.5/5⭐ I recognize the allegory and what the story must mean to the author, but the awkward dialogue, flat characters, and (questionable) moral hammering make it a painful read. #roll100
.5/5⭐ I recognize the allegory and what the story must mean to the author, but the awkward dialogue, flat characters, and (questionable) moral hammering make it a painful read. #roll100
This was my favorite of all the books I read for #MermaidMarathonReads Readathon. The family love was heartwarming. The lengths that one sister would go to save the other is wonderfully portrayed. The story was just really good. I‘m looking forward to reading more mermaid/pirate/ocean books next year! #100YEARS100BOOKS #88 #BookSpinBingo #11 #TALESandTAILSforADULTS #15 #YABOOKS #BFC21 #2
This is one of my DNFs. It‘s not the books fault.
My sister bought it for me and I packed it in my maternity bag. But, when my son was born I barely got a moment to read.
Then, I rediscovered it whilst pregnant with my daughter. This time I read before she was born, but I was so tired in the evenings, I struggled to read and only managed a few chapters.
I‘m determined one day I will find the perfect time to enjoy this book.
#audiocrocheting today with some snuggles from my Benny boy. I'm almost finished with this baby stroller blanket for my sister's shower next weekend, so I started a new audiobook while I finish it up.
#catsoflitsy #benthecat #crochetwithcats
This book was just mediocre. It was cute enough I suppose, but it was forgettable and predictable. I won't remember what it was about tomorrow, but I didn't hate it. I listened to it on Audible and the narrator was pretty good at least.
A surprisingly good book about a girl, in the 1800‘s I guess, watching her sister turn into a mermaid and their perilous journey to get her to the ocean before it‘s too late
I loved this book!! It was such a good read!! I cried twice in it, once when they thought Maren was taken and then when Clara got married to O‘Neil !! I love the surprise when they revealed Auntie was married to Scarff! I hated, HATED those nasty Gypsies. I kept hoping they would die and was extremely satisfied when the wyvern eat them!
How is it possible that a book about mermaids, witches, ravens, dragons, gypsies, and curses could be so boring? If I hadn‘t listened to this in audio form, I think I would have bailed. I‘m going to be generous and rate this as a so-so instead of a pan. It was just SO dull! 😴⭐️⭐️
I‘ve decided to start this audiobook today while I work around the house. Audiobooks make laundry much less boring. 😉
If you're a fan of slow-burn will-they, won't-they angst, this is the fantasy romance for you. Clara's always known her sister was destined for the sea, but now it's up to her and the steadfast O'Neill to take her home before she shrinks away to nothing. This is a cute one.
Lately I'm drawn to lushly detailed covers like these. All in my Kindle account and still on my TBR. #judgedbyitscover #marchintoreading
I love anything to do with mermaids and was so excited for this book. The cover even drew me in. I rarely bail on a book, but after getting halfway through, I just couldn't go on. The characters were so grating, I found it tedious to read, and I so badly wanted things to move along or have some charm to them. I hate giving up, but I really just don't enjoy this one.
A tale with adventure, romance, magic and sisterly love. A great, quick read. This is also the first work of a former newspaper staff writer. Gotta support my fellow journalists!
A lovely story of family and love in all shapes and forms. A little predictable but would still recommend - perfect summer/beach reading. Longer review on my goodreads page - Jodie Downes
I had planned on picking up an actual book but it's harder than it sounds with a fractured shoulder and torn tendon in my arm! However I am very much looking forward to starting this. Anyone else read it? What did you think? NO SPOILERS PLEASE! Literally just YAY or NAY