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How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (Enhanced Edition)
How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (Enhanced Edition): A Novel | Charles Yu
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The tagged book is the one that got cut off in my picture, but here is my December #Bookspinbingo shelf. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
tpixie I just read and enjoyed Anxious People. And I have been wanting to read Becoming Mrs. Lewis & The Invisible Life of caddie LaRue 4y
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How to Live Safely in a Science Fiction Universe
I made it to page 70, which is about 1/3 of the book. An interesting premise that failed in execution. My full review is on GR.

4 books done for #bookspin BINGO, but still a few more to get a bingo.

TheAromaofBooks Oh that's a shame, it does sound like a fun concept! 4y
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“Who is that, in the mirror? That‘s me, in the past, a moment ago, when the light bounced off me.”

Now that‘s a thought that‘s gonna fester.

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Hey folks! I‘m looking for an interesting time travel book (any format or genre) that will walk me through some of the paradoxes or at least present a number of them in an interesting way. Here‘a a fun picture of anticrepuscular rays to get your attention... (I don‘t have a timey wimey picture on my phone.)

MrBook You had me at "antirepiscular" ☺️. 6y
MrBook While not time-traveling, per say, this one has all kinds of lovely puzzles to wrap one's head around: 6y
jmofo Heh. Thanks @MrBook ! 6y
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CindyMyLifeIsLit I second 11/22/63. There‘s also Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, which is heavy on the romance in the first book but backs off of that somewhat in the other installments. An older, lesser-known time travel book that I really like is 6y
jmofo @CindyMyLifeIsLit thank you! I‘m actually reading Outlander now and the romance is not my thing so I wasn‘t sure I wanted to keep going. I might if it isn‘t such a thing in the later books... 6y
CindyMyLifeIsLit Yeah, the first book is their honeymoon phase! 😁 6y
jmofo @CindyMyLifeIsLit quite literally! That happened while I was listening last night. (You have a most excellent Listy handle, btw 🧐) 6y
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Wow, what a trip! Yu's time travel book was intense & fun. The world Yu lives in has figured out time travel, partly due to Yu's father. However, after years of failure, once Yu's dad successfully creates a time traveling device, he vanishes and is never to be seen again. The story revolves around Yu's search for his missing father, the fallout from his father's disappearance and the relationship of a son to his parents and to life. Great read!

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Wibbly wobbly timey wimey-er than an episode of Doctor Who! I'm not 100% sure I followed everything, but I definitely enjoyed the ride. I listened to this on audio, but I think it might have been better in paper so I could flip back and re-read parts more easily. Still a pick for me, but I can see how some people would hate it. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterY #LitsyReadingChallenge #LRC16 #sameageauthor @jessica

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This was a really fun read! I'm not going to pretend I could wrap my head around every bit of the time travel stuff, but it's still a great book. I wouldn't recommend it for someone who's new to the genre, though. It gets to be a bit of a mindfuck, for lack of a better word. "Out of all the oceans of oceans of you, there is exactly one who is perfectly you. And that's me. And I'm telling you: you are the only you. Does that make any sense?"

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I'm really loving these excerpts so far. This whole book seems to have a perfect blend of humor and melancholy that's right up my alley. 👌

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A great rainy day #BookNBreakfast: vegan banana walnut pancakes with veggie sausage, a big cup of earl grey, and a great book to round it all out. 😋

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For some reason, this book never really sunk its claws into me - I'm not sure whether it's because I just happened to be in a reading lull or what, because in theory it was squarely in my favorite wheelhouse, but I never quite connected with the main character (who is kind of the only character, come to think of it). The book is well-written and cool, and I'm glad I finished it, but it's not making my top 20 list for the year.

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Just couldn't get into the story but I did find the parts that clicked for me absolutely fascinating. I will definitely give it another go in the future. The story did remind me of some books I've enjoyed such as The Phantom Tollbooth, The Martian, and Arcadia.

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This book has a lot of heavy sci-fi but manages to balance it with a likable loser whose memories are sharp and heartfelt. My favorites parts are in the midst of this sci-fi work, you'll find these charming little tributes to language, writing, books and analog tools. Tough for me in the beginning to get into but I'm enjoying it more after 90 pages in

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I am seriously confused by this book but I'm finding it strangely appealing 😳 Litsy pals, does it get easier to understand soon? I only just finished the 1st chapter

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I love the title! But haven't read it, so have no advice 🙈 8y
[DELETED] 228742384 From what I've heard it takes its time to get going (c.100 pages), but once it has it's great fun. I'm looking forward to getting a copy. 8y
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My next read!

RealLifeReading Ooh have been wanting to read this. Hope it's good! 8y
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L o v i n g this so far. So fun and so so clever.

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GUYS! @Litsy has added hashtags and a longer character limit just in time for #24in48 this weekend! So you can still tag me here or I'll be searching and cheering with the official hashtag #24in48 too.

We're just two days away from the #readathon and I'm super antsy for it to just get here already. We're at 785 readers so far. Can we break 800? 850? I think we can! I'm building my stack, including this funny sci fi adventure tale. Are you?

LitHousewife I've been working on my stack now for two weeks. It will be fin to see what I get accomplished. 8y
Twocougs Super excited and my stack keeps changing. Can't wait! 8y
LisaMakeWords I'm really excited to participate for the first time. I'm wondering is it against the spirit of the event to do my 24 hrs on Friday and Saturday? My Sunday got booked up after I signed up. On one hand I'm getting to go to the theater but on the other I'll be gone most of the day without a way to read. ☺️ 8y
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24in48 @LisaMakeWords The spirit of the event is to read! So if it works better for you to do Friday and Saturday, do it! Keep posted to the blog for updates and check in on Sunday if you can for prizes, etc. but otherwise, you do you! 8y
CherylDeFranceschi My stack is in constant flux! 8y
Varshitha Can't wait, my first #readathon .. 8y
Joriebooks So excited! I may not hit 24 hours because I have a new baby, but I will at least try to finish a book. 8y
TheNextBook My stack for #24in48 is completely dependent on what books become available from the library! In constant flux but will be tagging throughout my reading! Super excited about my reading this weekend! 8y
LisaMakeWords @24in48 Thanks!!! I'm planning to read as much as I can from the books I picked out. I also got a couple of my friends to sign up as well. 8y
DebinHawaii I am really excited! I have been wanting to do a readathon for ages and @24in48 will be my first. My TBR pile keeps shifting for it. I was wondering, do most people not in the EST time zone read along with it, or do the time in their own time zone? I'm 6 hours behind EST but thought it would be more fun to do 'real time' with it-which would be 6:01 PM Fri-5:59 PM Sun. (Which actually I kind of like anyway...) 😉 8y
StephTKO *whimpers* I'm so excited for this. 8y
24in48 @DebinHawaii People do both. It's really about what works for you. 8y
DebinHawaii @24in48 OK, I think I'll read along with the EST times in my zone then. Thank you! 8y
BookishFeminist So pumped!! 8y
JLsBibliomania @24in48 I'm psyched to be participating with y'all for the first time (though it will be my 3rd #readathon overall). Brand New to Litsy. Hoping I find it less overwhelming than Twitter 8y
NovelGirl82 I'm so excited!!! I think I have my books & alternates all set!! 8y
ShelfofUnreadBooks I'm working most of Saturday but on Sunday I plan to vacate my armchair only to restock on tea and biscuits. Need to sort my TBR for the weekend though - something fun for me to do tonight. 8y
Treatyoshelf I've been scouring B&N and researching books since I heard about #24in48 a few days ago. 🙈 8y
Ultrajbk 8pm here in the land of Oz - so it's less than 4hrs until the start of the thon....alarm is set 8y
Ultrajbk It has begun..... 8y
Ultrajbk Must sleep now....read more later - as her eyes struggle to stay open....22 to go! 8y
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This was a weird one. It took about a hundred pages to ramp up but once it did I was totally on board. Time machine repair man deals with his daddy issues.

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The angst of being Linus Skywalker. --E

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We are all time travellers.

This was so good, a really fun mix of humour and philosophy that asks some great questions about what it means to be human.

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10 minutes in and loving it!

Sammie This looks amazing 8y
LauraJ Sounds fun 🚀 8y
CherylDeFranceschi I thought this book was a lot of fun. I liked it. 8y
Rebeccak I love this one! 8y
DitrieMarieBowie This looks amazing. 8y
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