, but all with great lightness of touch. Clever, elegant and funny, this is a novel that provides huge entertainment but which is underpinned by the moral dilemmas of everyday life and the characters' struggles to resolve them.
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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Been on my shelf for a year or two. It‘s the start of a new series as well for #SeriesLove2023.

Andrew65 Love this series. So far read the first 4 and really need to add it to my ever growing #SeriesLove2023 list 🙈 2y
CBee Yay! 2y
TheSpineView This looks good. I should add to my list! 2y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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Just back from watching this fantastic man speak at the local library. Will admit I've only read one book but he was so witty and such a good storyteller I've requested the tagged book.

44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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I was wondering if I could #TurnBackTime and see the first book I added to GoodReads...did not disappoint. #LiteraryLuck

vkois88 That's a good idea! 6y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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⭐⭐⭐1/2stars a light hearted story, originally written for a daily paper. Just what I needed to clean my palate between heavier tomes. Pat, Matthew, Bruce and the other characters are full of life.

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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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Figure it's time for a fun read, according to @Andrew65 .

Andrew65 😬🤞 Hope you enjoy it. 6y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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The first book of the delightful 44 Scotland Street Series is currently available for 99p in the U.K. I love this series, and the very feel of Edinburgh (my favourite city) that strongly comes through in it. Alexander McCall Smith originally wrote this for serialisation in a Scottish Newspaper. A wonderful group of characters, recommended!

Tamra He has such a way with drawing delightfully quirky characters! After listening to an interview with him, I know why now. 😊 (edited) 6y
Andrew65 @Tamra Yes, quirky covers it well! 6y
Birdsong28 Thanks for the tag 😁📚📖 6y
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Crazeedi Will definitely investigate this series! 6y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Very light and entertaining. Short chapters as was published daily in a newspaper. The bohemian feel of Edinburgh comes across strongly in the book. 6y
Andrew65 @Birdsong28 👍😊 6y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 the first 3 are in my cart as we speak!😉 6y
Ms_T Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I‘ll definitely look into these books 👍🏻 6y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi 😂😂😂 6y
Andrew65 @Ms_T I love his No.1 Ladies Detective Agency Series. 6y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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Blurb instead of a review because I'm doing two books with different outcomes.
The left is a mystery with Native-American and off-the grid-type nature-lovers set in an isolated park in Alaska. Mysteries are my favorite genre and then set in the wilderness...this one was a hit for me.
The book on the right is about the different families living in an apartment bldg in Scotland. Mostly arrogant shallow people who I had zero interest in. DNF.

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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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I'm surprised this has such a low rating on Litsy, because I had a ton of fun with it! McCall Smith takes a large cast of characters, none of whom is entirely pleasant or entirely unredeemable, and finds the humour and charm in their everyday interactions. There are some dodgy bits as McCall Smith makes fun of basically every Edinburgh type, but the good stuff compensates for that. I'm still laughing at the six-person political ball.

44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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Canada Day breakfast of bleu cheese scrambled eggs with assorted fruits and Scottish novel.

Tkgbjenn1 Looks delicious 6y
Bklover Happy Canada Day! 🇨🇦 6y
twohectobooks Happy Canada day! 6y
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xicanti @Tkgbjenn1 the eggs were soooooo good. 6y
xicanti @Bklover @twohectobooks 🎉 🇨🇦🎉🇨🇦🎉🇨🇦🎉 6y
CouronneDhiver 🙌🏽❤️🇨🇦 6y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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I tried to read on the hill, but the wind was so strong I could only keep my book open if I held it at one particular angle. Also, the adorable prairie dogs kept distracting me. I only lasted about twenty minutes before I packed up, went to the grocery store, and bought the motherlode of bleu cheese as my birthday present to myself,

keys_on_fire Happy birthday!!! 🎂🎉🎁🎈 6y
UwannaPublishme Happy birthday! 🤗❤️🎂🎉🎁 6y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉🎈 6y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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Sometimes you've gotta dip a pile of fries into chalet sauce while you read a charming book.

CSeydel Man I miss chalet sauce 😢 6y
xicanti @CSeydel I get the make-at-home stuff to feed my addiction. 6y
CSeydel Is there a recipe or is it a mix that you get? I am hankering for it today for sure eh. 6y
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xicanti @CSeydel it's a powdered sauce mix Swiss Chalet produces. I've seen it at Safeway, Superstore, and Giant Tiger, and I'm sure other stores have it too! 6y
CSeydel @xicanti yeah but probably not in California :( Although I did find Whippets in a Gelson‘s market not long ago! Man that was a great day. 6y
xicanti @CSeydel aw, poop. :( I hope a local-to-you imports store comes through for you. The powdered stuff is just as good as what they serve in the restaurants. 6y
CSeydel Now that I know it exists, I can look for it! 6y
xicanti @CSeydel I'm rooting for you. 6y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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Book bundle 11 for our #SummerReadingProgram: the 44 Scotland Street Bundle! Would you choose this one? Any AMS fans? I have to say, he always looks bubbly and giddy in all the photos I've seen of him 😁👌🏻👌🏻. Seems like a delight to have to tea!


CSeydel Yes! 6y
rwmg I've read all of Scotland St. Still working my way through Isabel Dalhousie 6y
BethM Wow! 6y
LeeRHarry Love this series, still making my way through them 😊 6y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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#AprilBookishMadness #ReadingResolutions
Author I love
Favorite Author

Together with Alexander Mccall Smith's, books by Amitav Ghosh & Victoria Schwab have become #mustRead for me 😍😍😍

44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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A very early start to this Saturday (in truth, I never got to sleep last night). I blame caffeine at an indecent hour! ? Fortunately, a favourite café opens before the birds are up, so I‘m sipping on an extra hot latte and snacking on a flaky croissant. I‘ll also be dipping into another book for #readscotland. What are you up to this Saturday?

#booksandcoffee #44scotlandstreet #bookreview #weekendreading

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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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This book was just very average to me. This has multiple POV's and I enjoyed some more than others. I felt like I just needed to slog through a bunch of it though.

minkyb 🙁 8y
brutalbookworm What is this amazing app you used for the picture?! 8y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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On vacation about to start this one.

Soubhiville I love this author! I've mostly read the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency series though. Oh and Portuguese Irregular Verbs. Is this series as fun? 8y
SusaninTX Yes. Lots of quirky characters. I'm also partial to his Isabel Dalhousie series, but Mma Ramotswe remains my favorite character. 8y
minkyb I just got this one. Hope you will report back! 8y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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The airplane trails in the sky today looked like the Scottish flag!

By the way, this is a great book and series. One of my favourites.


DeborahSmall I used to have a pic of contrails in the sky like the Scottish saltire as my FB cover pic 💙 beautiful 8y
DeborahSmall My mum loves AMS I've never read him x 8y
Sace That's awesome! 8y
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LeeRHarry This is my favourite series of his 😊 8y
RusskayaChica Great pic! 8y
Libby1 I didn't know they were called contrails, @DeborahSmall . AMS is one of my absolute favourite authors. This Scotland Street series is so witty. 8y
Libby1 @Sace , @LeeRHarry , @RusskayaChica - I totally adore this series. 8y
DeborahSmall @Libby1 my 7 yr old taught me that word 2 years ago 😂 8y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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A beautiful Alexander McCall Smith rainbow stack. #rainbowbookstack #riotgrams

Libby1 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤. One of my favourite series of all time. 8y
LeslieO Mine, too @Libby1 right up there with Flavia! 8y
LeslieO @Libby1 there's some isabel dalhousie in there, too. Have you tried that series? I've only read the first one but liked it. 8y
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Rachbb3 8y
Libby1 @LeslieO - I've only read the first Flavia book but I'm keen to get my hands on the rest of the series. 8y
Libby1 @LeslieO - I've read all the Isabel books but was starting to get tired of them. I don't know why! AMcCS is one of my favourite authors and I read almost everything he writes. 8y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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AMS says of one character "She had no feeling for him, not even revulsion, she felt nothing" which perfectly described my feelings. I was mildly amused by the antics of poor Bertie and his hideous mother but I couldn't muster enough interest in the others for like or dislike. Even an an Edinburgh resident this wasn't for me.

44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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This series, set in Edinburgh, Scotland, is pure delight. The character of Bertie the child prodigy is one of my favourite characters in literature.

Kathrin 💜💜💜💜💜 8y
Libby1 @Kathrin - have you read this series? 8y
Kathrin @Libby1 Yes, most of it anyways... I just love these characters dearly. 8y
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44 Scotland Street | Alexander McCall Smith
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I simply could not connect with the characters in this story. I actually feel like calling it a story is stretching the definition of the meaning. The characters did not seem to have any depth and the relationships were flat or maybe it is th other way around. I will say that the last 15 pages was the most compelling part of the book.

Libby1 I found that the characters grew on me (except Pat as she's incredibly boring). I've read the whole series now and feel like the characters are old friends. Perhaps the fact that it was written in short instalments had an impact on your reading experience? 8y
Haweller That is interesting. I did not know it was a series. I can see where they would grow on a person over time. 8y
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