Another great fantasy series. Met the author a few times at signings and he‘s a really nice person and he is good to follow on fb 😁
Another great fantasy series. Met the author a few times at signings and he‘s a really nice person and he is good to follow on fb 😁
An action-packed ending to a series with some “Men Writing Women” issues. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2022/01/26/book-the-core-2017/
I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 45.
I started reading this series in 2010. Reading this final chapter was fun and also comforting, but I find myself questioning more of the tropes and characterizations than I used to. I think, too, about how epic fantasy is so often a conservative genre, comforting in how it presents a world with simple conflicts. And that feels... more complicated now. I still want that, but I wonder whether it‘s good for me.
#demons #octoberxfiles
This fantasy series is called The Demon Cycle - as it‘s a battle between humans and demons that rise from the earth every night.
It‘s awesome, epic fantasy, brilliantly written. I‘ve met the author a couple of times at book signings and he‘s awesome too - friendly and nice, talks to everyone and let‘s you take pictures. (One here!)
I follow him on fb too and he‘s great!
Anyway - read if you like epic fantasy and big books.
Ah this series, I hate to see you end! What a journey it has been and Brett wrapped it up perfectly. The audiobook was also superb. I love Pete Bradbury, honest word.
I read there's going to be a new book coming in 2020 -- fast forwarding 15 years. I cannot wait!
Trying to finish the last 10% and am distracted by this beauty! There is a lot left to figure out in not many pages!
Yep that's me, super wild. Putting off starting my day with coffee and some reading!
A brilliant end to one of the most refreshing and engaging series in many years.
Had to finish last night - read way past bed time. So worth it - a fitting end to the series- long book but not a boring bit in it and all the various sub plots were tied up neatly. Fitting ending. I‘m sad I won‘t get to read about these characters anymore - they are amazing and really strong female characters .
#janinbooks18 #firstbookoftheyear
Had so much adulting to do today ahead of return to work tomorrow 😢 is there anything worse than the return after Christmas.....had hoped to get more reading in, back to reading on bus and in lunchtime.....
#wakingup #scenesfromabook
She‘s about to have a baby!
Starting this one today - it just called to me when I got up 😁
#newyearreads #newbeginnings
It‘s always bittersweet starting the last book in a series but The Demon Cycle is one of my favorites. Is 30 hours enough?
I have read a LOT in Oktober, but I guess that's what happens when you are either sick or on vacation 😂
I also topped my Goodreads goal of 100 books! Very bookish month 😊😊
I have a serious book hangover now...
All the strings and stories get resolved here. I really liked the ending, it was perfect. Although I would like to know more of the world, for example where the demons actually came from.
150 pages in and I remember how brutal this series is. Peter V. Brett is not for anybody with light nerves... the things people can do to each other :(
So today I met Peter V Brett and got my book signed 😀 This is awesome fantasy if you haven't read. Also it's the last in the series so it's all waiting for you!
Lastly - he was a really nice man and put everyone at ease and I actually managed to mumble more than just I really like your books.....