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How I Live Now
How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
Every war has turning points and every person too.Fifteen-year-old Daisy is sent from Manhattan to England to visit her aunt and cousins shes never met: three boys near her age, and their little sister. Her aunt goes away on business soon after Daisy arrives. The next day bombs go off as London is attacked and occupied by an unnamed enemy.As power fails, and systems fail, the farm becomes more isolated. Despite the war, its a kind of Eden, with no adults in charge and no rules, a place where Daisys uncanny bond with her cousins grows into something rare and extraordinary. But the war is everywhere, and Daisy and her cousins must lead each other into a world that is unknown in the scariest, most elemental way.A riveting and astonishing story.
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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I'm a little late (it's already Friday🙃) but here it's my list.. thanks again to @BeeCurious for the tag and @dabbe for the game 💚 #TLT

In no particular order
📚How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff
📚The Giver by Lois Lowry
📚Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
(Special mention to the classics: Little Women, Jane Eyre and Anne of Green Gables)

TheLudicReader I love How I Live Now. So nice to see it on someone‘s list. 4mo
dabbe I'm making a list, checking it twice, and I'll make it available to all whether naughty or nice! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 4mo
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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Next physical book. I have owned this copy for years and years. Not sure how much I really want to read it but will find out now I suppose.

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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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I couldn't pick just one, so today I have 2 winners (or 5, with all 4 volumes of the series!) 😅

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 📚🙌🏻 these look good! 2y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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I didn't expect much of this book, I only read it because it is part one of my 2022 challenges. But Rosoff surprised me. I soon couldn't wait to continue reading, even though the author adds a bit too many topics into the book. Therefore, she can't really get deep enough into each single one. But reading this story right now just fits. The writing style is a silent, slow one, thoughtful, kind. One to slowly catch you and drag you into the story.

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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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After DNF-ing my book for #TurnUptheBooks I wanted to draw a new one, since it's still early in the month 😄 Deezer said: Boom Clap by Charli XCX and while listening to the song, Meg Rosoffs How I Live Now came to my mind. It might be a little cheating here, since I've already started the book, but I also already cleaned out my TBR before, I hope that's ok for now.


AkashaVampie thats totally fine sweetie. Not really much rules to these challenges. 2y
Jari-chan @AkashaVampie Thank you so much, dear ❤️ 2y
AkashaVampie @Jari-chan ur welcome hun 2y
Jari-chan @AkashaVampie ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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Daisy is sent away to England in the midst of a war.

Not sure if I liked the book or not. Very questionable romance.

How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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#CoronaBreak Book 3! I‘m struggling with this one. On one hand, I couldn‘t put it down (I read it in two sittings, only pausing for dinner), but on the other hand... there was a major plot line that was really difficult for me to be okay with. I will say that it is artistically written, although you don‘t really get that until the end. All things considered, it made me think, and I never regret reading a book that makes me think!

How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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When Daisy arrives in England to stay with family she‘s never met, she learns there is something a little different about them. She easily falls into a sense of belonging more than she ever did in New York, and finds herself in love. But then Britain is invaded by an unknown enemy. At first nothing changes, but then food begins to be rationed, the farm is sequestered, the family is separated, and nothing will ever be the same.

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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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One of my favourites from my early teenage years. A raw and real story even with fantastical aspects.

xxjenadanxx This is awaiting me on my kindle. I‘m glad to know it‘s a good read! 5y
Underqueen @xxjenadanxx I hope you enjoy it 😊 happy reading 📖❤️ 5y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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Had my book in the ER last night while sitting with my mother-in-law. Long afternoon and evening and finished my book. Now am in her hospital room and forgot my next one in the car. Also, dementia is a bitch.

tpixie Hugs! 5y
Laura317 Bless you! I‘ve been there with my dear MIL. It‘s difficult seeing someone you love just seemingly fade away. Hugs! 5y
TheLibrarian So sorry ☹️ *hugs* My father was just diagnosed last year with dementia and I agree, it is a bitch. 5y
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Zelma @tpixie thanks so much 5y
Nute {{{HUGS}}} 5y
Zelma @Laura317 and @TheLibrarian I‘m sorry you both have had to deal with this. The worst part is that I am literally having to convince everyone here that something is really wrong. She can answer the basic questions about her name and age with no problem so they think she‘s lucid. 5y
Zelma @Nute thank you. 5y
tpixie ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 5y
Jas16 Sending ❤️ 5y
ErikasMindfulShelf 💕💕 5y
ravenlee 💓💓💓 love and hugs to you both. 5y
WhatThePuck @Zelma name/age/birthday are all long term memories. They're usually the last to go. They should ask her how old she is or who the president is or even what her jewelry is called. My grandma puts her watch on every day out of habit, but can't tell you what it is or what it's for. Yet you ask her the time and she'll show you her watch. She has a lovely neurologist who helped us with questions to give the nursing staff. 5y
Dragon Hugs 🤗 5y
Zelma @WhatThePuck what were one or two of the questions? I finally got them to listen when after another barrage of age/birthday/location questions, I asked her to tell them about her eyesight. She talked about all she could see and how it just came back two nights ago. She is blind (no light or anything). That convinced them I am not being hysterical. 5y
Zelma @tpixie @Jas16 @irre @ravenlee @JennyM @Dragon thanks so much for the support. 8 agree, dementia is normal but what isn‘t normal is going from the level of forgetting what she had for lunch and what day it is to hallucinating people and talking to them and telling everyone she can see everything in the room (she‘s completely blind). Something happened when that changes in the course of one day. 5y
tpixie also make sure that they check for urinary tract infection that can cause confusion as well as electrolyte imbalances not that she isn‘t suffering from dementia but that can cause quick changes in alertness 5y
Zelma @tpixie first thing we checked. Not that. 5y
tpixie @Zelma good ? Well good they checked. Take care- prayers your way 5y
CouronneDhiver No new meds? Sometimes a bad reaction can cause hallucinations and cognitive changes. 5y
Zelma @CouronneDhiver nothing new. Probably a TIA. She is back to baseline normal today, but remembers all her hallucinations. Very strange and stressful few days but I will be better prepared next time. 5y
ravenlee I hope she‘s doing all right, and you as well. I was thinking of you earlier today. 5y
Zelma @ravenlee thank you so much. She is back to confused and hallucinating. It‘s pretty terrible. 5y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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Book 2: #newyearwhodis
Overall, I enjoyed this book but there were a few issues with it. The main character, Daisy, is sent to spend the summer with her cousins on their farm in the English countryside. Her aunt goes away for a few days for business, but then a war breaks out and Daisy and her cousins are left on their own.

Daisy romanticizes her eating disorder through all the other trials they endure and I found that a bit jarring. 👇🏻

MeganAnn I also find the timing felt odd (cellphones are common in America where Daisy came from, but she gets to England and they are never mentioned other than a brief comment on her arrival saying hers doesn‘t work there... no one else has a cell phone?) And all modern conveniences seem pretty much nonexistent the entire time. But other than those couple of things, I found the overall story interesting and wanted to keep reading until the end. 5y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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“If you haven't been in a war and are wondering how long it takes to get used to losing everything you think you need or love, I can tell you the answer is no time at all.”

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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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Slajaunie Love these!💙 6y
RealBooks4ever 💜💜💜 6y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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I read this in two days, which is unusual for me. Because I couldn't put it down I'm calling it a pick, but I'm still unsure how I feel about it. The ending was satisfying.

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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff

I didn‘t like anything about this book. The writing style was irritating, the characters were lifeless shells, and no matter how hard I tried I just didn‘t care. It‘s a short read but it feels unbearably long and is overall very forgettable

How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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Book Haul Picture #2 from Word On The Street - my used book purchases totalled $7

Cinfhen 😍 7y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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Meh. Don't see what all the fuss is about. Thought it was kinda boring. If I'd been reading it in print instead of listening to the audiobook I'd've ditched it.

moranadatter I wasn't a fan either. 7y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @moranadatter glad I'm not the only one! 7y
Mdargusch Good to know. 7y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @Mdargusch some other ppl love it, so don't take only my word! 7y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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I read my first ever war story How I Live Now. I can not tell you how controversial this read was for me. It was so ugh I do not know how I felt about this book! There are just parts I absolutely hated, but then others that I had so much appreciation and awe for.

How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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Today's #bookhaul from the #SalvationArmy $2.49

Joelene Ready player one is one of my faves!! 💙 7y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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One of my all time favourite summer books is this one - How I live now. The writing is absolutely wonderful and I love the fact that it's set in the UK *noot noot* all aboard the patriotic train 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

This is a dystopian young adult novel with some older themes, but it's written in a PG-13 manor so it's a good read for young teens.

It's really summery and I read it every year, please everyone read it!
Also the movie is very good

ReadingTurtleDuck I loved the movie, but never read the book. 😅 I didn't know there was a book until after watching the movie. 7y
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betweenendpages Such a good book!!! I think I need to reread it! 7y
silksandblades HOW DOES ONE GET A PICTURE LIKE THIS 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
amillionbookswithyou Amazing photo 😍 7y
lostinabookishcollection @ReadingTurtleDuck that was the same with me, the movie ending is better in my opinion 7y
booksfortea I still have that book on my TBR! I've heard great things about it and should really get to it ❤ 7y
infinitbr I'm just so obsessed with this pic!! 7y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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For the most part I can't really connect with the narrator in this book, but there are parts where I chuckle in agreement.

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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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🐏🐏🐏🐏 This was a pretty good book. It wasn't what I was expecting but I don't really know what I was expecting. It was a bit squicky with the whole cousin love plot but overall it was a good story.

I forgot to take a picture of the book before I returned it to the library so please enjoy this Google image.

Leniverse A friend has been recommending Meg Rosoff to me. I had that specific book in my Readathon stack, but didn't get around to it. Plan on reading it this week though. 7y
valeriegeary Squicky is a fantastic word! 👏👏👏 7y
Foxyfictionista @Leniverse Unfortunately, after I posted this, I went over to Goodreads to post my progress and saw an article that someone posted about this author. Apparently, she has very specific opinions regarding diversity in books and thinks that we don't need it. Had I read that first, I probably would not have read her book. 7y
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Leniverse Oh wow, really? That's highly disappointing, and a very strange view to take! From a female author no less! 😦 7y
Foxyfictionista @Leniverse Yeah it was pretty disappointing to read. Here's the article if you're interested. It's from 2015 so I don't know if her views have changed in the past couple of years of not. I hope so. http://bibliodaze.com/2015/10/the-unbearable-whiteness-of-meg-rosoff-a-dissectio... 7y
Foxyfictionista @valeriegeary I love that word! I've used it at least 3 times since I posted this review. 🤣 7y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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#currentlyreading #audiobook One of my classmates talked up this book in our YA class and it really caught my attention. Of course, that was a couple months ago, and I've since forgotten everything about it. We'll see how it goes!

Lindy I have rather gone off on Rosoff since her blinkered statements about diversity in youth literature, but I admit that I've enjoyed many of her books, and this one above all. 7y
emtobiasz @Lindy oh, it's super frustrating when authors are so close-minded 🙁 7y
Lindy @emtobiasz Yes. Rosoff seems to believe in the value of books as a window, but not as a mirror. 7y
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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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To be honest it took me a few chapters to like this one.. I had difficulty with the style if writing.. then I relaxed and just went with the flow.. it's an amazing story of survival. Loved the very flawed main character.

How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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Get that tissue box ready. This story is going to make you cry.

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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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I read this weird, wonderful book for an adolescent lit class in college. I fell in love with the narrator's voice. #MinimalisticCovers

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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff

"It's a shame, starting out your first day on the planet as a murderer, but there you go. I didn't have much choice at the time."

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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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This was a very good book written unlike anything I've ever read. It was hard to connect with the main character, Daisy, but I absolutely adore some of the others. I would rate this 4.5/5 stars.

How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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ALMA-prisvinnaren Meg Rosoffs roman om amerikanska Daisy som flyttar till sina kusiner i England. Sedan kommer kriget ...

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