Day 21 Anticipated 5⭐️ Read
@Eggs, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Day 21 Anticipated 5⭐️ Read
@Eggs, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
In the distant future Sunuteel comes across abandoned computers and finds an audio file telling the story of Phoenix, a human genetically engineered to be a radioactive weapon.
Some interesting ideas but ultimately although I found it enjoyable reading it, I didn't really feel like reading it for too long at a time and was easily distracted.
I want to finish "The Book of Phoenix" today and then read the "The Flute Player" for my Reading Group discussion on Thursday and Billy Connolly for my book club next Saturday. Monday is a public holiday so it should be doable.
It pains me to give a so-so reading to anything by this author, but this story just fell flat for me.
The beginning is strong and engaging but around the middle mark it gets discombobulated.
I very much can recommend "Who Fears Dead", but this prequel can be skipped.
I so wanted to like this. Very disappointed as I really liked Who Fears Death but I can‘t recommend this one. Starts off great and introduces so many relevant and compelling themes but around Ch.9 it kinda falls apart. The pace becomes more stop than start bogged down by way too much clunky and somewhat cheap exposition which fails to fill the many gaping holes. Feels like a first draft in need of more development and a forceful editor. ⬇️
French Rosé
Latin American plantain chips
Canadian dinner napkin (?)
Book set in US and Africa
Who says you can‘t globe trot while you #shelterinplace?? ??
Well this is looking to be a good Saturday afternoon
#7days7covers #CoverCrush Day 4
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This is a phenomenal book! I loved how we got to see Pheonix learning more and getting to where she is at the end of the book. This is beautiful and makes perfect sense without having read Who Fears Death.
Completed #5. A book you meant to read last year. The library brought Nnedi to Lawrence in November, and I read every one of her books except this one. I love all her stories, and enjoyed this prequel to Who Fears Death. #BookSquadGoals2019 #LFK
Again, wanted to like it, and I did like it more than Bindi, but Phoenix‘s rationale behind her actions by the end of the book were unsettling. I did enjoy the vivid descriptions of places, the unique powers the other SpeciMen had, and some other creative details, but it was paced oddly at points, and I could not fully empathize with the heroine by the end.
In progress but living up to her other wonderful books. ETA and that‘s a wrap. Now to find the book this is a prequel to :)
The book table at #BCAF2018 hosted by Borderlands Books. Keeping my #MountTBR Challenge in mind, I only bought one book to be signed, but now I‘m wishing I‘d bought one by Matt Ruff and Victor Lavalle too.🤓 Borderlands is within walking distance of my house however so I may get into some serious trouble at a later date. The struggle is real!
This book ya'll, this book. It'll do things to you. Just wow.
" I love books. I adore everything about them. I love the feel of the pages on my fingertips. They are light enough to carry, yet so heavy with worlds and ideas. I love the sound of pages flicking against my fingers. Print against fingerprints. Books make people quiet, yet they are so loud. "
" One must stop time to listen to a story. The storyteller starts it again.
She starts it in her own place, in her own moment, in her own point of view. As long as you listen, she is in charge of your destiny. You and the storyteller share everything, even your existence.
Listen. "
"In the worst of times, even the most fragile, most abused human beings found reasons to laugh."
"One must stop time to listen to a story. The storyteller starts it again. She starts it in her own place, in her own moment, in her own point of view. As long as you listen, she is in charge of your destiny."
This book. Oh, this book. Intensely engrossing is probably the best way I can describe it. About so many things and I'm still processing... I'm glad this is a book club pick because I can't wait to discuss every last detail at our meeting later this week. This one was very good, y'all! I'm definitely reading more by the author.
Taking a break from work to eat an apple the size of my head (honeycrisp ftw!) and read some more of this intensely engrossing book. It's so good!!
Nnedi Okorafor's SF superpower thriller (which started life as a short story and ended up being shortlisted for the Arthur C Clarke Award) is a searing novel about lost innocence, revenge, white privilege, colonialism and racism and although I found the ending a little rushed and the romance elements under-developed, it's nevertheless a powerful read that it's definitely worth a look.
After reading Binti I wanted to explore more of this author's work. Partway into this novel and she is now decidedly on my favorites list. 💙
Wow! Okorafor's story manages to be utterly original and still fill like a haunting glimpse into an alternative version of our world. It took me a couple of chapters to get a handle on the world she created, but once I did, I was engrossed.
"I love books. I adore everything about them. I love the feel of the pages on my fingertips. They are light enough to carry, yet so heavy with worlds and ideas. I love the sound of pages flicking against my fingers. Books make people quiet, yet they are so loud. " -- The Book of Phoenix by Nnedi Okorafor
Frightening situations blended with magic, ❤, multi-layered fantastical capacities, mythologies, advanced technologies, and book-within-a-book, story-within-a-story structures made this a fine read!#nnediokorafor #phoenixokore #thefirenexttime #flying #slipping #scifi #fantasy
I made another quick #booktube video talking about how. I'm getting on with the #DiverseAThon link here-
#bookstagram #books #reading
I'm trying to get my YouTube off the ground and spending my spare time waffling about books! feel free to check out my latest video and subscribe of you like the content! https://youtu.be/P_yZzkqmamI
#booktube #books #shelfie
I'm happy the #readharder challenge caused me to pick this one up. Not a book I'd usually pick since I read little fantasy, but the story was entertaining and unique. I'm definitely open to the next in the series. (And I can return my ILL early😊)
My current read fulfills the first book in a series by a person of color challenge in the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge 📚🙌 #booksfromsteinbeck
I didn't bring many books with me to Albuquerque (only here for 6 months) but I did find some #orangecovers. Though you might have to squint a bit! #photoadaynov16
Just got home from work - had a crazy day with kids at our after school program (5 hrs today bc school got let out at noon 🙄) and it's pouring buckets outside. BUT it's Halloween and I got this awesome Book Outlet haul in the mail today so I am doing pretty well! 🤓👻🎃📚
She starts it in her place, in her own moment, in her own point of view. As long as you listen, she is in charge of your destiny. You and the storyteller share everything, even your existence.
I got this out from the library today and excited is an understatement. It pulls together African myths and genetic experiments, featuring a strong and complex heroine. Yessss. Gimme!
Got this book in the mail today from a book subscription service. It's a prequel to her other book Who Fears Death; does anyone know if I can read this first or if I should read Who Fears Death first? I know some prequels aren't spoilery, but I want to be safe! :)
"One must stop time to listen to a story. The storyteller starts it again."
Goes so well with Who Fears Death. Go get it!
Spending the afternoon with the prequel to WHO FEARS DEATH which I really liked.