As the parent of a physics major, this gave me a good chuckle. The kid agrees, btw 😂
As the parent of a physics major, this gave me a good chuckle. The kid agrees, btw 😂
Loving my audiowalks these days! Gorgeous. Listening to tagged book. Not as ghostly as I thought it'd be but I keep getting caught up in the story anyways. The ghost thing is still being dangled occasionally so we'll see!
This did not get high Litsy ratings. I wasn‘t a fan of the ending, but I liked the book. It‘s super science-y which is not really my thing, but I found myself charmed by astrophysicist Helen, momming hard, grieving the death of her best friend, and somehow maintaining adult relationships when what she most wanted to discuss were black holes and gravitational pulls.
This book is about grief and relationships and science and how an action in one thing creates a reaction somewhere else. It was well written, a lot of science but in an easy to use set stand way. Mostly about possibilities...ghosts, souls, the beyond...hope. But kinda meh.
Lost and Wanted is a quiet novel about grief, loss, changing relationships, and moving through these things while the rest of life continues to flow forward. The main character is a physicist, and the book doesn‘t shy away from using technical language, but I felt this was done in a way that felt true to the character and was non-pretentious. I really liked this one. #botm
Happy Easter, everyone! Spotted this “prize egg” while walking the dog this morning.
#audiowalk #audiobook
What started as a very interesting read about a phone call from a dead friend, quickly became mired in scientific jargon that lends little value to the book; it was like reading a textbook. I appreciate the knowledge required to write this but found my mind often wandering, waiting to get to the last page.
I just finished this book at 2 am this morning. It‘s a “challenging” read. Packed FULL of science, which is great! But, idk if it was the early morning sleepy-ness that made me HATE the way the book ended! Let me know if you felt the same way!
Always nice to see a good Elaine in a book! Currently on book 2 of my @24in48 weekend. 6 hours in!
I could not get into this book no matter how hard I tried.
I read every word, and I thoroughly enjoyed the book, but I struggle with what it is about.
The science!
At it‘s heart, I believe it is about friendship, love and longing. I also believe the novel explores the ways we understand, define and misunderstand who we are and, more importantly how others define us.
Is it about grief, no, I don‘t think so but, it is about the loss of self that we experience As we grow older, and perhaps wiser.
Let me tell you, any reading slump I felt like I was in this past spring has been blown to bits because this book is connecting with me in a major way. Yes it's sciencey and clinical but it's also this gorgeous study of female friendship, motherhood and profound grief.
The more I sit with this novel, the more I come to appreciate this slow-burning story. Love and death is examined here, within the context of science. I can get behind love and death; science has always dragged for me. Still, I pushed through and found myself surprised along the way by Freudenberger‘s ideas. Like, one person dying is not just losing one person, but actually ALL the people that person was to all the people who knew that person 🤯!
Have you ever felt like you weren‘t smart enough to give a proper review of a book? Well, that‘s how I feel. I‘m giving this book a “pick” bc I feel as though it‘s great on some visceral level, and I know that, but my intellect has not caught up. Material world me, says it‘s a solid so-so. higher level me says it‘s a pick. There‘s no real plot, it‘s more a slice of life (and death) with characters that are emotionally charged👇🏽
Admittedly, I was a bit lost when reading this book. The author did a good job explaining complex physics phenomenon but some of them still went over my head. In part, I wonder if that detracted from me deriving more meaning out of some of the analogies. This is not an action packed novel but rather a look at adult friendships, grief, loss, and life. As an academic, I found this book relatable but it may not be a book for everyone.
It‘s 3:35 EST, and I swear I‘m awake bc my bed was shaking. I‘m not sure if this was my imagination, or we had tremors. Anyhoo, this book....hmmm, this book...I‘ve decided to stick to bc I love the science and, I‘m hooked by certain truisms but not the characters or plot. Oh, and bc it cost me $14.99. Lol #botm April #Massachusetts
I wanted to love this book, but the characters and plot were not engaging at all. I loved the physics and the premise, just didn‘t keep me interested.
90 degrees in Maryland today which means it's too hot to do much else than sit by the beach and read 🏖️👙🌊 About 80 pages into this one and enjoying the story so far. The author does a good job explaining physics theories in laypeople terms.
About halfway through and don‘t know how I feel about it. It seems a bit pointless... though I am enjoying the flashbacks about Harvard College in the late 1980s (when I studied there too).
“Einstein thought that a scientist who hadn‘t achieved a breakthrough by age thirty never would...that was true before 1905 ....the average Nobel Price winning physicist is now forty eight....have sometimes wondered whether our more advanced age influences the science that is being done today—whether our conclusions, especially with regard to cosmology time, are different because we are older.” #currentlyreading #readingatwork
When I got home from the gym this morning I explained to kyle that I wanted to have a day date today.
His response - “Blow dry your hair. Let‘s go to the bookstore.” 🖤
I‘m loving this rainy day off! Finally getting to tuck into this library book.
Finished my April #botm. It wasn't quite what I had anticipated, but it kept me engaged. It did leave me wishing for more, wanting the story to be wrapped up in a pretty bow, and this is absolutely not that. Regardless, I really enjoyed it, loved learning so much about physics and felt connected to the main character.
Book of the Month said this was a “very challenging read.” I just thought it was kinda boring. 😔 I was totally here for a story about friendship and loss and grief, but this really didn‘t do anything for me.
"Lost and Wanted" is a searing novel from one of America's most exciting writers about the sacred knottiness of female friendship, the forces which fuse us together and those which drive us apart.
I enjoyed it. Awfully science-y for my none science brain. Overall a good story though
#Independentbookstoreday was pretty phenomenal, and although I'm a day late, I wanted to share our spoils with all of you, friendly Littens.
• Hubby got the "Trees and Shrubs" tome since we are working on fixing up our front and back yards.
• The very adorably apropos board book about "Bookstore Babies" is for our 5-month-old niece who we'll be meeting for the first time in just a few days.
• "Smile" is for her 11-yr-old sister.
Continued ⬇️
Okay so let‘s try this one instead. Life is too short to waist on crappy books 🤷🏻♀️ I hope this one is more my pace. Book number 38 of my year!
This book was lovely, though heartbreaking at times. It's not a true ghost story, but deals beautifully with love and loss and grief.
I'm flying through this April BOTM, so I am in the perfect mindset for cool science news about black holes! https://gizmodo.com/this-is-the-first-photo-of-a-black-hole-1833923659/amp
I had a difficult time choosing my #botm selection this month but went with this because I thought it could be good for the STEM prompt for #ATY2019
Has anyone read this yet?
Just received an email confirming my #BOTM has shipped, which reminded me that Politics & Prose will be hosting the author in conversation tomorrow night! (If I didn‘t have a prior engagement with my grandmother, I‘d definitely be there because I‘m super excited to read this book.) 📦📚
For any interested #DC & #DMV Littens ⤵️
My #BOTM box arrived yesterday! I hope I can get to at least one of these this month ...
#iregretnothing #toomanybookstoolittletime #bookmail
Omg, I love how the confetti comes down when you choose a book on BOTM. After some deliberation, I chose this one😀 hope it‘s a wise choice!#botm
I‘m in the middle of this and thoroughly absorbed. It‘s got great characters, lots of ideas (physics!), lots of talking and thinking, lots of stuff about kids and careers and relationships. It‘s great.