Interesting story of Dutch woman Mata Hari. Death by firing squad after unproven charges of being a spy conspiring between Germany and France during WWI. I generally enjoy Paulo Coelho, and this one was ok, but not my favorite from him.
Combo of a couple of book swap scores. The colouring book will be for my niece.
Book #26 of the year: “The Spy” by Paulo Coelho
This was a fast and easy read. It‘s okay, but not great. Definitely entertaining and perfect if you‘re looking for something to get through in a day.
“Because that‘s what i sought:freedom. I did not seek love, though it has come and gone. Because of love, I have done things, things I shouldn‘t have, and traveled to places where people were lying in wait for me .”
Tbh, I still don't know whether this is a fictional account of Mata Hari's real story or a translation of her letters. The book just meanders aimlessly and fails to arouse in us compassion for Mata Hari.
This book would be better read as an addition to a true historical review of Mata Hari, but not as your main source of information about her.
I felt there was too much Coelho and not enough Mata Hari in the book, like he was hijacking her.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Finished in a day. I actually listened to the audio book and was intrigued every step of the way. I had only heard of the name Mata Hari, but this one brought her to life & I learned so much. My Goodreads review will be up within the week so be on the look out for it. I will post the link in the post. #LitsyLove
This is the story of #matahari, presented from her point of view. It sheds light on her empowerment through struggle in such a way that it was hard to pry my eyes away from it. Her story is a proof of how scared society is of self assured and independent women, who refuse to comply with societal norms. Mata hari didn't bow down to the oppression around her, no matter how hard they tried. #paulocoelho #margarethageertruidazelle #womenpower
It is an amazing book. Based on a true story and really breathtaking.. Must read guys!!
Fell short. Felt rushed. I‘ll have to look up other books about her, bc she‘s fascinating
1. Tagged. I do have Drive a Plow Over the Bones (or whatever it‘s actually called) on my shelves. I will read it when I‘m in the right mood. Also, is the Last Wish translated? I think so. I‘m currently reading that.
2. No. I can only read English 😝
Thanks for the tag @UnidragonFrag
Coelho seamlessly weaves the story of Mata Hari in his novel, The Spy. He gives the reader a front row seat not only to her evocative shows and luxurious lifestyle, but also to the perils this femme fatale experienced in times of war and blinding patriarchy. 🌹🥀✨✨✨
Peaceful Sunday morning, a return to my favorite author, and a lovely new tea from my favorite tea shop.
I would have never chosen this myself. I knew nothing of Mata Hari but definitely an interesting read.
That‘s a wrap on another great round of #LMPBC!
This will be on its way back to you next week @Butterfinger
This writing is at times so poetic.
I liked this book. It was fast paced- except I kept stopping to look things up. I love Coelho‘s style of writing. I would not have chosen this EVER on my own - so I‘m glad it was picked for #LMPBC it will be in the mail by Wednesday! I feel like this round has flown by so far!
@Librarybelle @ferskner I‘m unofficially attempting to just read as many hours as I can in the periphery of the alternate24in48.
1. Pictured.
2. My family (including pets), my friends, being outside, impeachment proceedings, books.
3. Any National Park, State Parks, or visiting people I love.
Book mail from yesterday!!! @Laughterhp it‘s here! With bookmarks and tea 🥰, along with two books I ordered for #blackhistorymonth reading (I hope).
This book was okay. Interesting, depressing, infuriating and in the beginning violent. I don‘t want to say too much more because this is our #LMPBC book.
#Booked2020 Finish in a day
#ReadingEurope2020 - France
#PBNRead2020 - Translated book
#ReadingGlasses2020 - Set in another country
Group H - should I be sending this out now to @Chrissyreadit for January? Or wait for Feb? I don‘t have the next book yet so I wasn‘t sure.
#BookMail - @Butterfinger I got your #LMPBC book today!
I also got my #BOTM book today!
Mini rant: I hate where delivery people decide where to place packages. Today they decided in the snow in front of the garage instead of at the front door. Like you have 1 job!! Gahh so frustrating! Luckily no books were water damaged! And it‘s not like my front door isn‘t accessible!
Beautiful writing - very depressing subject matter. "We go from euphoria to despair several times a day." This quote struck a chord because I felt that as I was reading. At one point I was not going to use it for my markup postal group, but I decided I wanted to hear what their thoughts were. @megnews @Laughterhp @Chrissyreadit I wrote in blue.
This book is one time read.Paulo has framed the actual story of Mata Hari in nice way.The Plot of story is on world war. Paulo has written in simple way. It can be read in 5 hours.
Trying to get back into reading. Hoping this #paulocoelho book will inspiring me again.
The story of Mata Hari told through the switching perspective in the form of letters by and her lawyer. It was an interesting take and introduction to her story, but lacked some of the beauty and prose one expects from Coelho. Still I‘m glad to have read it.
I really liked this interpretive memoir of Mata Hari. It reminded me a lot of Queen of the Night, in that Mata Hari pretty much lived the life Chee imagined for his heroine. And like Chee‘s main character, all Mata Hari was trying to do was live life on her terms. But she did so at the wrong place and time.
Coelho does lean on some historical sources for his account. But he‘s best when he‘s putting the reader in the MC‘s shoes, so let him.
I remember writing a report about Mata Hari when I was in elementary school. I was fascinated with her, and my teacher was a bit scandalized. At the time, I didn‘t understand why.
I enjoyed reading Coelho‘s take on her life, despite the fact that he played fast and loose with historical record (especially in regard to her motivations for becoming a courtesan.
Dovrebbe essere un libro che ci insegna qualcosa in più sulla vita di Mata Hari ma non è così. Non impariamo nulla di nuovo. L‘autore salta di palo in frasca togliendo continuità agli eventi che si sono verificati e, per di più, inventa dialoghi senza senso. Un libro frettoloso, si percepisce la volontà dell‘autore di finirlo così da poterlo pubblicare il prima possibile.
"The spy" - a story of a women caught between the war and the close mind of society, ahead of her time, she challenge everyone to be who she wanted to be. A tail of strength, courage, rebelion and maybe a little bit of arrogance.
Unpopular opinion, I do not like Paulo Coelho's work. I bailed on The Alchemist and I'm bailing on this too. I love stories about strong women and I really thought this would fulfill that. Well, as I have seen many times with male authors, they are not good at writing female characters. He took a badass femme fatale from history and made her story trite, shallow, and boring! It contained a few good 1-liners, but halfway through... BAIL.
Flowers teach us that nothing is permanent: not their beauty, not even the fact that they will inevitably wilt, because they will still give new seeds.
Remember this when you feel joy, pain, or sadness.
Everything passes, grows old, dies, and is reborn.
Paulo Coelho, The Spy
To be honest, my knowledge of Mata Hari was limited to "seductive WWI spy." I had no idea that there was so much more to her story than what her detractors had told. This was a fascinating look into her story.
But unfortunately, this felt very superficial and lacked Coehlo's usual depth for me. This story definitely got me interested in learning more about her history. Beyond that though, this felt flat and forgettable.
"The greatest crime I committed was being an emancipated and independent woman in a world ruled by men."
What a beautiful thought
This is my pick for my challenge of reading authors that are not from the USA
I started this little beauty last night when I needed a little bit of a break from “The Weight of Words,” and I‘m kind of hoping I can manage to do nothing for the next hour here at work except read this. Mata Hari is so fascinating, and Coelho‘s prose is gorgeous. This is my first Coelho, and I‘ll definitely be diving into the rest of his work! #thespy #paulocoelho #matahari
Never fall in love. Love is a poison. Once you fall in love, you lose control over your life -- your heart and mind belong to someone else. Your existence is threatened. You start to do everything to hold on to your loved one and lose all sense of danger. Love, that inexplicable and dangerous thing, sweeps everything you are from the face of the earth and, in its place, leaves only what your beloved wants you to be.
Thank you @Simona.
You didn't need to send me an extra book for the damaged one, but thank you very much. I'm looking forward to reading it.
#LMPBC #GroupU
@ju.ca.no @ephemeralwaltz
Will have a look at your notes tonight.